Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 392: Seize the mystery

An invisible hand grabbed me and brought me to a dark water with thick black smoke. It was endless, and the dark water under my feet, I was lifted by the invisible force. Floating on the water, I felt terrified.

There seemed to be something huge and incomparable floating in the water, the slender and dense tail was slowly thrown out of the water from time to time, and after drawing a strange arc in the air, it returned to the dark water surface again.

suddenly! Lin Wei's face appeared under the water! !

Her face was magnified geometrically, and she quickly rushed towards me from the bottom of the water.

There were bursts of void voices in the surrounding air: "He Mo save me! He Mo save me!!"

I woke up from my dream screaming and opened my eyes to find that I accidentally fell asleep on the sofa in the living room.

Mom and Dad have made dinner and are teasing their children.

Realizing that the sky is already dark, I asked my parents in a panic: "What time is it?!"

The mother hugged her son and looked at her watch after hearing the words: "It's half past eight, let's eat when Xiaoyu and Dabai come back, are you hungry?"

Without paying attention to my mother, I got up from the sofa and ran towards the door. Dabai and Xiaoyu hadn't come back! It's so late, will there be any accidents between the two of them?

The moment I ran out, I remembered something again, so I stopped and asked, "Where is Yaqi and the Goatman?"

"The two went out together just now, and they said they would be back in a while. Where are you going when it's late? Don't go out if you have nothing to do."

I randomly found an excuse: "I'll go to Chen Yang to get something."

My mother is still crying something so anxiously, she can pick it up tomorrow.

And I have rushed to the road.

When I was standing on the road, the sense of clueless powerlessness surged up again. I circled blindly, and the surrounding scenery quickly revolved in my eyes. The scenery stuck together, making me even more confused.

At this moment, Xiaoyou's house appeared in my sight.

Stopping, I quietly looked at the darker house in the darkness, and after standing still for almost three seconds, I lifted my leg and walked over.

Xiaoyou’s house scared me, the darkness scared me, and everything seemed to scare me.

I am a little puzzled, whether my recent life and experience is really scary, or my courage is too small and too weak.

The door of the living room was as open as before I left, and anyone can easily enter her house.

But there has never been a thief in this community, but... if there can be a thief in this house, it might make me feel more comforted.

This feeling of being divided by the world is really difficult.

When I walked into the living room, it was dark everywhere, I turned on the lights, and the room was brightly lit in an instant. I looked at the room little by little, and everything I saw in this room these past two days flashed in my mind scene by scene. After that, following those memories, I started to walk slowly in the house.

Finally, I stopped when I came to the flight of stairs leading to the second floor.

Looking up, the light on the second floor is not turned on, and the switch is above the stairs.

On the dark second floor in the light, the face of the man with a stiff smile that I faced when Xiao You disappeared vaguely appeared in my mind.

He Mo, you are really useless! I secretly scolded myself: "Just because of you, how can Lin Wei count on you! How can Xiaoyou count on you?!"

Biting my lower lip severely, I took out the small pistol from my pocket and started slowly moving up to the second floor.

This is a straight staircase, without turning, leading directly to the corridor on the second floor.

When I got to the second floor, I turned on the lights.

There was an anomaly of silence everywhere, and all the horrible images in my imagination did not appear.

Almost walked around one by one, but in the end it was not very scared.

It was almost nine o'clock in the evening.

In the community today, I don’t know why, the street lights are not on.

From the inside of the room, it was dark everywhere, so I went downstairs without waiting for a long time on the second floor.

And when I was going down the stairs, there seemed to be a sudden bang behind me when something fell to the ground.

I was shocked by a big jump, and quickly looked back, and then recovered almost without hesitation and rushed up again.

But the sound disappeared after only appearing once. I circled the second floor and even turned the closet upside down but saw nothing.

Back on the first floor, the sudden noise just made me feel as if I was suddenly stuck with a shark fin. No matter how I think about it, I feel strange.

I'm alone in this building now, so how did the noise come out just now? Could something have fallen to the ground?

He simply sat directly on Xiaoyou's sofa, facing the staircase.

I held my head and waited, always feeling that the movement would definitely appear again.

