Walking Tall

Chapter 1926

Cai Qingwan said again, "what are you practicing martial arts for?"

Qi Kunlun said: "at the beginning, it was to mix a more decent appearance in the army, but unconsciously, his mind was changed by the teacher... If people live in an irresistible pain, they will regard this pain as happiness. If you are a pig, living in a dark pigsty, you will be eating pig food as a great happiness, so forget to get a knife sooner or later. Therefore, the pig's memory is forced into this way, can not be said to be born bad. Therefore, I want to make myself stronger and change such an environment. At least, people can realize that in the face of all injustices and defending their rights, they should know to shout, instead of just persuading themselves to have a mouthful of pig food to eat, which is happier and happier than those who have no pig food to eat, so as to think that those who violate our rights should do These things should be taken for granted and should not be criticized... "

" we should make ourselves free and others have dignity. People no longer fear power and officials, but revere noble personality and lofty morality. " Qi Kunlun said, "these should be my original intention of practicing martial arts."

"To seek Tao is actually to seek freedom. People are limited by their own flesh and blood. To pursue the road is to release the mind and pursue the infinite possibility. " After listening, Cai Qingwan was silent for a long time, and then commented, "you are using yourself to help others, abandoning your heart of seeking Tao. This is quite a Mahayana Dharma. If the hell is not empty, there will be no Buddha. "

"Everyone has his own ambition. Maybe it's because of the relationship between Yunzhi and Zhizhi. The four characters I remember most from childhood are not forgetting my original intention." Qi Kunlun always kept calm, with a faint smile on his face, "Yongxin, this name is very good."

While speaking, there was a loud noise in the sky, and the clouds were thick.

The weather in the south is changeable.

Cai Qingwan said: "there should be no rainstorm recently. How can it rain?"

Qi Kunlun raised his head, looked as usual, and said, "because this is for me."

"For you?" Cai Qingwan said in dismay, "what do you mean?"

"Ray, come and chop me." Qi Kunlun said word by word.

"Thunder to chop you?" Cai Qingwan was so shocked that he even screamed, "what a joke!"

Qi Kunlun said: "since ancient times, there has been a saying of crossing the river. In fact, this is not empty words, strong people, the magnetic field will also be strong, will lead to the invasion of heart demons, and even lead to thunder! Thunder and lightning are caused by magnetic field friction. The magnetic field of people like us is too strong, which will resonate with the heaven and earth. Therefore, thunder and lightning will be attracted. "

Cai Qingwan's face turned white and said, "isn't that forcing people to die?"

"The whole earth is still covered by sea water. There is no life. Lightning breaks into the water and produces wonderful changes. This is the birth of cell life, and then these life evolution, which gradually leads to the emergence of various organisms. Thunder represents not only destruction, but also the shaping of life. To understand the mystery of life and death, and then to break the secret of life and death, to experience the baptism of real thunder, to radiate all the vitality in the body, is the real King Kong not bad. "

While Qi Kunlun was talking, he stood up and opened the window.

Cai Qingwan was stunned.

"I'm very inspired to chat with you tonight. I can't change my original intention and forget my mission. History chooses me. So, who will give me up? " Qi Kunlun said, and then stepped out of the air, the whole person whooshed out of the window, landed steadily.

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