Walking Dead: Fight Till Dawn

Chapter 400: underground tunnel

The narrow road has been going down diagonally, and the more I go, the more weird it becomes, because according to the descending height, I am no longer on the ground on the first floor, but have already reached the ground.

The surrounding area without any source of light fell into darkness, and the place within reach was not a flat wall but uneven.

I was anxious and didn't expect to encounter such a situation, so I didn't prepare a flashlight in advance.

Now that I have arrived here, I just keep going all the way down in the dark.

It's almost a dozen meters or so, and the space on the left and right sides is obviously much wider.

The road going back and forth is not straight, but starts to turn.

What is this place?

I walked for about ten minutes, because the surrounding space is pitch black and can only be judged by the sense of touch. It is impossible to walk on a narrow black road without permeating people. The most important thing is the underground of this villa area. Where is such a long passage?

The more I go, the more doubts I get.

At this moment, my hand touched an object that was obviously much cooler than the previous wall. After a shock, I repeatedly walked back and forth on the cold object, which seemed to be a door, an iron door, Because I felt something like rust.

There is actually a door here. I can’t think about it too much. I’ve been so bored and unbearable after walking the road for so long. The existence of a door proves that there is another space behind.

When I touched the doorknob, I twisted it tentatively, but unexpectedly, it really twisted the door open.

To be honest, if a door suddenly appeared in such a place, I would not have noticed that if the door could not be opened, I would become nervous when it opened so easily.

After taking a few deep breaths, I secretly hid the pistol in my pocket into my cuff and then pushed the door and walked in.

Behind the door is a room that is neither big nor small. On the innermost wall there is a TV. The TV is on. The light from the screen is the only light source in this room.

With the help of those light sources, I noticed that this place was like a security kiosk. There was a bed and a table inside, and many things were piled up in a mess.

This room can be seen at a glance, and there is no other person besides me.

I walked to the messy table and found a folder on it under several unopened boxes of instant noodles.

Move the boxes of instant noodles away, I took the folder and looked through the contents.

I found that the piles of paper inside seemed to be in and out of forms.

After a glance, it seems that people here must be registered here, and it seems that the registration is quite strict, because I saw a person’s name appeared twice in this form within two minutes.

In other words, the person may have to register just after passing here.

After going through it a few more times, I made sure that there was nothing useful except for the names and codes of people I didn't know at all, and then I put the folder back where it was.

Turning back, I circled the room again, wondering in my heart, since the registration here is so strict, why is there no one here? Even the TV on the wall is on.

When I think of TV, I immediately look at that TV.

From the very beginning, I only used the TV as a lighting thing, and did not pay attention to the content on it. When I look closely, I will immediately find that this is the monitoring of the aisle I just passed by. There are a total of sixteen on it. A small square monitors the mirror openings of Xiaoyoujia's entrance and exit, as well as the narrow aisle.

Noticing this immediately made me nervous.

At least ten or twenty minutes have passed since I entered Xiaoyou's house. During this period, if anyone in this room would have noticed me.

Thinking of this, I immediately turned around and looked around again nervously, and even knocked nervously on the wall of the room to determine if the back was solid.

I didn’t want to stay in this room for too long. I opened the door and prepared to leave. Before I left, I glanced at the TV again. Afterwards, I realized that the scene reflected in the last square seemed to be the one outside. The view from the inside of the corridor.

There are a total of three doors in the picture, all of which are closed, and the appearance of that door is much more advanced than the one I am in at the moment.

Leaving the house, the invisible darkness was restored again.

This time I got the bottom of my heart, but I went faster. Soon, I touched the doors next to each other.

I tried to unscrew the first doorknob. As before, the door is not locked, and there is a faint green light in the door. There is also a passage, like a safe passage like a staircase, but here is directly down. It’s downhill, and a green indicator at the corner can vaguely help me see the general environment here.

I have no plans to go in now.

Close the door and unscrew the second room. In the second room, there was an old electric light making a creaking sound, and there was an iron bed just below the light.

A lot of handcuffs were fixed on the wall of the house.

There are even a few iron cages in the corner, and some weird ironware that people can't understand.

This room made me feel very uncomfortable, so I hurriedly stepped out after taking a second glance.

The third house opens, and this room is very small.

It's a bit like the old-fashioned office of the last century.

A desk facing the door. Behind the desk is a small bookshelf. There are some sticks and human bone models in a mess. Finally, there is a washbasin in the corner next to the door, and the faucet is still ticking. The ticking water was basically the only sound in this space.

This room also has not-so-bright lights, the only small hole light on the bookshelf.

Entering the room, I want to look through the pile of materials on the table.

Under the dim light, I looked at the pile of things repeatedly, and found that the inconspicuous thing recorded some research data after the autopsy.

I don't know if these things will be useful, anyway, just in case I stacked them up and stuffed them in my pockets and took them away.

Before leaving, I took a final look at this room. The space is small, but it always makes people feel that something is wrong.

After thinking for a while, I found that there was nothing wrong, so I just shook my head and exited the house.

Everything here is abnormal, and it is normal to feel that something is wrong.

It's really wrong if you feel that everything is right.

There was such a tongue twister in my mind inexplicably, and I suddenly felt like I wanted to laugh.

But soon I fell into a trilemma.

