Walking Tall

Chapter 1468

Ruan Xiong, with white lips, looked at Qi Kunlun and said, "only one person in China can make such a strategic deployment so easily."

Qi Kunlun did not speak.

Ye Chengen came back to his head and said, "are you... Qi Shuai?"

Xie Mengxi's brain also wakes up from the chaos, thinks about what happened to him before, and has a judgment. He looks at Qi Kunlun in amazement.

"Yes, in order to trace the chip, I put down a lot of things. Even before the election, I had to leave Yanjing for Nandao. The face of the Ye family is big enough Qi Kunlun said with a smile.

"General Ruan Xiong, kill him, kill him now! If it falls into his hands, we will die in the end! " Ye Chengen said in horror.

However, Ruan Xiong didn't order to start, and his soldiers were all flustered. Just now, the situation has undergone an earth shaking reversal.

On the Chinese side, the two torpedo submarines have been following the gambling boat secretly, and more fighters are on standby at any time.

In naval warfare, the fight is actually for air supremacy. The more fighters in hand, the greater the advantage.

At the beginning, the fighters of Dongdao state were several times as many as those of the white headed eagle country. However, due to the loss of too many aircraft carriers in a naval battle, it lost its air supremacy. Finally, it was gradually reversed, and its territory was bombed on a large scale, so it had to raise its flag and surrender.

It is not easy for Ruan Xiong to get a few old destroyers. It is impossible for him to come up with a few more fighters that can compete with China's new supersonic fighters.

If he had that ability, he would have ruled the country in the south.

Nowadays, warlords are still relatively backward in means of war. They are still in the state of decades ago. They attack the city with an AK rifle.

It's not that they don't want to develop, but in the final analysis, it's just two words - poverty.

Only poor countries will have wars all year round, and there will be warlord separatism, which will not happen to powerful countries. For example, although the interior of XueGuo has been rotten to the extreme, and even began to disintegrate, there are still no warlords in the country. Even if a terrorist armed force is supported by foreign forces, it is also destroyed by the nearby military region every minute.

Ruan Xiong looked at Qi Kunlun and said seriously, "can I go back now and live?"

Qi Kunlun laughed and said, "of course, there is no conflict between China and general Ruan Xiong. I just came here based on chip this time."

Ruan Xiong took a breath and said, "please ask Marshal Qi to let me live. I Ruan Xiong swears that I will not be the enemy of China again in this life!"

Qi Kunlun said, "yes."

Seeing that Qi Kunlun promised so easily, Ruan Xiong couldn't believe it. He hesitated and said, "how can I believe you?"

"You have no choice now." Qi Kunlun restrained the smile on his face and said faintly, "are you going to talk with me about the conditions?"

Ruan Xiong quickly lowered his head and said, "I dare not!"

Although there are tens of thousands of troops in Ruan Xiong's hands, it is still impossible for him to directly challenge a country. Fighting in the chaotic South Vietnam does not matter. It is no different from the clamour of a military power like China, which is not different from seeking death. As far as the defense forces of South Vietnam are concerned, China's high-tech missiles will come in every minute and blow his old nest into dust.

After hearing the conversation, Cheng Ren's face was pale.

Ruan Xiong is not a fool. He doesn't need to accompany the Ye family to the black. Moreover, Qi Kunlun has already said that he can let him live.

Even people with brain problems can understand how to choose.

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