Walking Tall

Chapter 1153

Qi Kunlun asked Pei Fenghuang to have a good rest, continue to control Xiaodao League, and then left here.

Pei Fenghuang sent him to the door. She happened to see Qin Mulong waiting outside. She was shocked.

Qin Murong nods to Pei Fenghuang and leaves with Qi Kunlun.

"Your means are really powerful. However, I didn't expect that the supreme leader would come to talk to you quietly till the day." Qin Mulong naturally took Qi Kunlun's arm and said, "well, it's a bit cold and warm this evening."

Qin Mulong has already broken through the DanJin, and the blood is like a dragon. People's body temperature comes from the blood. The faster the blood flows, the less cold it will feel. Her excuse is more magnificent than before.

Qi Kunlun didn't pursue this either. Maybe she has been used to this magnificent excuse. If it is true, Qin Mulong's psychological tactics are really powerful.

Qi Kunlun said calmly, "just follow the trend. In fact, I didn't expect that through a small Kaohsiung, we could make such a big storm and achieve such an effect."

Qin Mulong said with a smile, "life is always full of accidents. Sometimes the more you want to do something, the more you can't do it. Instead, it's some accidents that make you succeed inadvertently."

Qi Kunlun nodded and said, "it is true that chance is a part of history, even a very important part."

"History is fortuitous, not inevitable, so you are needed." Qin Murong said with a smile, "I'm hungry. What do you recommend?"

"Go back to the hotel and have a good meal." Qi Kunlun said.

"That's not interesting. I want to taste the delicious food in the streets. Marshal Qi, you shouldn't forget your roots. Now that you are well-developed, you won't go to those places? " Qin Murong said with a smile.

"When I was a child, I had eaten the bread that others had lost, the bread that was moldy, and the expired milk in the battlefield. I had eaten scorpions, vipers, and even the cactus juice that could make me illusory. Do you think I'm so picky? " Qi Kunlun asked lightly.

Qin Mulong immediately chose a snack shop, took Qi Kunlun in and sat down, then ordered a lot of food.

Qi Kunlun can sit on the top-grade sofa and enjoy the delicious steak cut from the beef cattle carefully raised by Dongdao country, taste the superior wine of flower and sword country, as well as the cheap kebabs and bottles of beer in the big stalls.

Of course, people have the right to choose and choose to live a better life. However, people should not forget their roots.

Qin Mulong said: "Pei Fenghuang has been very beautiful in recent years. Even I didn't expect that the civil strife of Xiaodao League would be so serious. Because of your affairs, she, the mountain Lord, lost her power overnight and was almost forced to die. "

Qi Kunlun said: "after all, Phoenix is a woman. Of course, I don't mean to look down on women, but women are naturally more emotional. I have seen that her heart is soft, so I can also guess that Xiaodao League is not as calm as it looks. Besides, my identity is here, and phoenix is my subordinate. Those enemies are not willing to watch me keep such a huge Jianghu community firmly in my hand. "

Qin Murong nodded slightly, got up to ask for two bottles of white wine with the boss, and then talked with Qi Kunlun while drinking.

The liquor was put on the stove to warm up. After drinking it, the intestines and stomach were all hot and spicy. One swallow or two, the whole person was very comfortable.

"Although our Kung Fu is so superb that we can control all kinds of mysteries of the human body, we still need to select food carefully. We can eat it once in a while, but not every day." As Qi Kunlun said, he took out a box and put it on the table. "This is a special pill made by Zhang Huolian, the leader of the Danding School of Taoism. It contains rich nutrients and microelements for human body. Your martial arts are in the bottleneck period. In the future, try to eat less and take more of these pills. In this way, you can also reduce the intake of impurities and affect the internal organs. "

Qin Mulong was not polite, so she took it directly.

Qi Kunlun's words are very reasonable. Some fitness experts almost don't eat carbohydrates, just protein.

Not to mention the athletes, the top athletes are very selective about food, and even spend tens of millions of dollars every year to hire top nutrition experts to match their diet.

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