Walking Tall

Chapter 271

Mo Haoran thought it would be a simple thing to clean up the "stupid big man" who broke the army, but he found it was not what he thought when he really got to work.

The strength of the other side is astonishing. It's like a shell!

He just stopped for a while, nearly lost his balance, and stepped back several steps to one side.

"Stop!" Mo Haoran is not only angry, but just after the fight, he has realized that he is not the opponent of breaking the army.

Break the army but don't pay attention to it. Go straight ahead and stride like a man-made iron man. If you take a step, the snow on the ground will jump up!

Mo Haoran quickly took a purple medal out of his pocket and stopped it on his left chest. He said angrily, "I want you to stop. Do you hear me?"

"Purple star?" After seeing this medal, the army broke through and narrowed their eyes slightly.

"Since you know this is the Purple Star Medal, don't salute me?!" Mo Haoran said with a cold drink.

The Purple Star Medal was awarded 12 years ago to commemorate the battle with the east island for the flying fish island. In that war, Chinese soldiers suffered great damage, but they also defended the territory of the flying fish island! Finally, the senior officials of the Chinese nation decided to issue a custom Purple Star Medal to the 108th soldiers who took part in the war and fought bravely. They also ordered that when they saw the warriors wearing the Purple Star Medal, they must treat them with etiquette.

At this moment, Mo Haoran did not go on the Purple Star Medal that he had worked hard to obtain. According to the truth, the army breaking could not start against him any more.

However, at this time, the army broke into a sneer, felt his hand in his pocket, and pinned a sun medal on his chest.

"This is the sun medal. It was awarded in the border war with chisai. Do you have this medal?" Mo Haoran can't help feeling shocked.

His face was cold, his hands were open, another medal was fixed on his chest.

At a glance, this is a medal with a sharp sword. This medal is even more precious!

"Sword medal! This is the only medal that can be obtained by elite fighters who volunteer to help African friend Angela fight back and have outstanding achievements! " Mo Haoran's eyes widened and the corners of his mouth trembled. He didn't expect that the other side took out two medals at once.

The breaking army looked at Mo Haoran contemptuously and said, "you want to compete with me for meritorious service? Then, try it! "

Mo Haoran took a deep breath. He organized his language and said, "even if it is like this, you can't do anything to me. I'm a soldier with the Purple Star Medal!"

"Hum!" The breaking army snorted again, took out one of his most treasured medals, and slowly stopped on his chest.

"Medal of wrath!!!"

After seeing the medal, even the soldiers around could not help exclaiming.

The medal of anger was awarded in the battle of the North Island to reward Marshal Qi Kunlun for consolidating the North Island, which had been in dispute with snow country for many years. This medal is the only one in China!

However, as soon as the medal arrived, Qi Kunlun gave it directly to the breaking army, because in that war, the breaking army suffered nine minor injuries and two serious injuries!

Mo Haoran's whole person immediately froze and murmured, "this is Qi Shuai's Medal of anger. Are you his man?"

Without saying anything, the army broke into front of Mo Haoran, reached out, grabbed the Dragon Star on his shoulder and pulled it off on the spot.

Mo Haoran has made the anger medal on the chest of the breaking army silly. He dare not move. Let the breaking army tear the Dragon Star off his shoulder.

After tearing down one, the army immediately pulled down the second one, and then turned to the rostrum.

At this time, Qi Kunlun took the microphone and calmly opened his mouth, saying, "I, the five-star general of China, the commander of the black dragon army, Qi Kunlun, to commend brigadier Baixuan for his effective administration and excellent work, hereby on behalf of the military department, I give him the rank of dragon star and major general!"

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