Walking Tall

Chapter 1326

Nalan Jiuge suddenly began to look down on him. He didn't expect that Qi Kunlun, who was willing to fight for justice at the airport, should do such a cruel thing.

After hearing this, sang Kun was stunned and said, "ha ha, ha ha, it seems that Chairman Qi's appetite is even bigger than ours! It doesn't matter, as long as you can sell as much as you want! "

Qi Kunlun looked at sangkun and said, "in other words, do you still have supplies?"

"I'm not afraid to tell you that my big boss is Ruan Hao, the biggest drug lord in South Vietnam." Sangkun said triumphantly, "do you think I have a supply?"

"It turned out to be the elder brother of Wang Ruan Yuan, a murderer in South Vietnam." Hearing this, Qi Kunlun burst into laughter.

"It seems that you also know the prestige of the three Ruan brothers! In that case, would you like to cooperate? " Sang Kun said with a smile.

"Let your boss come and talk to me. You can't make the decision." Qi Kunlun shook his head and said faintly, "this business is too small for me to look up to."

Sang Kun frowned and said, "it's not impossible for you to see my boss, but you have to have credit first? Here are 50 kilos of goods. You can help us sell them in a week. After that, I'll let you see our boss! "

Qi Kunlun sighed at this time, shook his head slightly and said, "I wanted to let you live two more days."

"Well? What do you mean Sangkun stood up and pointed at qikunlun with a watermelon knife still dripping blood. His face was ferocious.

Seven South Vietnamese people around him were also on guard. Some even pulled out their own pistols. The man behind Qi Kunlun also quickly pulled out his gun and put the muzzle of the gun directly on the back of his head.

Nalan Jiuge suddenly got nervous and didn't know where the situation would develop.

Chu Xiaofeng is comatose in the chair, nobody knows, otherwise, I don't know whether he will be scared to urinate again by this scene.

"Do you know who I hate the most in my life?" Qi Kunlun was shot.

"I'd like to hear your last words!" Sang Kun said coldly.

"What I hate most is you junkies who make money from drugs." Qi Kunlun's face became serious when he was cold. His eyes almost glowed with cold light.

Sangkun laughed innocently, then shook his head and said: "it's really a piece of rubbish! Kill him first. "

Just at the moment when the man behind him was ready to pull the trigger, Qi Kunlun's body suddenly squatted down, twisted his upper body, raised his arm, and slapped him on the crotch of the shooter behind him! Before the shooter had time to cry out pain, Qi Kunlun's body suddenly turned to his back, crushed the opponent's hand bones, seized the pistol, took his body as a shelter, raised his hand to the other shooters and fired.

"Bang! Bang! Bang! Bang

Four shots in a row, almost no need to aim at general, point where to hit!

Four shot down, four people fell to the ground, a big hole in the head, blood and brain fluid fly everywhere.

As soon as sang Kun's face changed, he rushed to Nalan Jiuge's side. The whole person hid behind her, only half of her head was exposed, and the bloody watermelon knife was directly across her neck.

After Qi Kunlun's four shots, he didn't stop at all. Three South Vietnamese people who didn't have guns immediately wanted to run, and they were hit by him accurately before they took two steps.

Before Qi Kunlun had recovered, he saw his companions fall down one after another. As soon as he wanted to resist, he felt his neck loose. He saw Qi Kunlun's cold face as a murderous God.

Then, his body slowly fell to the ground, and his whole neck was twisted at an exaggerated angle.

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