Walking Tall

Chapter 1891

The ancient city of Shacheng is still very distinctive. Although it is a late construction, it is not a real legacy of ancient times, but there are many places to play.

Nalan Jiuge said: "I just like to travel around alone and do what I want. It's really great."

Qi Kunlun nodded. She once said that she liked skating and enjoyed the feeling of freedom.

"Freedom is everyone's right, and we should fight to defend it." Qi Kunlun said.

"Straight man of iron and steel, it's killing the scenery!" Nalan Jiuge can't help but sigh, "I don't want to hear what you say here."

While talking, Nalan Jiuge suddenly coughed, and it was a series of coughs. After coughing, he felt some heartrending.

Qi Kunlun hurried to the side of the drink shop and bought a cup of warm milk coffee. After taking two drinks, her face looked much better and her cough finally stopped.

Qi Kunlun patted Nalan Jiuge on the back and said, "you have to eat more things to moisten the lung. The choking water caused serious damage to your lung function. You should always have some medicine around you."

"Thank you for your concern. I'm fine now." Nalan Jiuge's face turned red because she was not breathing smoothly just now.

Qi Kunlun nodded and kneaded several important acupoints on her back. She felt much better this time.

The lung is the organ of human respiration. The sequela of Nalan Jiuge is still relatively serious. If it is not related, I'm afraid even the stewardess will not be able to become, and the physical examination will definitely fail.

"You can't fly some plateau areas in the future, or you may lose your life." Qi Kunlun cared, "it's better to take a rest at home for another year and a half, and get the lung well before you walk out."

"Mm-hmm, I know. I can't fly on the plateau, and the crew will not assign me such a job." Nalan Jiuge laughed and said, "if you stay at home, it's no good. I'm going to get moldy."

With these words, she gulped down the milk coffee in her hand. It was sweet, warm, and delicious. The temperature was just right, which made people feel very comfortable.

After drinking coffee, Nalan Jiuge took a look at Qi Kunlun, and then laughed for no reason.

Qi Kunlun took the empty cup, threw it casually and slapped it. It must have hit the garbage bin seven or eight meters away.

"I'm lucky to be taken care of by your Grand Marshal." Nalan's nine songs laughed and joked.

Qi Kunlun gave her a helpless look and accompanied her back to the scenic spot where she had changed her costume to change her clothes.

Nalan Jiuge changed back to a modern dress, which immediately became fashionable and beautiful. No matter what you wear, it looks very versatile.

"Do you want to go back to have a rest and then have a meal? I don't think your condition is very good." Qi Kunlun said with a frown.

"Don't worry about me, my body, I know it by myself." Nalan Jiuge confidently said that although she was a little weak, she didn't feel that she needed to go back to rest immediately. "It's hard to come out and have a good time. How can I have enough fun?"

"You don't know your body, but the doctor does." Qi Kunlun said.

"Don't be so wordy. Let's go." Nalan Jiuge excitedly said that he grabbed Qi Kunlun's arm and went to the next scenic spot.

Qi Kunlun can only shake his head when he can't move her. However, with him here, even if there is something wrong with Nalan Jiuge, it can be solved.

"Chu Qin, I'll give it to you. You should take care of her more." Nalan Jiuge said while walking.

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