Walking Tall

Chapter 429

Qi Kunlun is in a good mood today.

After returning home, he sent Cai Yunzhi back to her room, helped her to do a leg massage, and watched her fall asleep.

When caiyunzhi fell asleep, he came out of the room and got a number that he had pinched three times.

"General Qi." He said, "I've heard so much."

Qi Kunlun didn't care what the other side called him. The people who respected him often called him Qi Shuai, but some people who didn't like him sometimes had to say hello, most of them used the words "general Qi". Qi Kunlun is a five-star general and commander-in-chief of the black dragon army. It's right to call him that, but it will seem strange.

Qi Kunlun said calmly, "who is your excellency?"

"My husband, Tan Guangyao." The other side reports to the family.

"It's old general tan. I've heard a lot about him." When Qi Kunlun heard the name, he was not surprised. He seemed very calm.

Tan Guangyao, is Tan Tao's grandfather, the third general of the tan family! Now, although it has been retired for many years, its influence is still there. Tan Guangyao is also a man who has done some great things. He belongs to the system of the underground dragon army. He once led the Beiyang fleet to fight with the east island country, and almost broke up the establishment of a fleet of the east island country.

Qi Kunlun said that it's not a compliment but a fact that when he studied military tactics, he studied Tan Guangyao's arrangement for his Navy.

Tan Guangyao coughed and said, "everyone is a soldier. He's always straightforward. I'm not vague with Qi Shuai. Qi Shuai should know why I called?"

Qi Kunlun casually took a cigar out of the cigar box on the tea table and played with it. He said lightly, "yes."

Tan Guangyao suddenly said in awe, "so, what is Marshal Qi going to do with my granddaughter?"

"Miss Tan said that the law is useless to her. I don't think that's right. I want to try it." Qi Kunlun said that, squinting his eyes, what he hates most is these people who act recklessly by virtue of power.

If other people have nothing to do with Tan Tao naturally, but if Qi Kunlun really wants to submit Tan Tao to the military court for prosecution, then Tan Tao may not come out for 20 or 30 years!

When Tan Guangyao heard this, he sighed secretly. He knew that his granddaughter had offended Qi Kunlun. If he wanted Qi Kunlun to let her go, he would have to pay a heavy price. The glory of Tan family's three generals would also be severely reduced because of this.

"I'm a grandfather who doesn't do well. Next generation parents and children are spoiled by me. Come and do these ugly things outside. Here, I'll apologize to general Qi first." Although Tan Guangyao was also annoyed that his granddaughter had been beaten, he had to be polite and dare not take the airs of the old master. After all, it is about the future of his granddaughter.

Qi Kunlun said calmly: "if the son doesn't teach, the father's fault. This matter has nothing to do with general tan. However, it's time for general Tan to take charge of the housekeeping, rather than always caring about his office in the military department. "

Although Tan Guangyao retired, he kept his position in the office of the Ministry of military, and he also kept the name of an honorary and high-level participant.

When Tan Guangyao heard this, his face darkened. As expected, Qi Kunlun lion opened his mouth!

This is to let him give up his influence in the military department and completely retreat!

If they don't retreat completely, they will be blocking the way of the young generals of the "youth group". Qi Kunlun is the leader of the "youth group". Who is the tan Kuan Yew if he doesn't do it?

"No matter what, I've been struggling with my health recently. I'm not able to do a lot of work. I'll write my resignation tomorrow!" Said Tan Guangyao.

"Ha ha, the old general is growing up!" Qi Kunlun politely said that although he disliked these old people who never give up, he also respected the merits of the other party's fighting against the East Island fleet.

Tan Guangyao said slowly, "I hope that one day, when general Qi reaches the retirement age, he will be able to retire peacefully."

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