Walking Tall

Chapter 503

All of a sudden, there was a big alarm in Congress!

The members immediately rioted and watched one by one, wondering what had happened.

"It's war. There's war!" A general stood up and said in a deep voice, "where's the fight?"

The supreme leader's face became gloomy. His eyes looked at the secret chamber where Qi Kunlun was. If Qi Kunlun wanted to protect himself by such means, he would never agree! Such a practice is even worse than shooting Kangtian and Zheng Kehai. The state must not allow such a thing.

"General Qi, what happened?!" Wang Feng could not hold his breath. He was the first to ask.

"I have been dismissed now. I have no right to know. How can I know?" Qi Kunlun put it back lightly.

Chen Sen pinched his eyebrows and murmured: "Qi Kunlun, this guy, won't do such a crazy thing. Even if there is a war with other countries at this time, if it is dominated by him, it's impossible to restore his official position."

When the chief wanted to speak, a secretary hurried in and whispered.

The supreme leader was stunned, slightly frowned and nodded: "please come in general Luo!"

A moment later, Luoding Kingdom marched forward, only to see that he was wearing camouflage combat clothes, with traces of blood and fire on his body. The whole man looked a bit embarrassed, but his spirit was extremely energetic. Looking forward to it, there was a kind of soul killing spirit.

"Lieutenant General Luoding, if you have something to say, please hurry up." The supreme leader said calmly.

However, Luo Dingguo suddenly lifted his hand, holding a black package in his hand. The package rolled to the middle floor, and the black cloth suddenly opened, and a ferocious head appeared!


All of them took a breath of cool air, and the masters hidden in the dark were alert one by one, just like the cat that had been fried, ready to move at any time.

Luo Ding is beating his chest and shouting, "I've come to report to commander Qi that the beheading operation has been completed for the commander of Xiannan enemy, naivicha shawangsuxi. The Xiannan army threatened to avenge the leader and March to the border of our country this morning. Considering the time, it should have contacted the first armored division of the town side army led by Wang Jiuyang Shaojiang, and a large-scale battle broke out."

< br Out, all the generals of the "young group" got up excitedly and looked at the head.

A bloody head appeared on the scene of the Congress, which made the members who had never seen it pale and dare not go to see it.

Nai weiguess, this man is the leader of the southern enemy. He is cunning and cunning. China has executed several beheadings on him, but none of them has been successful! This time, however, Luoding has accomplished this almost impossible task.

The war really came, and the enemy troops in Xiannan even invaded on a large scale, which made all the members of the parliament a little confused.

Luo dingguodun then said: "in addition, under the leadership of the thunderbolt army, the special beheading operation team successfully beheaded Faisal, the leader of chisai, in accordance with commander-in-chief Qi's plan. Faisal's body was blown up and he could not be brought back to his head. At present, the 200000 troops in chisai are also in a frenzy. They are recruiting troops on the western border and preparing for revenge. The white tiger war zone in the West has evacuated the border residents in an emergency "

as soon as the second sentence of Luo Dingguo comes out, the heads of the Parliamentarians will grow in a flash.

Xiannan area is unstable. At this time, chisai will make a comeback. When it comes time to fight, it will be a double line battle! I'm afraid that even the snow country in the north will attack the North Island again. The east island country and Koguryo in the East won't keep their separate ways. They must make some small moves to

the whole Congress. It will be quiet for a while.

After Luo Dingguo finished speaking, he didn't have much to say. He went directly to the audience and sat down. All he had to do was to see how the situation developed next.

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