Should you continue down this road, or go down the safe passage behind the door just now? Or do you look back now?

Thinking on the spot for a while, thinking that since it came, just swaying around and going back, it is equivalent to leaving this trip in vain.

So now you just need to think about whether to go inside or go down.

But this time the reality did not give me the time to choose, and I heard clear footsteps from the safe passage room.

I was anxious at the moment when I heard the footsteps, I became a frightened bird, turned my head and ran in the inner direction without thinking about it.

It was dark all around, and I ran a few tens of meters away before stopping.

The room with the monitor before this place can no longer be photographed.

Leaning against the wall took a few breaths, because I couldn't see it, I started to fumble around the walls again like a blind man.

Compared to the previous channel, it seems to be wider.

Panting can even have echoes.

echo? I grasped this point. Since there is an echo here, it proves that there is an object blocking the sound not far in front. Could it be said that this passage is over? ?

Thinking of this, I immediately glanced back subconsciously, but I forgot that I couldn't see anything at all where I was at the moment, and I was upset for a long time. Just the tens of meters, maybe there are some important places. I dangled it.

But now that I have come here, let's take a look at the place ahead.

Fumbling and continuing to walk forward, I soon touched the door of another room.

It seemed as if it could be opened for granted. After pushing the door in, I found that the room was very bright compared to the previous ones. At the center of the roof, a large ceiling lamp illuminated the entire room and I just passed by. The style of painting in all the rooms is completely different.

The room is very modern, the sofa surrounded by a shot is facing a large TV on the inner wall.

Some news scenes are being shown on the TV. I took a closer look at the news when it seemed that the government, the media, and even everyone did not realize how devastating the virus was when the virus first began to raging.

Just a few pictures later, and then there are some pictures like privately photographed encounters with walking corpses.

One of them seemed to be a couple. They hid under the bed and patted the dense feet of the whole room outside.

The roar of the walking corpses in the picture scared them and both of them were breathing trembling.

I saw that I was a little immersive, and I felt a little nervous.

Rubbing his arms and looking left and right from time to time.

In the following picture, a group of people wearing protective clothing who can't see their faces lifted a crazy woman onto a bed and firmly fixed it.

The woman screamed very sadly, and then I saw one of the people in protective clothing reporting to the camera what he was about to do in a noisy voice.

They want to dissect that woman...

Sure enough...then he walked to the woman's body, as if he couldn't hear the woman's screams at all, and cut her belly alive.

I turned away and didn't dare to look again, the woman's painful cry filled my ears.

After about ten seconds, the screen jumped.

In the picture is a large group of mighty walking corpses.

The person who shot the video sighed behind the camera: "Grass! Like a locust."

The other person sneered: "If it's a locust, it will be easier."

Behind the scenes, pictures of various research rooms appeared continuously.

In the end, after a group of protective clothing personnel injected an unknown object into a walking corpse fixed on a chopping board, the originally manic walking corpse gradually calmed down.

After a brief stupefaction, everyone in the video began to cheer with excitement.

The picture changed again, and the video picture went dark, but there was the voice of two men talking.

"Doctor, this virus must never be used on humans."

"Why not?! If such great research results are not used widely, then why do we pay so much for?"

"You clearly know how unstable this medicine is!"

"It's very stable."

"Doctor! I don't understand, you know, why do you still have to do this?! If you follow your approach, within a few years, everyone in this shelter may die innocently because of this **** medicine. ."

"Are you using things that haven't happened yet to educate me?"

"I'm not educating you! It's just that I don't understand! Obviously it is not necessary to do this, are you not aware of the consequences of this matter according to your stubborn approach?! This may affect the remaining humans Bring the last and most beneficial disaster!"

"Don't tell me, you are just an assistant, how do you know these? I am a doctor. These are my researches. I know best. You don't need to talk about it and tell me if I should use it."

"No doctor, if you insist on doing this, I will tell the world the truth!"

"Humph." The doctor in the conversation sneered: "As long as I tell the group of people on Team C that you cause trouble to prevent the development of Yaoqing, their people will blow your head within a second."

"You even used Team C?!"

"Huh, use? What do you think the people of Team C are good birds? This is not a use, but a trade. I give them what they want, and they give me what I want."

The dialogue stopped when it reached the most important point.

The TV screen turned on again, this time...I was standing in the room in the camera...........

The picture and my brain were still at the same time for a few seconds.

Then, a voice resembling an altered voice resounded in the air: "Hello, Miss He."

I was taken aback by the sound, and I took a few steps back.

The voice chuckled softly: "Miss He, don't be afraid. Now that you are here, you must want to know something. It's better... You sit on the sofa and make a cup of tea comfortably. Listen How about I tell a story?"

I scanned the whole room alertly, trying to find the monitor.

After a few seconds, the voice spoke again: "It seems that you will not be tired yet, and you don't need to rest. Then, before listening to the story, let's show you some old people."

As soon as the voice fell, the picture on the TV switched.

The picture shows a bright and dazzling room, and on the wall of that room, several people are held in handcuffs.

I squinted my eyes and took a closer look, and immediately I couldn't breathe in shock.

Xiaoyou, Cheng Yaojin, Xiaoyu...and...and Lin Wei...all on that wall.

I'm dumbfounded! Staring at the TV screen, Lin Wei? Why is Lin Wei on it? Isn't she dead?

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