Walking Tall

Chapter 242

"Secretary Wu taught me a lesson!" Shi Jing hurriedly bowed his head and promised that Wu xingchengui, the chief secretary, could not be provoked.

After the two Buddhas left, Shijing took a slow breath.

He asked an agent to call Shi Changgeng to the interrogation room, and then he said in a deep voice, "tomorrow, you hand in your resignation immediately, and then go as far as you can, and don't come back to the city!"

"Ah?!" Shi Changgeng was surprised. "Elder brother, why do you want me to do this?"

"I can't provoke the man you offended! Wu Xingchen just came here for this man. He left his words behind. There is only one left between me and you. " Shijing said with a wry smile.

Shi Changgeng's face was white at once, and then he grabbed his hair with great chagrin and cried, "what's the matter! Why is this happening? "

Looking at Shi Changgeng's swollen cheek, Shi Jing sighed and said softly: "it's lucky that you and my brother didn't get shot this time. Don't complain! You will resign immediately today. I will give you approval directly. Then, you can leave Fengcheng and South China as far as possible! "

"Who is he?!" Shi Changgeng's eyes can't help but show a look of resentment. Now, he's not willing to give up his power when he finally gets to the position of deputy general police of Fengcheng.

Shi Jing's face sank and said, "I can't tell you. In addition, you don't want to seek revenge from this person anymore! Otherwise, I'm afraid you don't know how to die. "

Shi Changgeng got frustrated and said," I see. I'll write my resignation and leave Fengcheng! "

He only felt bitter. Last time, he helped Xu family and got involved in the struggle between the two sides. Zhang Zhigang slapped him on the face. This time, he invited elder brother to fight and even got the killing evidence of the other side, but he failed in the end! Even if he wants to leave Fengcheng like a bereaved dog, it makes him feel extremely depressed.

Shijing is relieved. Qi Kunlun didn't pursue their responsibilities. It's the adults who don't remember the villains. If they don't know each other again, it's really their own way.

"Xu's family, sooner or later, will finish playing. They actually forced the eldest brother of our marshal to death?!" When Shijing thinks of it, he is inspired.

Seeing that Xu's family is OK now, Xu's only two cousins are dead, but he knows very well that Xu's family may not be able to jump for long.

"Marshal Qi didn't clean me up, but I couldn't do anything. Collect the criminal evidence of Xu's family secretly. Although it may offend the forces behind Xu's family, who in China can threaten Qi Shuai? " There was a flash of light in Shijing's eyes.

He must take a clear attitude in this matter and firmly support and support Qi Kunlun. Otherwise, he will still have to be counted.

After Qi Kunlun left the police station, he directly accompanied Wu Xingchen to the airport.

Things are busy in Yanjing. Wu Xingchen must go back as soon as possible.

"I won't say anything more about Ning Changsheng. Qi Shuai has a steelyard in his heart. I just hope you two don't have to meet each other." Wu Xingchen smiles bitterly.

Now, Ning Changsheng must have received the news. I just don't know how the "Central South Sword Fairy" feels. Do you want to go out to deal with Qi Kunlun!

The confrontation between the two is like that between Qi Kunlun and Liu Zongyun at the beginning.

Qi Kunlun looked calm. He shook hands with Wu Xingchen and said calmly, "secretary Wu is easy to go all the way. Talk when you have time."

"Qi Shuai doesn't have to send more." Wu Xingchen sighed. He didn't expect to encounter so many twists and turns when he came to Fengcheng. However, he couldn't help secretly celebrating that he was here. Otherwise, Chen Guotao's stupid son might have to die here.

At this time, Lin Bao has returned to the middle of the mountain and told Ning Changsheng the news.

After hearing this, Ning Changsheng was stunned, and then said calmly, "before you came here, there were Chinese leaders negotiating with me. Tu Tianchan should kill himself if he does anything unjustly. He deserves it! However, he had a relationship with me in any case. I took the paper and pen and wrote a letter to this Marshal Qi. Such a thing cannot have another "

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