Walking Tall

Chapter 207

"What? What do you mean that you have returned the task payment? "

Cai Wu received a call from Lin Bao, but he couldn't help but question it angrily.

Lin Bao said with a wry smile, "Mr. Cai, I have no ability to take this task."

Cai Wu frowned and said, "since you don't have the ability, why do you have to promise all over again? In this way, you can help me to contact your senior brother Tu Tianchan, and I can get rid of your liquidated damages. "

Lin Bao was silent for a while, and then said slowly, "Mr. Cai, the Qi Kunlun that you asked me to kill is not my senior brother that I can deal with. No one can get in touch with it."

"Well?" Cai Wu is confused.

"My senior brother has just been killed by this man." Lin Bao said in a deep voice.

After hearing this, Cai Wu felt shocked and murmured, "Tu Tianchan, was killed by Qi Kunlun?!"

Lin Po sighed, "yes, the Kung Fu of Tu Tianchan is higher than that of me. This matter, I have to report to Shifu, and wait for him to decide! "

Cai Wu was stunned, but he couldn't help laughing and hung up the phone.

"Second, is it done?!" The old lady of CAI's family asked in a deep voice with a flash of light in her eyes.


"No, what are you happy about?" The old lady was not happy at once.

"Although things didn't work out, Qi Kunlun killed Tu Tianchan! The death of Tu Tianchan will lead to the sword immortal of Zhongnan, who has been practicing in seclusion for many years! By his hand, Qi Kunlun will surely die! " Cai Wu said with a laugh.

The old lady was stunned, then she couldn't help laughing and said: "I didn't expect that this man had such force to kill Tu Tianchan. However, it's good to do so. Tu Tianchan is dead. The sword immortal in Central South China will surely fight. If he does, it's hard for him to survive. "

"That's right. The sword immortal of central and South China is fighting. Qi Kunlun has no way to live! At that time, we won't even have to explain anything to Qingwan! " Cai Wu said confidently.

"It's a good thing that qikunlun is looking for its own death!" The old lady nodded her head, only to feel comfortable.

The news that Tu Tianchan was killed by Qi Kunlun spread widely in various channels, and many people concerned about it got the news.

After hearing the news, LV Yanran was stunned, then smiled bitterly and said, "why do you touch the pots with porcelain? He is the five-star marshal of China. He can send experts to kill Tu Tianchan with any command. Why do you want to do it yourself? "

"Our LV family only joined him today. If he died in a flash in the hand of the Central South sword immortal, then everything would be beaten"

"why is this man so headstrong

LV Yanran felt a sense of regret and felt that she had worked too early. However, there were contradictions among them. If it was later, would Qi Kunlun leave Lv's family? That's two things.

After receiving the news, Xu Jiaren laughed directly and said, "Qi Kunlun is looking for his own way, even without us! We will sit and wait for his sudden death in Ning Changsheng's hands, and then we will clean up his running dogs and relatives one by one. "

"My brother Xu Shiji died because of this, but it's worth it to exchange for the sword immortal of Central South!" There is a cold color in Xu's eyes.

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