Chapter 129 Together!!


Yu Su looked at Zhang Manyue with wide eyes, only to see Zhang Manyue holding his chin with one hand and looking at him seriously, “You, seriously?” ”

Yu Su suspected that he had heard it wrong, and asked again, good guy, the god of Ma Gu let you watch the field, but you were thinking about how to help others smash the field, I don’t know if the old woman will vomit blood angrily after she knows it, “But……… It’s not impossible. ”

Yu Su is really a little moved, after stepping into Jindan, if you want to improve your strength again, the points required have become a massive amount of 500,000 points, this is still from the early stage of Jindan to the middle of Jindan, the last thunder calamity baptism, Yusu used the metamorphosis array to absorb the power of thunder calamity to cast the divine body, has broken through to the realm of the middle stage of Jindan, so it saved 500,000 points, if there is no chance later, only rely on the system, from the middle of Jindan to the late stage of breakthrough requires 1 million points, “For now, The earning of points is indeed a drop in the bucket for breakthroughs. ”

Yu Su smacked his lips, although he had never been to Sanchuan Road, he thought it was similar to the land of Yellow Spring, similar to the place where Meng Pozhuang was located in front of the Naihe Bridge, and theoretically there was no shortage of evil spirits there.

In the next few days, as Yu Su expected, Druna had few guests, and in the past, hundreds to thousands of guests came here every night, but since that night, Druna received guests into threes and threes, and there were only dozens or hundreds of grievances in one night, at first you can also use the thunder tribulation contains the power of extreme yang, and the yin spirit is difficult to get close to explain, but as the thunder calamity aura around Druna gradually dissipated, Druna’s situation still did not improve, “You mean, it’s the ghost of the Magu God?” ”

In the villa, Zhang Manyue said with some surprise, Yusu nodded, “Only this explanation, it is estimated that they were extradited by the Hades Inn in the nearby city.” ”

“These gods are so petty.”

Kim Hyun-ji, who heard the conversation between the two, couldn’t help but muttered in a low voice, hearing that Yusu smiled and didn’t explain, it’s not that these gods are stingy, they just can’t understand the situation, and they think that guarding these soul marks can continue to be the gods of their beliefs.

After Yu Su arranged Zheng Xiuzheng in the Druna Hotel, Zhang Manyue seemed to let go of the restraints and stayed in Yu Su’s villa all day, but Druna became her check-in location, only symbolically going once a day, “It’s amazing, this is the cultivation practice of the gods of the Eastern God Domain?” ”

After breakfast, Jin Xianzhi began to practice as usual, and Zhang Manyue on the side was a little surprised when he saw it, only to see Jin Xianzhi suspended in the air and enter the cultivation state, when she mobilized the Thai baht to create the Jindan method, the surrounding aura suddenly turned into movement and all rushed towards Jin Xianzhi, because the reason for the gathering spirit array caused the aura around the villa to be rich, and now after Jin Xianzhi’s mobilization, it is visible to the naked eye, and the spiritual power droplets quickly formed around Jin Xianzhi, One by one, small droplets of water condensed by spiritual power were suspended around Jin Xianzhi

Zhang Manyue’s eyes widened, it was the first time she had seen such a rich spiritual power, “Is this really spiritual power?” ”

As if he had never seen the world, Zhang Manyue, who looked puzzled, reached out and tried to poke the spiritual power droplets, oh~

The water droplets exploded, but they were quickly absorbed by Jin Xianzhi, who was cultivating in the eyes, and in the past few days, with the blessing of the Starlight Array and the Gathering Spirit Array, and with Yu Su’s side guidance, Jin Xianzhi also smoothly stepped into the third layer of Qi training, “Here I arranged the Starlight Array and the Gathering Spirit Array, so cultivating here is much faster than ordinary places.” ”

Yu Su smiled and explained to Zhang Manyue, “By the way, you didn’t practice exercises? ”

Hearing Yu Su’s words, Zhang Manyue shook his head blankly, “We don’t have to cultivate, those gods seem to be fixed at the time of birth, what god position is when it is born, thousands of years later, it is still what kind of god position, the difference lies in the amount of divine power.” ”

The god position has a high and low level, similar to the immortal fruit position, that is, the embodiment of strength, and the divine power is equivalent to the mana of the immortal cultivator, that is, the gods of the peninsula have been fixed in three dimensions since the day of birth, and there is no room for progress, even if the future generations how to temper their bodies is just to increase some blue amount, the gods are still so, Zhang Manyue, this is not a god’s existence, even more so, after binding the moon spirit tree a thousand years ago to become a demigod, a thousand years later is still a demigod, equivalent to the ninth layer of qi training, hearsay, Yu Su frowned, within a hundred years the heaven and earth have changed greatly, then this side of the world will not be as harmonious as it is now, then the order of the world is likely to believe in the supremacy of strength, like this kind of god without the possibility of growth, even if he does not fall off the altar still maintains the body of the god, I am afraid that he will also live and die and fall into the slavery of the stronger, want to understand this, Yu Su turned his sword finger in his hand, and then led between his eyebrows, a profound and complicated text condensed and emerged in the void, opening the full moon small mouth slightly open, looking at the text in the air in surprise, Then he looked at Yu Su, “This is the practice of sage cultivation, called Thai Baht Creation, if you cultivate to Dacheng, it will be similar to me now.” ”

“About the same as you?!” Zhang Manyue’s eyes lit up, Yu Su nodded, and then said seriously, “If there is nothing to do in the future, I will cultivate with Xianzhi, in the future……… It takes a lot of strength to protect yourself. ”

Seeing the solemnity on Yu Su’s face, Zhang Manyue’s heart was cold, Yu Su waved his big hand to punch all the floating words into Zhang Manyue’s spiritual platform, and before Zhang Manyue could react, a stream of information appeared out of thin air in his mind, which is the basic cognition of the way of cultivation and the practice of Thai baht creation

“Xiuzhen is divided into realms such as Qi Training, Foundation Building, Golden Pill, Yuan Baby, Transformation God, Fusion, Crossing Tribulation, and even Mahayana Scattered Immortals. Thai baht creation is the Jindan method, which can help you set foot in Jindan. ”

Speaking of this, Yu Su paused for a moment, “Full moon, there is one thing I need to remind you that those gods in your eyes are just equivalent to the foundation building in the realm of cultivation, and a few may barely have the combat power of Jindan. ”


Seeing the joy on Zhang Manyue’s face, Yu Su said in a deep voice, “The enemy we will face in the future may be the existence of the Yuan Baby, the Transformation God and even the Fusion Realm, so don’t slack.” ”

Zhang Manyue’s nature is relatively free and loose, so Yusu feels the need to remind her.

PS: I had a cold two days ago, I was not feeling well, sorry

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