Walking Tall

Chapter 1802

The three elixirs were killed and two wounded in the thunder attack of Qi Kunlun.

Qi Kunlun didn't leave his hands behind, and his physical strength broke out with all his strength. Only in this way could he solve the battle so quickly. Otherwise, he would have to be dragged on for a while.

Qin Murong was so amazed that she couldn't help clapping and said, "it's really amazing! Is this the difference between land gods and human beings? Under the physical strength full strength burst, no one can resist

Zhang Shangshan was directly killed by Qi Kunlun's "sticking to the mountain". His sternum was broken, and his internal organs became excited. All the blood colored powder flowed out of his eyes, ears, mouth and nose.

Wu Guanzhi and Li Hongjiang's eardrums were shattered by Zhenyan, and their bodies were damaged to varying degrees. They could only be deaf in their lifetime.

The soldiers of the Tianlong army were even more frightened. They had been talking about Qi Kunlun before, but now, after seeing the strength of Qi Kunlun, they were even more scared.

"Three top instructors of thunder whip, they were defeated so simply Lin Yafeng is also frightened, can not help but secretly took a breath of cold air.

Qi Kunlun looked calm, clapped his hands at will and said, "remember to pay for the loss here."

"Understand, understand!" Song Hui and Lin hydrocarbon Feng nodded like garlic, and did not dare to have the slightest hesitation.

Qi Kunlun took a bottle of wine, poured a cup, put three or four ice cubes on it, drank it all in one gulp, narrowed his eyes and said with a smile: "quick!"

Zhang Shangshan, from the beginning, was the one he wanted to kill, because the other side had the identity background of a layman disciple of Bodhi temple, and it didn't matter if the other two were dead or not. Zhang Shangshan had been calculated by Qi Kunlun's playing methods from the beginning to the end, and fell into the trap step by step. Otherwise, with his strength, he could not have been defeated so simply.

Wu Guanzhi and Li Hongjiang slowly got up from the ground. Looking up at Zhang Shangshan, who was leaning against the wall, his face did not change.

Zhang Shangshan died. One of his arms was torn by life, and his internal organs were smashed to pieces. The death was miserable, even terrible.

"Are you still going to ask for advice?" Qi Kunlun looked at them and asked faintly.

They could not hear any sound at all, but could see the mouth shape of Qi Kunlun.

However, both of them did not act any more. They were clearly aware of the gap between themselves and Qi Kunlun. The gap between the two sides was too big. Three people were not enough, unless two more were almost the same! Two more masters with similar level can defeat Qi Kunlun!

Qi Kunlun's strength makes people feel a little desperate. When can they catch up with such a martial arts realm?

After gently putting down the glass, Qi Kunlun said to Qin Murong, "go ahead, you don't have to pay for it today."

Qin Murong laughed, walked up slowly and said, "go."

They left the bar and returned to the state guesthouse to have a rest.

In another day tomorrow, when the armed forces of the three armies will meet, Qi Kunlun will have a head-on collision with Ning Changsheng.

"You seem to have used the truth just now. Don't you say it's very sad about lung function?" Qin Murong frowned and asked.

"My physical fitness has almost completely recovered. I use it a little and it doesn't hinder me a lot." Qi Kunlun shook his head and said faintly, "moreover, if we really want to dally with the three of them, I'm afraid the loss will be greater."

"It seems that those guys don't have a complete grasp of Ning Changsheng, otherwise, they won't be able to deal with you in this way." Qin Murong said coldly, "from tomorrow, we should pay more attention to it. Maybe someone will poison...

Qi Kunlun nodded. He and Ning Changsheng both wanted to fight fairly, but some people just wanted to destroy such unfairness.

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