Walking Tall

Chapter 1824

Qin Murong was stunned. She felt that Qi Kunlun's perception ability was really frightening. Could he predict the future?

Qi Kunlun picked up his mobile phone to connect, and he heard the voice of Qi painting: "grandfather is dying. After you've finished the work of Yanjing, come back quickly..."

Qi Yun's organ failure has led to the present situation. No one can tell how long he will live.

After hearing this, Qi Kunlun was very calm and said, "I know. You can stay at home and wait for me to go back. On my side, I should be back tomorrow. "

"Good." After hearing Qi Kunlun's voice, Qi Hua felt much calmer without any reason. He could not say what was going on.

After hanging up the phone, Qi Kunlun said, "the old man is dying. I have to visit Zhang Huolian now."

"Zhang Huolian is the leader of the Dan Ding sect. By combining ancient secret arts with modern science and technology, Zhang Huolian made the Danding school go public in one fell swoop, and its share price even exceeded that of Baiyao group, the leading pharmaceutical industry. I also want to see such a strange person." Qin Rong said.

"I was going to take you with me." Qi Kunlun said with a smile, "let's go and go to the Academy of science and technology."

The Chinese Academy of science and technology is the most rigorous place. After all, the state's cutting-edge science and technology are all placed here. If people can easily sneak in and steal one or two items, they will be the sun family of Tianda.

Qi Kunlun and Qin Murong did not take a bus. They were able to run as fast as thunder, and soon came to the gate of the Academy of science and technology.

"Stop coming!" After seeing Qi Kunlun and Qin Murong, the guards at the gate immediately stood by.

"Qi Kunlun, Grand Marshal of the black dragon army." Qi Kunlun reported to his family and took out his certificate from his arms, "I have something urgent to see President Zhang."

The guard looked at Qi Kunlun's ID card, his face was Su, he suddenly saluted, and said, "please see Qi Shuai for your humble duty!"

Qi Kunlun said: "let someone show me the way. I don't have much time to delay."

The guard did not dare to neglect, let his companions guard the door here, and immediately led Qi Kunlun inside.

After layer upon layer of identity verification, Qi Kunlun and Qin Murong entered the interior of the Academy of science and technology.

This makes Qin Murong, who has never been to such a place, have an eye opening feeling. Looking around, he only feels that everything is very novel.

"Dan Ding Department has arrived, I will not go in, Qi Shuai please." When the guard got to the door of a gate, he stopped at once and said respectfully.

"Well, it's hard for you." Qi Kunlun light road.

"What, Qi Shuai, I have a question!" Said the guard.


"Is the war between you and Ning Changsheng over? Who won? " The guard said with some difficulty.

Qin Murong couldn't help laughing. Sure enough, everyone was watching the war.

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