Walking Tall

Chapter 1004

If this matter is really exposed through the media, I don't know what terrible pressure it will bring to the Chinese government!

The patron saint of the state, five-star marshal, and the relatives of commander Qi, who had great achievements in the war, were planted and framed, or even nearly stabbed to death. Moreover, they also wanted to use this as a quality to threaten such news as Qi Kunlun. Once it was exposed, the credibility of the Chinese people would fall to the bottom of the valley in a moment. Now is the time of internal and external difficulties, surrounded by the enemy on all sides, without any mistakes.

"I don't want to listen to the general situation now. Meng Congyun wants to kill my niece. I have already killed her! I want you to hand over all the people who are members of this bureau to me. Otherwise, I will personally lead the troops to Yanjing for liquidation! "

Qi Kunlun is holding the phone. His voice is angry and murderous. He doesn't know which important person he is communicating with.

"In the past ten years of Qi's military campaign, he fought in the North Island, in the West town of chisai, in the South he laid down his army, and in the east he threatened flying fish. He didn't know how many scars he had left. But how did you do it? Let my brother Qihong be forced to swallow his gun and commit suicide by a traitor. Even after he died, he was not at peace. When the tomb was dug, his only blood, my niece, was stabbed seriously! "

Qi Kunlun said at the end of the speech, almost growled and said with clenched teeth, "do you think that with the overall situation, you can hold me down?"

Yu didn't dare to disturb him. He was going to tell him Qi Hua woke up after he called.

"This matter, up to the Congress, down to the Department of justice and other relevant departments, must be explained to Qi! Otherwise, don't blame Qi for turning his face and being ruthless, and come up with something that everyone doesn't want to see. " Qi Kunlun's voice became colder and colder, "in three days, I want an explanation. Three days later, if there is no explanation, Qi will personally lead the guards to Yanjing to ask those involved for justice! "

The forbidden guards were set up for Qi Kunlun. Even if Qi Kunlun really wanted to do something crazy, they would never frown and swear to follow.

Qi Kunlun's prestige in the military is too high, and this matter is occupied by him. Congress has to make more or less compromises.

"Don't try to oppress me with the supreme leader. I'm sorry, he can't either! I'm really angry this time! " Qi Kunlun narrowed his eyes and sneered, "if I've been here for three days, that's all! Three days later, I didn't see what you gave me, so you can figure it out yourself. "

Naturally, the person at the other end of the phone is holding back his temper and explaining to Qi Kunlun about the importance of the overall situation.

"I have paid too much for the overall situation! Now, because of the overall situation, don't even care about their own relatives? Don't tell me more. It's an ultimatum. " Qi Kunlun's attitude is so tough that he doesn't seem to accept all compromises.

After he said this, he snapped the phone off and stuffed it into his pocket.

Yu people can't help but spit out their tongue secretly. They only think that Qi Kunlun's angry appearance is too big for people to approach. However, it's undeniable that they are really handsome. At this moment, Yu people are a little crazy about flowers and feel the spring heart is stirring.

"Drawing awake?" Qi Kunlun had already noticed the approaching Yu people and asked lightly.

"I just woke up. I didn't dare to disturb you when I saw you on the phone." Yu Ren spits out his tongue and comes up, "don't be in such a bad mood. I'll give you two boxes of good BBF cigars later!"

Qi Kunlun sighed and said: "I'm afraid to see her now. I didn't protect her."

Yu Ren stood on tiptoe and patted Qi Kunlun on the shoulder, saying: "don't blame yourself, little uncle. You can't be blamed for this. Those people are too bad and have set such a dangerous situation!"

Yu people are also well-known families. There have been many intrigues, but after really understanding this situation, I still feel a lot of panic.

It's the fight in the political arena that really makes people feel num

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