Chapter 159 Zhang Manyue who was startled!!

The army of tens of thousands of people is wearing Japanese-style military armor, everyone has a Mediterranean-style hairstyle, and the costumes of the 500 people who rushed to kill are almost the same as the Han people, when the army of 500 people rushed to the 10,000 army tents, the imaginary scene of melting by it did not happen, on the contrary, the 500 people quickly killed the forward army to the ground in a slaughtering manner, Yusu just used spiritual power to map the war described by the wild history, and the real events are still very different, the ancients cherished ink, the text is short, Therefore, Yu Su did not really see it, only to see that the people seemed to have an immortal body, a mad dog rushed to the 30,000 military tents, and then opened his mouth to the other party to tear and bite, during the period let the other party’s knife chop and chisel, these five hundred people did not stop at all, so fierce and bloodthirsty momentum immediately drowned the invading Wakou elite soldiers all the way The final outcome is that tens of thousands of Wakou elite soldiers are all dead and the death is extremely miserable, almost everyone is gnawed into pieces, only a very small number of those five hundred people were beheaded to death, and at the end of the battle, there were more than 300 people standing in place, The war ended, until the picture scroll dissipated with the wind, Yu Su still stood in front of the window and pondered when he saw the record of this war in the wild history, Yu Su faintly felt a little familiar, and when he used the power of runes to make this paragraph appear, it was even more familiar, babbling ~

Just when Yu Su was thinking, at this time Zhang Manyue pushed open the false wooden door, just when the etiquette of the troubled times collapsed, and Zhang Manyue was not originally a person who obeyed the etiquette, so seeing this Yu Su did not care, I saw Zhang Manyue took two bright red apples, Zhang Manyue who pushed the door in saw Yu Su and wiped one of them with his sleeve and then handed it to Yu Su with a smile, “Give!” Just turned out of the boxes of those nobles. ”

At this time, the fruit is quite expensive, after handing the apple to Yusu, Zhang Manyue herself did not wipe it directly and took a bite, and then she took out a stack of yellowed rough paper and a few cloths from her arms, and put a brush inserted in her hair on the table, and she also jumped on the table and looked at Yusu, “Although I don’t read much, but if there is anything you can write down, there are still literate elders in our village, I can take what you wrote to ask them.” ”

Zhang Manyue nibbled on the apple while saying to Yu Su, Yu Su reached out and touched the paper of this era, the surface was rough and yellowed and could only barely write, the cloth was good, and then looked at the brush on the table, the hairs on it were almost bald, Yu Su’s face flashed a wry smile, before saying that they were rich or overestimated them, turned his head, looked at Zhang Manyue who was sitting on the side of the table, seeing that she was so ruthless, Yu Su couldn’t help but compare her with Zhang Manyue a thousand years later, compared to the full moon when Druna, she had fewer flowers at this time, Wanli’s extraordinary sense of strictness is more than the rotten of many girls, if the later life of Zhang Manyue is amazing, then now she is beautiful, aesthetic without losing heroic huh?

Seeing that Yu Su did not react, Zhang Manyue lifted his eyebrows, and the smile on his face was replaced by doubt, and then stretched out his hand and shook in front of Yu Su’s eyes, Yu Su came back to his senses, he has cultivated into the body of the golden pill, and does not need too many requirements for ordinary conditions Ancient accomplished people, most of them take the ground as a seat, the sky as the cover, and the big tree as an umbrella to walk between heaven and earth, although he is a person in the afterlife, but he is not delicate, so after hearing Zhang Manyue’s words, Yu Su who reacted just smiled and shook his head, and was not dissatisfied, Zhang Manyue nodded, Then pursed his mouth and shook his dangling legs, as if looking for a topic, “That…”

Suddenly, she rolled her eyes, “By the way, I don’t know your name yet, well… Is it convenient to say? ”

Zhang Manyue hesitated, looked at Yu Su’s mask leaned over and asked, casually moved the paper and pen on the table to Yu Su, Yu Su has been wearing a mask, so in Zhang Manyue’s eyes he is like a hidden master in folklore, generally such people have a loud name, easily will not reveal the name, so there is still some hesitation when asking, name?

Yu Su instinctively frowned, seeing this, Zhang Manyue quickly shook his head and waved his hand, looking a little nervous, “If it’s not convenient, forget it, it’s okay, it’s okay…”

Zhang Manyue said with a sneering smile, just when Zhang Manyue was afraid of committing Yusu’s taboo and making him angry, Yusu thought of when he was in Druna, Zhang Manyue once said that he was Qingyun, as soon as he thought of this, Yusu reached out and prospected, poof~”

Only listened to a sword sound suddenly sounded, a bright sword light suddenly bloomed in front of the eyes of the full moon, Zhang Manyue suddenly breathed a room, the words of rebuttal also stopped abruptly, only to see her eyes widen, a terrifying feeling spread throughout the body made her tremble, when she reacted, Yu Su didn’t know when he had pulled the Qingyun on the table out of the scabbard, the bright sword light was close in front of him, grunting ~

“That, senior, I, I don’t ask…”

Zhang Manyue looked at Yu Su nervously, seeing Zhang Manyue’s frightened and cautious scene, Yu Su’s brain door couldn’t help but appear a few black lines, Yu Su immediately stretched out his left hand, two fingers on the Qingyun sword body, suddenly the word Qingyun on it shining, Zhang Manyue was shocked for a long time, until he saw Yu Su’s clear eyes with a little helplessness, Zhang Manyue blinked his eyes wide, his eyes were full of doubts, when~!

Yu Su bent her fingers again, the sword body trembled lightly, Qingyun brilliant, and she noticed the word “Qingyun” on the sword body, “Uh…”

“Qing… Qingyun? ”

Zhang Manyue pursed his mouth and asked tentatively, Yu Su nodded a little speechlessly, he thought that Zhang Manyue really didn’t know these two words, who knew that it was a slow response, seeing this, Zhang Manyue was relieved, “Hey ~ Hehe, that, you are really, too scary.” ”

Zhang Manyue patted his chest with palpitations, and then reached out and pinched the long sword in front of him, carefully removing it.

Yu Su’s eyes were strange, and he looked Zhang Full Moon up and down, and he didn’t expect that Zhang Full Moon a thousand years ago was so stupid.

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