Walking Tall

Chapter 1094

The movement here has been disturbing the people in the room for a long time. At this time, the movement stops, and everyone dares to come out and check the situation.

But Yang Yujing and Qi Si, two little girls, slept heavily, so they didn't wake up. If Yang Yujing wakes up tomorrow and finds that Qin Mulong, who has been living with her for more than ten years, has become like this. I don't know how she will be sad.

Ning Changsheng squats down in front of Qin Mulong, grabs one of her arms and shakes them gently. The two dislocated arms are directly connected by him.

"You would rather live forever!" The broken army looked at Ning Changsheng and asked in a deep voice.

"Yes." Ning Changsheng said faintly, reaching out and touching Qin Mulong's eyebrow and heart, his face was very serious.

"I heard that Mr. Wenning's Kung Fu is amazing. He is also a scholar. Look at Miss Qin. Is there any help?"

Ning Changsheng said, "let me try."

During the conversation, I saw Ning Changsheng's hands were sealed and his mouth was full of real sound, but the truth was not harsh, but it seemed very integrated, making people feel comfortable.


Ning Changsheng took this word out of his mouth, and his pronunciation was wonderful, which made him feel tired after the war.

Qin Mulong's body reacts violently at this time, and suddenly shakes. Like the zombie in the movie, the whole person sits up with his back straight.

However, her eyes were still tightly closed, not opened, and there was no wave on her face.

"Hum -" Ning Changsheng's throat stirred, his vocal cords rubbed, and his voice gave out a wonderful low tone. He used this sound to send out a wonderful wave to affect Qin Mulong's intracranial nerve, hoping to wake it up.

Qin Murong is still sitting, breathing evenly, her eyes seem to move quickly under her eyelids, which makes people feel like she will open her eyes at any time.

Two minutes later, Ning Changsheng shook his head and stopped this wonderful pronunciation. Qin Mulong's body fell back and lay on the ground again.

"I've tried my best to repair the subtle damage in her brain, but I still can't wake her up." Ning Changsheng sighed, "maybe, when my skill goes further, I will have a chance to wake her up."

"She shouldn't have done such a thing," said the army breaker bitterly

Ning Changsheng said: "everything in the world, fate luck meeting, it is not clear."

Sound wave has a wonderful effect. Ning Changsheng utters the truth and produces the wonderful sound wave, which can cause the resonance of human body. He tries to wake up Qin Mulong and wash the marrow to shake the brain in this way. In the end, however, it did not succeed.

"I heard that Mr. Ning's skill has reached the ceiling. Can he go further?" Asked the breaking army.

"It's hard for me to see the way forward, but there is no end to learning. I believe there is still room for improvement." Ning Chang said quietly in his life. He stood up and looked sadly at Qin Mulong lying on the ground.

The mood of breaking the army was hard because it was his duty to protect Qi's family. However, Qin Mulong was implicated in this matter. She was killed here by Zhitian's finger. I don't know if she can survive in the future.

Ning Changsheng squinted and said, "he's back."

The plane is far away, but Ning Changsheng has heard the sound of the propeller turning.

When the army broke into the sky, they saw nothing and didn't feel it.

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