Walking Tall

Chapter 130

Wu Rui sits on the ground, pounding his legs hard to find a glimmer of hope to stand up. However, this does not help, and has no effect.

At this time, the trucks in the sand field have also been loaded and driven out.

After more than ten trucks came out, when they passed by Wu Rui, they all honked their horns twice, which was their deliberate irony.

Wu Rui's face turned red with rage and said, "don't let one go!"

"Brother Rui, let's go and tell president Shen about it and let him deal with it." A Wu Rui's confidant came up at this time and said cautiously, "the brothers under his hand are very afraid now."

Wu Rui Leng Leng, and then bite his teeth, said: "OK! Ten years is not too late for a gentleman to revenge! You, wait for me! "

Several of Wu Rui's men immediately rushed up, got him up, carried him and trotted away.

"You deserve it!" Anmeng scolded again.

These trucks, which come out of the sand quarries, transport a load of silt to the needed construction sites.

Li Xiang is scowling at the construction site. Seeing a truck loaded with silt coming, he can't help but open his eyes and wonder: "Wu Rui, is it solved so quickly? The man, who is holy! "

"Brother Zigang was injured by their people. I'm afraid he has to rest for two days. I'll ask Uncle an to help me look after him here." Qi Kunlun said.

"No problem! I promise to look after it! " Anmeng immediately nodded and agreed without hesitation.

Qi Kunlun patted anmeng lightly on the shoulder and said: "then I'll bother uncle an for dessert. I'll go to the hospital first. If you have any trouble, call me "

he gave anmeng a business card with his phone number written on it.

When Qi Kunlun left in a car, an Meng came back to his senses. He couldn't help looking up at the sky and said, "President Qi, you must be able to smile. Now Kunlun is promising."

"Iron knife club? It looks like a real cancer. "

Qi Kunlun sat in the car, thinking of Wu Rui's self-reported background, and then said in a low voice.

A cold look broke the army, said: "Qi Shuai, why don't you let me pick Shen Bailang's head?"

"No, not yet." Qi Kunlun just said it casually, and didn't mean to go further.

The last time I met Shen Bailang at Yang Wenyuan's house, if Shen Bailang did anything to help him, he didn't mind that Shen Bailang would go to hell at once, but Shen Bailang was smart enough to leave with his bodyguard.

But this time, Wu Rui, Shen Bailang's nephew, committed a crime on his head and was directly defeated by Tang Yi. In the second half of his life, he couldn't stand up. He was so hateful that he didn't know if Shen Bailang could not help it?

When Qi Kunlun arrived at the hospital, Shen Bailang also saw Wu Rui who had been abandoned, which made his look gloomy.

"It's very deceiving for Qi!" Shen Bailang said slowly, "contact Xu Jiaren for me. I want to see her and discuss it!"

"Yes, president!"

So Shen Bailang met with Xu Jiaren. No one knew what they had discussed in the two hours.

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