Walking Tall

Chapter 1992

At this time, it was the night of the dark and the wind, and I didn't know how many eyes were staring at it.

Suddenly, a sound of footsteps came into the ear, looked up, and saw the street ahead, stood a vote for black people, they are all in the hands of a clear color of baton.

"Miss ye, under the leadership of xiashantian group, the wild winter wood." The leader of the other party came out and bent slightly towards yeqingluan. "Miss ye also asked the old lady to go home to sleep and rest. It was not safe outside for the evening."

Ye qingluan's face was cold and said, "you want to stop me from going back to Kyoto!"

"Miss ye, it is the order given to me by the big man above to leave you in Ludao to work safely. I dare not to do it. Miss ye, please go back to rest with ease! " "Wild winter wood went forward a, aggressive said.

In front of the scene, Qi Kunlun had expected that since those people had arranged yeqingluan to deer island, they would never allow her to return to Kyoto easily.

Among Kyoto, there are also three leaf Huizi's death loyalty, they will be loyal to ye qingluan. But now, the three leaf Huizi died violently. Ye qingluan is far away from Ludao. Those who are unwilling to let yeqingluan take power will surely take care of all the dead loyalty of these three leaf Huizi and prohibit them from contacting each other. The most safe way to do this is to keep yeqingluan in the remote area of Ludao.

"My mother died and should return to Beijing to mourn. It is filial piety for her children!" "If you are also a filial person, I hope you don't stop me," said Ye qingluan

"As long as there is filial piety, you can pray for your family wherever you want," he said. Miss ye, please go back to the old age. I know Miss Ye is good at her hand, but my brother is not too light and heavy. If there is any disability in a moment, everyone will be very bad. "

"That's what you don't have to talk about!" said Ye qingluan

"There's no need to talk about it." "In order to let Miss Ye stay in Ludao and work safely, everyone is breaking your heart for you," said wild winter wood

Yeqingluan turned back and looked at Qi Kunlun and breaking the army and said, "there is no way. Please help me to get on my way."

Qi Kunlun slowly and orderly holding his sleeve, to break the army, said: "careful that there are experts in the crowd, do not take care of it, with the Lion Fight rabbit as soon as possible down."

"Understand!" The face of the broken army was heavy, and promised.

At the same time, he was not boiling up by the heat and blood, and he had not fought with qikunlun for many years. The last time, the two men were in the middle of hundreds of special talents, and they were still in the time of North Island. These mountain field groups must be more powerful than special soldiers in the snow free country, but they are numerous, and the black pressure occupies the whole street, carefully counting, even if there are not twoorthree hundred people.

Qi Kunlun came to the front and said, "miss qingluan is with you. I will kill you."

"OK!" Ye qingluan nodded hard, and walked closely with Qi Kunlun.

The wild winter wood saw this scene, not frowned, a cold hum, back to the crowd, followed by a cigarette, and then a wave, said: "up!"


The players of Yamada group were also hot and bloody, shouting and rushing up, like a raging current.

The army broke forward step by step, stamped his foot on the ground, stepped out a loud noise, and his right hand was lifted like a big gun, and then he crossed and swept forward!

Qi Kunlun looked cold, and he grabbed a baton by splitting hands, and then he held the stick to point and stab one.

The three, already submerged by the black crowd, seemed to fall into the sea.

"Don't hurt Miss Ye!" Wild winter wood mouth with smoke, face does not care to say hello.

There are too many people. From the surrounding, there is no room for dodging. I listen to a bang and thump. That is the sound of flicking on the body, and it is a piece of sound.

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