Walking Tall

Chapter 1863

The capture of Lin Kang, the son of Lin Tianxuan, caused a great sensation.

The group led by Qi Jiu under Lin Kang's command was also arrested by the military.

At the first time, some people came forward to blame Qi Kunlun, believing that he was acting as a warlord and a militarist, and that the military had overstepped its authority and interfered in the affairs of the judicial department.

However, the prestige of Qi Kunlun was at its zenith, and someone immediately came forward to argue, pointing out that all the main personnel arrested by Qi Kunlun were veterans, and that the veterans were also in the reserve service of the Chinese army, and that Qi Kunlun had the right to administer it.

The two sides have different opinions. They have been quarrelling on the Internet.

Qi Kunlun did not care about this, and he still sat on the Diaoyutai.

"Kunlun, I didn't expect that things would be so big..." Lu Zigang said with a wry smile. "The next development has been out of my understanding. I hope it will not have any impact on you."

Today's situation is not limited to finding justice for Lu Zi gang and Cai Qiang. It is completely out of Lu Zi Gang's imagination.

To be sure, Lu Zigang was really surprised when he learned that Qi Kunlun was Qi Shuai, but he was not sure whether Qi Kunlun could end up normally.

After hearing this, Qi Kunlun just laughed and said, "brother Zi Gang, you don't have to worry about it. Take back your loss and let out your evil spirit. Don't think about anything else. "

"Ah... OK! I didn't expect it to be like this... But you can hide it. I don't know your real identity until now. " Lu Zigang said with some regret.

"I don't say, I'm just worried that this identity will affect our relationship. Power, after all, is something that makes people feel afraid. " Qi Kunlun said with a helpless smile.

Lu Zigang nodded and said nothing more. It was useless for him to worry about the next thing.

Qi Kunlun soon got a message that Lin Tianxuan's wife invited him to his house.

Qi Kunlun did not refuse the invitation, but agreed directly. At noon of the same day, he took a bus to Lin Fu.

Lin Tianxuan's wife is very old. However, she is not old and stupid. On the contrary, she has a feeling that she is old and mature.

After Qi Kunlun captured Lin Kang, she didn't become angry. Instead, she was harmonious and invited Qi Kunlun in. She even poured a cup of tea for Qi Kunlun.

Qi Kunlun sat upright and said calmly, "I should have come to visit Mrs. Lin for a long time. Unfortunately, the business is quite busy. I can't come to see the old lady until today. It's really embarrassing."

"It's very polite of Qi Shuai to say that." Mrs. Lin laughed and leaned back on the sofa, looking very comfortable.

Qi Kunlun laughed, did not speak any more and drank tea in silence.

If Mrs. Lin doesn't open his mouth, he naturally won't open his mouth. The initiative is still in his hands.

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