Walking Tall

Chapter 1540

Chu Longxiong's face was also heavy. After all, beiyuanzhou was so close to XueGuo. How could he be ignorant? His heart also can't help sinking, did not expect, this matter, unexpectedly will involve the snow country oligarch!

At present, China's high-level officials are trying to get close to the oligarchs of the snow country and have a good relationship with them to facilitate the division of interests from the snow country.

"Check it for me!" Qi Kunlun spewed out three words without expression, with a cold smile on his face, "even if the person behind you is Victor II, it doesn't work here!"

People in the snow country yelled and yelled, and their mouths spewed ugly words. Their expressions were obviously in a hurry.

After entering the warehouse, Chu Longxiong's people began to rummage the containers. However, most of them were normal goods, which were fur transported from the snow country.

"Mr. Chu, I didn't find anything unusual..." one of his men ran out and said to Chu Longxiong.

"Mr. Qi." Chu Longxiong looks at Qi Kunlun and feels a little uneasy. If nothing is found out, it will be very troublesome for the official to intervene.

Qi Kunlun, however, looked as usual and said, "I'll go and have a look."

He walked into the warehouse, where furs were turned over everywhere. He picked up one and weighed it in his hand.

"It's not the right weight. There's something in it. Cut it open." Qi Kunlun threw the fur in his hand into the hand of one of Chu Longxiong's men, who was stunned and immediately took out a dagger to cut the fur.

Once the fur is cut, a pile of drugs wrapped in small plastic bags will be poured out.

Qi Kunlun said, "open all the furs for me. I want to see how many drugs these bastards have transported to our country."

Qi Kunlun's face is a little dark. Look at this, I'm afraid these drugs are not only sold in Tiancao City, but may even spread out of beiyuanzhou and sold to other state capitals! There must be a long line.

Boxes of goods are opened, and the fur inside are disassembled. There is no problem with the fur on the surface of the container, but the middle and bottom layers are obviously much heavier. After unpacking, packets of drugs will fall out.

With so many drugs, Qi Kunlun's face is getting darker and darker. I'm afraid a beiyuanzhou can't digest this amount! It must have spread to other states. This line is very long!

"All together, check out the total amount here." Qi Kunlun said lightly.

Chulongxiong looked at the drugs found in the warehouse, and his face turned pale. He didn't expect the amount to be so large! Looking at this scale, I'm afraid it can't be done by one phone call as I thought before. Behind this, I'm afraid there are very powerful people supporting it. If you make that call rashly, it's not that these snowy people have not been killed, but they have been killed.

Qi Kunlun nodded to Chu Longxiong and said, "this time Mr. Chu worked hard to find such a large number. Mr. Chu is meritorious."

Chu Longxiong coughed and said: "Mr. Qi, let me continue to keep a low profile. This credit, don't count it on."

Chu Longxiong can also be aware of the seriousness of the situation. If he makes a public appearance in this matter, he will surely be hated by others. Compared with Qi Kunlun, his size is like a grasshopper. If the other side shot the first bird, first to clean up their own, I am afraid that even the chance to run.

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