Walking Tall

Chapter 2108


The whole ground was directly sunken, and Zhitian's body fell into it, but no damage was found.

After landing, Zhitian's body immediately bounced. After jumping up, he grabbed Qi Kunlun's brain melon seeds with one claw.

Zhitian's nails are like gold and stone. If you let people grasp the melon seeds like this, it must be five holes, white and red flowing out together.

Where Qi Kunlun dared to let Zhitian's nails touch his body, he immediately stepped back on Yu's step, and his figure was erratic, like a Taoist praying for rain.

"Qi Shuai, this weaving field is strange... Come back from the dead?" Asked the broken army.

"No, he should have been turned into a zombie by some kind of magic. He has no independent consciousness." Qi Kunlun shook his head and said so.

As soon as he got close, he put his elbow on the other person's body, and immediately turned over. Then he took on a move: "beat purple gold crown upside down, beauty takes off her boots.".

Qi Kunlun's heel, like a big axe, fell on Zhitian's neck. With a click, Zhitian's neck twisted and his body fell to the ground.

However, as soon as he fell down, he immediately started to play. He seemed to be tireless in chasing Qi Kunlun!

Qi Kunlun couldn't help frowning. With this kick, the other side's neck was broken. He was still able to move. It was really a headache.

"With grenades!" Qi Kunlun's face was cold and he said to the broken army.

Without saying a word, the army seized a rifle, opened the grenade launcher, and loaded a grenade into it.

As Zhitian flies up, Qi Kunlun grabs his wrist with his right hand, hits it with a "hand waving lute", then throws it hard and throws it into the air.

This throw at the same time, Qi Kunlun also felt the weight of the other side, dead heavy, I'm afraid not a few hundred kilograms!

Break the army, aim at the weaving field in the air, pull the trigger!


A strong light burst out from the grenade launcher, and a powerful grenade directly hit Zhitian's body.


The powerful explosion burst out a group of fireworks in the mid air, and Zhitian's body was blown into a group of black smoke.


As soon as he landed, he saw that Zhitian had lost an arm, and his body was full of scars. However, he was still able to move. After landing, he immediately continued to pursue Qi Kunlun without hesitation.

Qi Kunlun frowned, his hands suddenly made a seal, and he said: "Tao Yan: in the beginning of the blue sky, the blue sky song, the big floating earth. By the beginning of the people, unlimited quality, the beginning of heaven, should be said to be by. The Zhou Dynasty returned ten times and began to be an accomplished seat by calling ten directions. The God of innocence, the supreme saint, the wonderful immortal, the numerous without martingale, comes from the sky. The clouds and clouds, the green and the qionglun, the feather cover and the shade. The jade light of the flowing essence, the five colors and the space of the cave

This is the beginning of Taoism. Wuliangdu is the best Sutra, which is specially used for transcendence.

Every word pronounced by Qi Kunlun has a very old tone, which can produce a very wonderful magnetic field with the help of Taoist fingerprints.

For a moment, everyone felt that the cry of killing seemed to have weakened, and the sound of gunfire and thunder also weakened. Only this profound Scripture was lingering in their ears


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