During the period, Yaqi and Yangyang came in to see the light here, and they were extremely surprised to see me sitting here. They didn't seem to expect that I would dare to stay here alone.

I asked them where they were just now, and Yang Yang said that she couldn't worry about going with Yaqi to find Xiao Yu and Da Bai.

Hearing this, I stroked my forehead: "Aren't the two of them back yet?"

Yaqi shook her head: "No."

"You didn't find them either?"

"No." Yang Yang said: "If you don't come back tonight, then it might be in trouble..."

Wen Yan Yaqi patted the sheep and motioned him not to say these unlucky words at this time.

Yes, I only feel more tired after hearing this.

In the troubled autumn, misfortunes have flown, it seems that all the bad things have come to my house in the last two days.

They sat for a while, and I motioned them to go back first.

They are not at ease, I am very persistent, after all, if we do not have a person to go back to eat, parents probably don't need to sleep for worry.

Let them lie to their parents, Xiao Yu Dabai and I went to Chen Yang's.

Yangyang told me to be careful, and leave with Yaqi first. Before going out, he looked back and still couldn't rest assured: "Be careful. We will come over after dinner."

After they left, the house became quiet again.

Just when it was quiet for a minute or so, there was a bang again in the direction of the second floor!

This sound is far less clear than the one just now, but I listened carefully and noticed a problem, that is, when the sound came, it looked very muffled, unlike what we usually hear falling to the ground. The crisp sound coming from behind was very muffled, as if it was blocked by something.

And... the sound came from above the first floor but was not in the direction of the second floor.

It's between the first and second floors! ! !

This sounds absurd. There is nothing between the first floor and the second floor except the connecting stairs.

Almost instantly, my brain exploded, and my brain began to crazily recall all the pictures of the past two days.

First, the man realized the complex look of the face when I was in this room. I was a little chasing in this room, but in the end he didn't hurt me at all... and the one who took Lin Wei away. Those three people....... Vaguely, I seem to have found the most crucial connection point in this matter!

That is, they all want to lead me out of this room! ! !

And there can only be one reason for leading me out of this room, and that is that there is a secret in this room that they don't want me to know! !

If my guess is correct, then Xiaoyou and Lin Wei suddenly disappeared like a world of evaporation, which makes sense!

Slowly stood up from the sofa, my eyes stared at the wooden staircase for an instant.

The middle point where the wooden stairs connect is not empty, but solid.

And the space behind the stairs is not empty, but a wall made of cement.

I was shaking a little nervously, looking at the stairs, I felt...it seems that some mystery is about to be dug out by me.

Just as I was about to walk to the stairs, footsteps suddenly came from the door.

I immediately followed the sound and saw a child standing in front of the door with his head down.

I stopped quickly, how come there are children here?

The child’s standing posture seemed a bit strange, but for a while I couldn’t tell what was weird, but it’s really inappropriate for him to be here at this juncture. I said to the child, "My kid, I came out running around so late. ...Mom knows she'll beat you up, go back now."

The child still stood with his head down and did not speak.

Maybe because I gave birth to a child, it’s the most tiresome to talk to the child: "Kid? Are you listening to your aunt? It’s dangerous outside. A big bad wolf bites someone. Go home quickly."

He still ignored me.

Sweeping the stairs in front of me, I sighed, turned around and walked towards the door, no matter what, get this kid out first.

Just when I was about to walk in front of the child, I saw an obvious wound on his neck...

And his shoulders and even half of his back were soaked with bright red blood.

I stopped abruptly and stared at the wound for a second time. I already knew the reason why this kid kept standing and not talking...not because he didn't want to talk to me, but because he couldn't listen at all. Understand me!

Sure enough... My approaching footsteps attracted his attention, as if there was a lot of sputum in his throat that hadn't been coughed up, he let out ugly low roars, and he slowly raised his head.

Pale to purplish face, dilated pupils... the familiar picture can no longer be more familiar.

Facing such a scene is as sparse and common to me as eating and drinking water.

Pulling the dagger from his waist, when the child rushed over, I held him and stabbed him in the forehead without hesitation.

I haven't killed the walking corpse for a long time.

Looking at the little child lying on the ground quietly, I suddenly noticed his face! ! !

It turned out to be him! !

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