Chapter 147 Regardless of who is strong and who is weak in the God Domain, anyway, it is weak in my eyes!!

Heavenly thunder descended, the momentum is huge, in addition to the continuous roar, the entire sky is also shrouded in blue-purple light, that is the color is indescribably magnificent, but Zhang Manyue and Jin Xianzhi have no intention of appreciating, the destructive attribute of heavenly thunder is the most restrained soul monster, just one of the two is a living soul that has not yet returned to its place, and the other is a god who is united with the tree, at this time the heaven and earth are forever silent, only ~ thunder and lightning fill the ears, Zhang Manyue and Jin Xianzhi closed their eyes in despair, in the face of this level of power, demigods and mortals are so powerless, There is no way to resist, from the outside, 189 bucket-thick thunder fell from the sky, and those who see this scene will never forget, saying that it is the end of the world, however, “Receive!” ”

A faint and familiar voice sounded in the ears of Zhang Manyue and Jin Xianzhi, although the voice was light, it was full of majesty, and even covered up the rolling thunder clearly sounded in the ears, “Yusu? ”

Zhang Manyue and Jin Xianzhi instantly recognized that this was Yu Su’s voice, and they opened their eyes to look at the source of the sound in surprise, only to see that Yu Su appeared in the very center of the courtyard at some point, Yu Su stretched out his hand and dragged towards the air, a mysterious array disk composed of transparent light path hooks slowly shrunk, from the void back to his right palm, and then disappeared, as if it had never appeared, what shocked Zhang Manyue and Jin Xianzhi was that hundreds of bucket-thick thunder pillars that descended on their heads also suddenly disappeared with the disappearance of the array plate on Yu Su’s palm” This…”

The two women glanced at each other, their expressions were inexplicable, their watery eyes were even a little surprised, the target of the heavenly thunder was not this villa, but the twenty-one heavenly thunder spirit talismans within the Bagua Two Yi Array in Yu Su’s hand, different from the natural thunder of the falling thunder talisman, the heavenly thunder is an elemental thunder condensed by the power of runes linking the thunder elements between heaven and earth, once the thunder in nature is drawn, there is no reason to recycle, but the heavenly thunder can, once the spirit pattern that condenses the heavenly thunder disappears, the heavenly thunder condensed here will instantly collapse, Returning to heaven and earth in the form of thunder elements, now that the magic array is closed, this heavenly thunder naturally loses its goal, and also terminates the connection with the heavenly thunder talisman that resonates with it, so these 189 heavenly thunder also disappeared with the closure of the formation, after the heavenly thunder, heaven and earth returned to darkness, Yu Su raised his eyes to look at the thick clouds shrouded overhead, “Disperse!” ”

As soon as the words came out, the black clouds rolled and moved, as if the dawn of fast forwarding, and in an instant the sky was clear, returning to the daylight scene


“That, Full Moon, I… Is it blinding? ”

“Did it get dark just now? And hundreds of lightning bolts coming? ”

Kim Hyun-ji rubbed his eyes, and Zhang Manyue, who was standing next to her at this time, was already dumbfounded, the two of them witnessed how Yusu erased the vision in the sky, only a “harvest” – “scattered” room, covering a radius of ten miles of dark clouds covering the sky, thick even daylight can not penetrate, hundreds of thunder and lightning are even more like the essence is shocking, the destructive power contained in it Zhang Manyue even doubts that it can destroy the entire Incheon Central District, but such a “big scene” disappeared so inexplicably?

In the Eastern God Domain, the legendary immortals who follow the law are just like this, right? After receiving the magic array, Yu Su, who scattered the dark clouds, looked at the two, “Are you all right?” ”

Seeing that Zhang Manyue and Jin Xianzhi’s little faces still had the fear just now, Yusu was a little embarrassed, and explained with a smile, “I just tried the power of the formation, and the movement was a little big, and I don’t know if it scared you.” ”

The result of the experiment Yu Su is naturally satisfied, not to mention that there are two other formations, but just this one gossip and two yi large array is enough to be used as a hole card by him, as long as the jade Jian is enough, under the Yuan baby, there should be no fear.


“So, didn’t the gods come to trouble you?”

Zhang Manyue was full of black lines, and he made such a big movement in an experiment, and saw that Yusu was even stronger than expected, Kim Hyunji was very happy, “Yusu is getting more and more powerful!” ”

She looked at Yu Su, her bright eyes were full of color, but her heart couldn’t help but feel a little lost, the gap between her and Yu Su was getting bigger and bigger, “The gods are asking me for trouble?” Why do you say that? ”

Yu Su was stunned for a moment, “I heard that you killed a Magu God, and she thought that other Magu Gods came to the door.” ”

Kim Hyun-ji also recovered from the shock at this time, and explained in a low voice, “So that’s the case, in fact, you think too much, as long as those gods are not stupid, they won’t come to me, and it’s too late for them to hide from me.” ”

Yusu patted his clothes and returned to the house, seeing this, Zhang Manyue and Kim Hyunji closed the door of the villa and followed up, “Recently, I went to your legendary divine court, and the result was only three or two big cats and kittens, which have already lived up to the glory of antiquity.” ”

A few days ago, after killing the No. 4 Magu God, Yu Su once boarded the Divine Spirit Courtyard, and what disappointed him was that the Peninsula God Domain was extremely withered, and the gods were all foundation building strength, even the so-called ancient gods were able to touch the threshold of the Golden Pill, but there were only a few digits, less than ten fingers, and the entire God Domain added up to only half a hundred gods, and it was really chilling.

And when he went to the Divine Court, he ripped off the concealment of the system, and no one found him, obviously there is no hidden power in the Divine Court.

“Yes, yes, our projectile land, of course, cannot be compared with yours.”

seems to hear the contempt in Yusu’s tone, Zhang Manyue pouted, in fact, strictly speaking, Zhang Manyue is not a Han country, she is a remnant of Goguryeo thousands of years ago, Goguryeo is a country established in the territory of the Xia Kingdom during the Han Dynasty, and its main ethnic group and royal family are Buyeo people are also one of the minority groups of the Xia Kingdom, if you really want to pursue its identity, Zhang Manyue is a remnant of the history of the Xia Kingdom today, but a princess of a country, and she came to this peninsula because she wanted to restore the country and take revenge.

Yusu touched Jin Xianzhi’s head to soothe her battered heart, and then looked at Zhang Manyue helplessly, “I mean they don’t have the strength to care about me now, and they don’t dare to care about me, and they don’t mean to despise me.” ”

“If I say contempt, it is that the Eastern God Domain is no different from the Peninsula God Domain in my eyes.”

Since the system has designated this side of the world as a low-level world, there should be no Yuan Infant here before the other side of the Heavenly Dao carries the world to come. Therefore, for him, regardless of who is strong and weak in the God Domain, he is weak in his eyes anyway.

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