Walking Tall

Chapter 1495

The duel between Qi Kunlun and ye Kuafu was earth shaking. When the two hit each other, the sound of cannon roared through the whole camp.

After a punch, the two men did not retreat at all, and each took action.

Ye Kuafu's capture skill is amazing, and various changes can be easily made. However, Qi Kunlun is also equivalent to a living martial arts treasure, and each move can dissolve it.

"What a wonderful young man, I haven't seen such a powerful person for a long time! Great, great Ye Kuafu praised him again and again in his heart. He had no chance to speak with Qi Kunlun.

Qi Kunlun's eyes are calm, his whole person is like an ancient well, and his heart is like an ice field. The enemy's moves will be fed back to his mind instantly, and then his body will make a natural response.

The Qi and blood in Ye Kuafu's body was boiling, and Qi Kunlun did not let him go. He pulled his muscles and bones in the same way.

Ye Kuafu's body suddenly wavered, as if retreating, but he was moving forward. He squeezed to the middle line of the Qi Kunlun Mountains and raised his hand to "the green dragon comes out of the water". In a simple way, he grasped the opportunity, strength and change to the top, turning corruption into magic!

Qi Kunlun's wrists were slightly buckled in a semicircle shape. The sound of dragons and tigers roared from Qi Kunlun's body. The golden bell jar and iron cloth shirt were on the body at the same time. The goose bumps on the skin surface were bulging one by one, like iron sand! His arm swung a semicircle, gently swung, fast to unpredictable, breath in the mouth and nose, a hum, such as hitting a copper bell, like a giant beast breathing!

In an instant, the two people touch and divide.

Ye Kuafu obviously felt that the opponent's strength was full of momentum, as if the heaven and earth were crushing at the same time. It was solemn and upright, giving people an irresistible feeling. The purity of his fist meaning was also rare in the world.


Ye Kuafu's feet move, step into the eight trigrams, eight changes in a step, 64 palms! It covers heaven and earth, and is ever-changing.

Qi Kunlun did not move like a mountain. His left hand suddenly printed on his lower abdomen. The elixir exhaled, and his throat was violently rubbed, and the word "zhe" came out

At this moment, ye Kuafu felt that the other side's spirit and spirit suddenly soared. It was like boiling water reaching the peak state. It seemed that there was a wolf smoke coming out of the skull and straight into the sky.

"Nine secrets of Taoism!" Ye Kuafu's pupil shrinks to the size of a needle awn, and his body rotates continuously. He makes nine palms of "Qian San Lian" and "Kun Liu Duan", blocking the "five steps to capture Huashan" from Qi Kunlun.

Ye Kuafu's physical loss was also serious. When he stepped back, Qi Kunlun's toes were aimed at the middle line of his body. He grabbed the position of the middle line. His left hand made a mark, and he drank: "fight!"


Ye Kuafu only felt the meningeal pain. He seemed to have hallucinations in front of him. Thousands of troops rushed to kill him, and his iron horse highlighted his sword and gun!

"Although this kind of mantra is extremely mysterious and even unique, every time it is used, it will have a huge load on the heart and lung, Shaoyang and Shaoyin meridians. Even the great masters who can see the spirit can't use it continuously!" Ye Kuafu is like a mirror in his heart. His spirit condenses and shrinks, and then erupts. His posture is like a tiger. He turns hard, and two gun punches fight Qi Kunlun.

Qi and Kunlun sat on the horse with his waist down and Dan sitting on his crotch, just like the emperor Taizu of the Song Dynasty sitting on the Jinluan hall, which was the shelf of "Taizu sitting in the Jinluan Palace".

As soon as the body's Dan Qi spurted, Qi and blood ran through the whole body, and his temple suddenly swelled. His forehand swayed forward, like a lotus blossom. His movements were deadly. His back hand instantly pierced through and stabbed his chest!

"What a powerful fist technique!" Ye Kuafu secretly said in his heart, with his chest shrinking his back, he immediately shook hands to catch him.

Qi Kunlun's body trembled, and his strength of dipping his clothes for eighteen times bounced the other party's fingers away. He made progress in accordance with the situation, and threw a "body beating" at Ye Kuafu's crotch.

Ye Kuafu pulled down his front hand, and a "finger crotch thump" fell down. He hit Qi Kunlun's fist and took another step back.

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