Walking Tall

Chapter 219

"All the garrison forces in South China are temporarily unable to be mobilized."

After the break army made a phone call, he came back to report to Qi Kunlun.

Qi Kunlun frowned, and Meng Qingzhou immediately laughed and said, "ha ha ha, I remember! Today, a secret message came down. The leadership will come to South China. In order to avoid accidents, all military forces need to be escorted. If you want to transfer, you must apply to Congress! "

Wen Dongsheng was stunned. Seeing Qi Kunlun looking at him, he nodded and said, "it's true that there is such a thing."

Qi Kunlun said once, but it didn't surprise him too much. The army in South China needs to escort the leaders. In order to avoid accidents, any transfer needs to apply to the Congress.

Qi Kunlun has unparalleled prestige in the army. Of course, he can forcibly mobilize the army. However, if so, it is ultra vires, then the big men in Congress will impeach, take the opportunity to swallow his military power, and even form more constraints.

"The army can't be transferred. What else can the two generals do? Do you know how to open the door? " Meng Qingzhou laughs wildly and tears come out quickly. "You, you'd better submit the bill to the Congress honestly and slowly go through the application process! Ha ha ha "

Wen Dongsheng sighed and thought that the invincible reputation of Qi Kunlun might be affected by this.

However, he was not surprised that the functions and powers of the secret police department were special. Even though Qi Kunlun had great power, its influence was limited.

If you want to open this door, you need to go through the procedure of Congress. Otherwise, you have to overstep your authority!

There are a group of idle big men in Congress, just like the ancient officials of science and Taoism. If you do something wrong or overstep your authority a little, they will surely pop your forehead.

Qi Kunlun looked at Meng Qingzhou with no expression and said: "very funny?"

"Sorry, I just want to laugh!" Meng Qingzhou shook his head.

Qi Kunlun took off his suit coat, threw it into the hands of the army breaker, unbuttoned the cuffs, and slowly folded the sleeves up and up.

Seeing this scene, Wen Dongsheng's pupil couldn't help but shrink, thinking: "it's said that commander-in-chief Qi uses arms like a God, and his force is even more extraordinary and refined. Is it not that he wants to open this door by himself? It's impossible! Even if he is Qi Kunlun, he can't do it! "

Seeing Qi Kunlun holding his sleeve, Meng Qingzhou's eyes showed a look of contempt. He said, "this general with a strong back can't open this door. Do you think you can do it?"

Qi Kunlun not only rolled up his sleeves, but also took off his shoes and socks and put them aside.

When Meng Qingzhou saw that he didn't take care of himself, he didn't laugh any more. He just looked jokingly and said: "our eagle eyes have never been broken by external forces since we built this safe house! Even in the last 922 incident, the enemy spies used directional blasting, but they failed to open the door, and rescued their intelligence officer "

Qi Kunlun stood five meters away from the security door, closed his eyes, visible to the naked eye, his naked skin, the cold hair on it, was slowly standing upside down.

A breath that almost suffocates, permeates the whole basement


Qi Kunlun's nose emits a muffled hum. His breath is like thunder. His feet suddenly step away and stand in a straight line.

"Eight pole shelf!" In the eyes of the breaking army, there was a flash of light. At the moment, his blood was boiling. Qi Kunlun's breath pricked his heart's sense of war.

Meng Qingzhou sneered and said, "I can't help myself!"

At the moment when Qi Kunlun's voice fell, his steps suddenly moved. With a bang, there were two big pits on the ground. He strode forward. Every step fell, there would be a big pit on the ground. The whole basement seemed to shake because of his movement!

"The tiger climbs the mountain hard!" Qi Kunlun came to the safety gate and let out a low roar and two fists.

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