Walking Tall

Chapter 1942

"Why haven't we won yet?" Fifteen minutes later, Zheng Guorui's face began to look ugly, which was beyond his expectation.

What he thought was that within 10 minutes, the two leaders would surely be able to defeat Qi Kunlun, and even if they could not kill him, they would be able to make him escape with serious injuries.

However, this has been a quarter of an hour, but the winner has not been identified! What's more, it's two to one. The longer it takes, the more uneasy he will be.

"How could that be possible?"

Suddenly, a roar came in.

Everyone recognized that it was the voice of Zhitian, with surprise, hesitation and even a trace of fear.

"It's impossible!"

Then, the voice of Jimi coventon, leader of the war god system of the white headed eagle Kingdom, came in. Although his words were different from those of Zhitian, their meaning was the same.

Kunlun, obviously, is beyond the scope of their imagination.

Once again, the sound of the war came, and the pounding of fists and feet became heavier. Each time, it seemed that the cannon was pounding against the conference room, which made people's heart almost jump out.

Zheng Guorui's cold sweat began to flow out. If he didn't invite the two leaders, even if he was suppressed by Qi Kunlun, he would not die... But now, he invited the two leaders to fight with Qi Kunlun. If the two leaders were defeated, Qi Kunlun would certainly not let him go! His life has been connected with the two leaders.

"President Zheng seems to have no confidence in the two leaders he has invited?" Qin Murong couldn't help laughing and asked coldly.

"Qi Shuai's skill is amazing. One person may not be able to deal with it. But if the two leaders join hands, how can he have any chance?" Zheng Guorui pretended to be calm.

"Yes? How can president Zheng have a cold sweat in his head Qi Chu Qin couldn't help interrupting.

"It's still too hot in southern India." Zheng Guorui sneered.

Finally, the war outside was over, which lasted for more than 20 minutes.

Inside, they don't know the result.

Everyone's eyes fell on the door of the conference room. They wanted to see who the first person came in.

"Don't be Qi Kunlun!" Zheng Guorui clenched his fists. He was so nervous that he trembled.

But to his disappointment, the first figure at the door was indeed Qi Kunlun.

Qi Kunlun's suit was tattered. He had no two sleeves and his shoes were missing. He looked like a ragged beggar.

Qin Murong slowly exhaled a breath of turbid Qi. If she had not witnessed Qi Kunlun's death after being chopped by thunder, she would have been forced to enter the state of Qi and blood tightening and her consciousness returning to chaos, so as to impact and break the void.

She has fought with Zhitian and knows the horror of each other. Although she has made great progress recently, she is still dying for most of her life to fight against an opponent like Zhitian.

Although Qi Kunlun was dressed in rags, he walked calmly with a few wisps of blood on his body, and his expression was calm.

Zheng Guorui fell from his chair with a bang.

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