Chapter 119 Quick, tell me, is anyone in your hotel struck by lightning!!

“Heaven and earth have changed?”

Hearing this, Yu Su suddenly narrowed his eyes, this kind of thing he just learned from the system, how did these gods know?

“Although I don’t know what the catastrophe is, the Heavenly Dao warns that there should be great changes in heaven and earth within a hundred years.”

Speaking of this, a flash of eagerness flashed on the face of the Magu God, as the most important top god in the Divine Court in addition to the two supreme gods of the Three Gods Grandma and the Demon King, she had the most sensitive sense of the Heavenly Dao, and this matter she only faintly sensed not long ago, that is, since the day Yusu chased and perished to the land of the gods, this feeling has become stronger and stronger recently.

There is a sentence she has not said, that is, the god person is likely to disappear in this catastrophe, no longer exist, if the day really comes, the god of faith will fall to the altar, a thousand years of divine power will be lost, only those gods like Yu Su who have self-cultivated have a glimmer of life, hearing the explanation of the god Magu Yu Su is clear in his heart, it turned out to be a warning from the way of heaven, no wonder, after all, it is the way of heaven, it is normal to have a foreshadowing of the future, “Sorry, I have no interest in joining the so-called divine court.” ”

Yu Su shook his head, for this kind of thing, he knows better than Magu God, the so-called great change in heaven and earth should refer to the high-level heavenly way to capture this side of the world, when the world merges, this world will also become similar to the high-level world heaven and earth secret realm, really at that time, the heavenly way of this side of the world is not there, there are gods and gods, these gods have become a little cultivated cultivator, the immortality recognized by the old heavenly way will disappear, the divine right will disappear, and even the divine power will disappear with the heavenly way, The only thing that can be left is probably the spiritual power of that body, seeing Yu Su refusing so decisively, Magu God can only sigh and shake her head, in her opinion, Yu Su and those gods do not believe in their own words: “Also, I am a god born of heaven and earth, if the way of heaven does not exist, why is it necessary for me and other gods to exist?” ”

She did not do this for herself, it was to seek a glimmer of life for the gods of the peninsula God Domain, but since Yu Su was so decisive, she didn’t say much, the reincarnation of the Magu God laughed at herself, turned away, looked at the back of the other party leaving, Yu Su was silent, one thing she was not wrong, if heaven and earth merged, not only the gods of faith in this world will instantly become mortals, like the god of Ma Gu, the three gods and grandma and the demon king, the innate ancient gods born of heaven and earth will also disappear with the heavenly way of this world, The existence of innate gods and spirits originally relies on the Heavenly Dao of this world, and they have been very powerful since their birth, but once they leave the Heavenly Dao, they are nothing, and there is not even the possibility of existence, as for ordinary people… It depends on the order of the higher world.

It may be safe and sound, or it may be murderous, “But what does it have to do with me if I let it turn the sea upside down?” ”

Yu Su set his eyes on the distant sky, and said to himself lightly, in his heart, as long as he protects a few people around him, the world is too big, there are hundreds of millions of creatures in these heavens and realms, and he does not have the great ability to take the life of the world as his responsibility.

“Yusu, what’s wrong? What happened? ”

As soon as Yu Su came back, Kim Hyun Ji found that his interest was not high, and Yu Su was indeed a little annoyed by the three or two sentences of the Magu God, but after seeing Kim Hyun Ji, the depression in his heart instantly dissipated, although Kim Hyun Ji was sometimes a little naughty, but when a pistachio was still very competent, Yu Su couldn’t help pinching her face, “I was originally a little depressed, but I wasn’t depressed when I saw you.” ”

Jin Hyunzhi, Yusu suddenly smiled and said, Jin Xianzhi originally subconsciously wrinkled his nose, and skillfully showed a disgusted expression ready to slap Yusu’s hand, but when he heard Yusu’s words, he endured it alive, but winked at Yusu, and later said with some hesitation, “Then, how much do you pinch?” ”

Yu Su was amused by her well-behaved appearance, “Okay, I’m fine, you either sleep or cultivate, and strive to raise your strength as soon as possible.” ”

Yusu shook his head with a smile, gave a touching head to kill, and then bypassed Kim Hyun-ji to prepare to go into the bathroom to take a shower.

“Don’t rest so early, I found an interesting thing today.”

Kim Hyun-ji chased after him and took his hand, “Did you just see it?” The place where you work was struck by lightning, didn’t you say that your hotel is an inn of the underworld, and the guests of the hotel are not all undead? ”

“What’s wrong?”

Seeing Kim Hyun-ji holding his hand, Yusu also stopped, Kim Hyun-ji’s expression was exaggerated, and his hands gestured in front of him, “Tonight’s thunder is so big wow, burst after burst, originally I thought it was a doom, exactly the same as written in the book, but I thought about it later and felt that it was not.” ”

Kim Hyun-ji frowned, shaking his head like I was reasoning, “Because you all said that the foundation is all gods, then Jindan is unlikely, it’s too difficult, so I thought, is it that any guest of your hotel did bad things before his death, so he attracted heaven’s punishment.” ”

Her eyes lit up, as if she had found the answer, and she leaned in front of Yu Su and asked curiously, “Tell me, has anyone been chopped?” ”

Fish Sue:…

“I am the guy in your mouth who did bad things in his life and was punished by heaven and slashed by lightning after death.”

The expressionless Yusu looked directly into her eyes and said word by word, “Huh? ”

Kim Hyun-ji was taken aback and exclaimed, “You Kim Dan?” ”

I originally wanted to be happy for Yusu, but after noticing Yusu’s sad and joyless look, Kim Hyunji immediately realized that he had said the wrong thing, quickly lowered his head, and then glanced at Yusu cautiously, “Yes, I’m sorry, I didn’t mean it.” ”

Jin Hyunji explained aggrievedly, Yusu did not speak, just looked at Jin Hyunji who lowered his head to explain, “I don’t know, didn’t you say that you just broke through recently, and there is still some distance from Jindan.” So I didn’t think about you…”

Kim Hyun-ji was lowering his head to explain, and suddenly felt a hand reach out and squeeze his face twice, “It feels really good.” ”

When Kim Hyun-ji raised his head, Yusu had already turned his back to her and walked towards the bathroom downstairs, leaving only a fluttering sigh, looking at the dashing departing back, Kim Hyun-ji stood in place dumbfounded, a little dazed for a while, so… Are you angry?

Still not angry?

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