Chapter 151 Come back early, I’ll wait for you!!!

“If you encounter financial difficulties, you can contact Zhiya, the things at the Druna Hotel are quite valuable, just drag her connections to sell.”

After telling something again, Yu Su was ready to use the time to go back, but at this moment, Yu Su suddenly paused, “Zhiya? ”

Just a second before leaving the villa, he sensed Hong Zhiya’s breath, “Remember, you must cultivate well, it is best if you both of you can step into the foundation building realm when I return!” ”

Yusu threw a sentence at Zhang Manyue and Kim Hyunji and disappeared in front of them, “Huh? Foundation building? ”

Looking at the disappearing fish Su without a trace, Jin Xianzhi suddenly turned into a bitter melon face, Zhang Manyue because of the sharing of the Moon Spirit Tree itself is the existence of the ninth layer of Qi training, with the blessing of the Starlight Array and the Gathering Spirit Array to break through the foundation building should not be a big problem, but she is different, she is now just a small cultivator of the third layer of Qi training, and there is still a big cut from the foundation building.

However, Zhang Manyue did not notice Jin Xianzhi’s bitter melon face, and her attention at this time was completely attracted by Yu Su’s previous words, “Did Yu Su just say that the heavens and the earth will change greatly, when strong enemies invade, the gods will be no different from mortals…?” ”

Zhang Manyue frowned and suddenly asked, Jin Xianzhi was stunned for a moment, and then nodded seriously, “Yes, Yusu also said to me before, saying that we may face enemies like Jindan and Yuanbao.” ”

“Even Yu Su attaches so much importance to it, we really have to seriously cultivate to enhance our strength, otherwise we will drag Yu Su’s hind legs at that time.”

Xianzhi’s eyebrows were a little anxious, “Jin Dan and Yuan Ying…”

Zhang Manyue rubbed her temples, now she is no longer Xiaobai, and she also learned from Jin Xianzhi the division of the strength of the Yusu cultivation method, the foundation is equivalent to the gods, on it, there are also realms such as Jindan and Yuan Infant “Enemies stronger than the gods, maybe it is Yusu like this.” ”

She didn’t have the heart to pay attention to whether she would not be able to live a luxurious life because of Yu Su’s departure.

“But Yusu should be stronger than those potential enemies, right?”

Just when Zhang Manyue was worried, Kim Hyun-ji next to her tilted her head and thought for a while and suddenly said, “Oh? Why do you say that? ”

Zhang Manyue looked at her in surprise, “Because in the Thai Baht Creation Method, it seems that even those great gods can’t interfere with time, but Yusu is now ready to go back to more than a thousand years ago, which Yuan Ying can’t do, right?” ”

Jin Xianzhi analyzed, hearing this, Zhang Manyue also felt very reasonable, and his nervous heart couldn’t help but relax a little…

On the other side, just when Hong Zhiya was driving the car to Yusu Villa Ye, Hong Zhiya’s co-pilot suddenly had one more person, using the shrinkage into inches, Yusu came directly to Hong Zhiya’s car, and after Yusu appeared, Hong Zhiya in the driver’s seat also noticed for the first time that there was another person next to him, Hong Zhiya’s face immediately changed, stinging!

Before Hong Zhiya could see who it was, after noticing that there was one more person beside him, a creepy feeling spread throughout his body, and then instinctively stepped on the brakes, the harsh brake sounded, dragged for a long distance, and when the car stopped, Hong Zhiya turned his head to look at the side, “Yusu?” ”

When he saw that it was Yu Su, Hong Zhiya’s guarded look instantly disappeared, and he turned into shock, “You scared me, do you know!” ”

Hong Zhiya, who came back to her senses, patted her chest with a palpitation, “Time is in a hurry, I was about to go over to say goodbye to you, and I happened to see you nearby, so I came directly.” ”

Yu Su smiled a little apologetically and said, Hong Zhiya was originally curious about Yu Su’s strange appearance, but when she heard the words farewell, she suddenly had no time to think about it, and immediately looked at Yu Su nervously, “Farewell?” Why? ”

Seeing Hong Zhiya twisting his eyebrows and asking, Yu Su explained with a smile, “I’m going to a far away place, and I may not be able to come back in a short time.” ”

In order to explain unnecessary, Yusu did not tell the truth, in fact, among the several women she knew, Hong Zhiya and Zhang Manyue are quite similar, different from Jin Hyunzhi’s playful and cute, in addition to their peerless appearance, they are a little cold in personality, but compared to Zhang Manyue’s wealth fan attributes, Hong Zhiya is more rational and mature, which may also be related to her childhood experience, “Then, how long are you going to leave?” When will you be back? ”

Hong Zhiya asked the same question as Zhang Manyue, “The short is a few months, and the long is a year.” ”

Yu Su said with a smile, hearing Yu Su’s words, the car fell silent for a while, Hong Zhiya’s hand holding the steering wheel was unconsciously tightened, and seemed to be struggling, until after a while, when Yu Su felt that it was time to go, Hong Zhiya suddenly loosened his hands slightly, “Come back early, I will wait for you!” ”

Yu Su, who was getting up, was stunned for a moment, looked back at Hong Zhiya, but found that she was lowering her head and biting her lips, her eyes were dodging, but Yan Hong, who was climbing up at the root of her ear, could not avoid his eyes, and Yu Su suddenly laughed, “Don’t worry, I will come back.” ”

After about a few minutes, Hong Zhiya opened her mouth, raised her head and wanted to say something, but found that Yu Su had disappeared silently, she quickly leaned out of the window and looked around, but did not find Yu Su’s figure, Hong Zhiya’s eyes without mud and dust flashed a touch of loss, and slowly returned to the car.

“He said he would come back, didn’t he?”

As if talking to himself, Hong Zhiya forcibly comforted himself, but this self-relief was indeed effective, thinking of Yusu’s assurance just now, the corners of Hong Zhiya’s mouth rose slightly and laughed.

After bidding farewell to Hong Zhiya, Yu Su’s mind appeared the figure of a fresh girl wearing a white textile dress, “I haven’t seen it yet, and I don’t know how Lin Shuyan’s girl is now…”

However, whether it is Hong Zhiya or Lin Shuyan, he is not worried, because the circle of exorcism cannot involve the level of gods, and with the talisman paper left by him, Hong Zhiya will not encounter any danger, and Lin Shuyan is not to mention, a talisman is enough to protect her.

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