Chapter 171 may be boiled and boiled, and taken with soup medicine! The ultimate in mortal martial arts!!

“The imperial doctor in the palace has searched through the Chinese medicine texts, but he has not found the method he uses for life and death herbs, but throughout the thousands of prescriptions in ancient books, from ancient times to the present, the medicine of the three treasures of the spirit and spirit is taken internally.”

“There is an imperial doctor’s advice, the method of making good use of the life and death grass may be boiled and tormented, and it can be taken with soup medicine!”

Zhao Fanri finally lowered his head and said in a deep voice, “Boiled and tormented, take it with soup medicine…”

Zhao Xuezhou slowly sat down, holding the throne, while tapping the armrest with his joints while falling into deep thought, indeed as the imperial doctor said, since ancient times, in addition to those broken flesh wounds, all the medicine for mental internal injuries is taken internally, Zhao Xuezhou’s eyes gradually brightened, the more he thought about it, the more feasible he felt, the old pleats also moved with his excitement, he suddenly got up, his eyes shone, “Immediately verify it!” ”


Zhao Fanri also had a smile on his face.

After Zhao Fanri left, Zhao Xuezhou walked around excitedly in front of the throne with his hands in his hands, and kept chanting in his mouth, “Can the life and death grass really come back to life?” ”

“Yes, how can the dead adjust their schedules with climate change, only the living will.”

“It must be that the grass of life and death contains vitality, and it hangs a breath.”

“Why didn’t you find it in the early years? Mortal herbs are mainly taken internally! ”

Thinking of the mural that recorded the mystery of the Life and Death Grass at that time, Zhao Xuezhou sighed deeply, with joy and hatred, “Privet National Master mistook me!!! ”

It’s just that Zhao Xuezhou and Zhao Fanri both ignored that because of the new progress in the matter of life and death grass, they forgot about Zhang Manyue for a while, resulting in the army that did not send out the military camp to search and arrest the whole city, at this time, outside the royal city of Yingzhou City, there were still more than a dozen Janissaries under General Jin chasing Zhang Manyue, “Go over there and take a look!” ”

“Find them one by one!”

“Someone saw her coming here, look carefully!”

A slightly higher rank forbidden soldier waved his hand and signaled to a few people behind him, and the shout from outside the door made Zhang Manyue’s heart tighten in hiding in the log cabin!

Zhang Manyue gasped, she clinging to the door of a wooden house, and observed the situation outside through the crack in the door, and outside the door, three guards slowly approached this side with oblique long knives, an hour has passed since they met General Jin, and Zhang Manyue has been going around this log cabin during this hour, during which she also ran to the city gate, but before it passed, she found that the soldiers there were blockading and strictly forbidding anyone to go out of the city, so finally reluctantly retreated back to Yingzhou City’s layout is very compact, The people’s wooden houses and huts are crowded in an area, which also makes Zhang Full Moon have the opportunity to drag on for a long time, but it will not work for a long time, after all, it is the Praetorian Guards of Yingzhou City, compared to Zhang Manyue, who rarely enters the city, these Praetorian Guards are more familiar with the terrain here.

This also led to her being blocked in this small wooden house now.

Seeing the search by the guards one by one, and soon to find her, Zhang Manyue quietly took down the dagger in his mouth and held it tightly in his hand.


An arrow with a strong wind suddenly rushed into the forest, followed by a miserable pig cry throughout the forest, startled a lot of birds in the forest, not waiting for Yanyu to react, only to see Yu Su’s arrow just shot not long ago, then heard a continuous pig call, and then a black shadow from the distant one-man-tall bushes hooves out, the black shadow is one and a half feet long, more than three feet high, its speed is faster than the startled bird, suddenly rushed in the direction where the two are, the momentum is like running thunder, the forest everywhere is destroyed, “Rare!” ”

“It’s rare!!”


When Yanyu saw the black shadow, the other party had rushed to his eyes, the joy on Yanyu’s face just appeared and was replaced by a touch of fear, the so-called rare is the wild boar of the later life, but this wild boar is too big, visually there are thousands of pounds facing up, originally thought it was a big surprise, but after seeing the tonnage of the wild boar in front of him, the surprise in Yanyu’s eyes has turned into fear, this wild boar is too powerful, even the horses where Yu Su and Yanyu sit have become uneasy, and keep spinning in place, “Brother Qingyun is dangerous!” ”

Yanyu’s face turned pale, and he suddenly looked at Yu Su with a shocked look, but what surprised him was that his expression did not change in the face of the big rare fish Su who was galloping, but he just put his hand on the hilt of the sword on his waist, his eyes were flat, “Brother Qingyun!!! ”

Yanyu is anxious, rare is not an ordinary beast, there is a saying in later generations that one pig, two bears and three tigers, this is not nonsense, all wild boars close to a thousand catties are tigers black blind people do not dare to easily provoke, not to mention that the wild boar in front of him has reached above a thousand catties, not to mention anything else, this collision can definitely even be smashed by people with horses, and the instantaneous force can reach 80,000 cattle upwards, maybe some people have no concept of this, simply put, even if it is hit by a train of 150 kilometers per hour, it is only 25,000 cattle, Its impact is already about three times that of a speeding train.

“It’s the first time I’ve seen such a big wild boar…”

Seeing that Yu Su was still staying in place, Yan Yu was already crazy, so he almost jumped to Yu Su’s horse and grabbed the reins and fled with Yu Su on horseback, just when he was about to do this, Yu Su turned his head and smiled at him, shook his head, as if to say that there was nothing, Yan Yu’s face was pale and was about to open his mouth, but at this moment a sword sound sounded, Yan Yu’s vision was also covered by dazzling sword light, the galloping big wild boar with the sensitivity of the beast to danger, suddenly felt that there was a huge death crisis ahead, “Roar ~!!! ”

The big wild boar of more than a thousand pounds roared vigilantly, its momentum was like the fury of thunder, it suddenly stopped unexpectedly, under its huge tonnage and galloping speed, the big wild boar was like a giant plough on the surface of the forest to cut a huge ravine, “Brother Qingyun…”

Yanyu looked at Yu Su in shock, only to see Yu Su lifting his sword slightly, the grand sword qi penetrated the clouds, dispersing the clouds on the forest, and the surrounding leaves were also sassing as if in response to Yu Su’s sword intent, the sword momentum rose, the sword intent gathered, the strong wind of the sword domain formed within three feet of Yu Su, blowing his clothes hunting, hair flying, Tang Ting sword saint Pei Man once said: There are 30,000 hidden swords in the world, one into the room, half into the uprising, the gathering of people, throughout the territory of the Great Tang, less than ten fingers.

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