Walking Tall

Chapter 1965

The eighteen stick monks were silent, lined up in battle lines, holding almost three meters long sticks, approaching the Qi Kunlun Mountains.

Qi Kunlun narrowed his eyes. According to the law, no martial arts master could face such 18 stick holding masters with bare hands, even Ning Changsheng! Unless Ning Changsheng has a sword in his hand, that's two things to say. After all, Ning Changsheng is known as the "Central South Sword Fairy".

These eighteen stick monks are not only powerful in tacit understanding and military force, but also powerful in spiritual cultivation. They crush together to form a situation that is hard for ordinary people to resist, as if they were fighting against the Buddhas in heaven.


Three cudgel monks rushed forward one by one, one by vertical chopping and two by sweeping. The staff was so fierce that it made a harsh sound in the air.

Qi Kunlun was just a "claw sheep horse" to stand firm. He hit the head of the stick with a "Japanese character punch" in his forehand. Then he lifted his right foot, swayed left and right, cracked twice, and kicked the other two sticks away.

"Hoo ha!"

The eighteen stick monks yelled together, and the sound of their feet became one, which was frightening.

In such a battle, I'm afraid that some experts have not started to fight, and their hearts will be timid.

But who are the people of Qi Kunlun? Recognized as the world's best master, how can it shrink?

He did not retreat, but went forward. Although he was single handed, his momentum was so fierce that it made people feel like thousands of horses rushing to him. His clothes were inflated by a burst of Qi, and the whole person seemed to be bloated.

The long stick like rain fell down, almost no dead corner covered his whole body.

Qi Kunlun also pointed out that he was like a knife. He lifted two palms to protect his whole body. He stepped on the eight trigrams and walked close to the ground. His palms turned into two big swords. He could not pour water into his whole body in the form of "night fighting eight sides". When a stick fell down, all the sticks were cut off by his palm knife!

Qi Kunlun's eyes suddenly awed, his spine moved and turned into the shape of a dragon. He stepped out with a big stride and raised his hand to deliver a smash fist!

But at this time, two sticks came out of the crowd, just like a poisonous snake. They were vicious and cunning, and hit his vital points in the lower Yin and throat.

Qi Kunlun could only shake his shoulder hard and stand still as if he were sitting on the Jinluan hall. When the two sticks hit, he suddenly punched them open!

"Shua!" At this moment, the eighteen stick monks scattered and surrounded him. The eighteen long sticks echoed each other, and the sun was blocked.

Qi Kunlun frowned fiercely, and suddenly a "monkey crouching" was used, but what he received was not the identity of dodging, but the form of "lifting body palm" in the eight trigrams palm! He pulled the palm of his hand from the middle line of his body to the top of his head. Then he suddenly opened it and turned it up as if he wanted to open the sky!

"Bang bang bang bang bang"

the sound of beating came, and eighteen sticks pressed on the top of Qi Kunlun's head.

Each of these sticks is as thick as an adult's wrist. It is three meters long. One of them weighs twenty or thirty kilograms. When a dozen of them are folded together, they are already weighing three or five hundred pounds! What's more, the eighteen stick monks waved their sticks together and smashed them down. What strength was that?

However, these 18 sticks fell down, which made Qi Kunlun hold on to one hand and could not even press down an inch.

Qi Kunlun twisted his buttocks, and the whole spine burst out like firecrackers. It was like a living dragon. A force was sent to the palm of his hand. With a bang, eighteen sticks pressed on the palm of his hand were bounced off!

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