Walking Tall

Chapter 506

"Long live China!"

The retired soldiers all followed and shouted out their loudest voice for their most respected Grand Marshal and their deepest soul.

The members of the conference hall also heard these voices. For a while, some people's faces became ugly, some people seemed thoughtful, and the generals of the "young group" were excited.

"Qikunlun's position in the army is No.1 in the world." a general murmured and had to admit it.

Yang Zhibao's face gradually turned white, something beyond his imagination, according to this trend, I'm afraid that wensishun on one side shook his head slightly. The young people were really too impatient. Before Qi Kunlun was completely cleaned up, who can guarantee that he didn't have the spare power to turn the plate?

Luo Dingguo listened to the voice outside, and a smile appeared at the corner of his mouth. He glanced at the pale congressmen and sneered at them: "Marshal Qi has made such great contributions to the country, and has been invincible for ten years! Now, if you want to use this kind of small hand to turn him over, it's too silly! Even if you can really clean him up through Congress, the military of the whole country will not agree with you. "

Although Qi Kunlun was only the commander of the black dragon army, he had the right to control the three armies in wartime. Even among the Tianlong army and the Qianlong army, he was respected by many soldiers.

Luo Dingguo was deeply admired for his plan to align Kunlun. Before the enemy launched the plan, Qi Kunlun had reached a consensus with the oligarchs in the snow kingdom to deal with tokalev in secret. Later, he planned the beheadings of naivicha and Faisal for him, and he also lived up to Qi Kunlun's expectation and successfully completed the two projects It seems impossible to accomplish the task.

"Qi Shuai's layout is almost linked up. Who would have thought that he would receive such a huge return if he had established the small knife alliance five years ago?" Luo Dingguo thought to himself.

This time, Luoding can successfully behead the leaders of the two major forces. Xiaodao League has made great contributions.

Under Pei Fenghuang's control, Xiaodao League has always been connected with these two forces, and has some arms exchanges, so it gradually contacts some core parts of these two forces.

Without the information and arrangement provided by the small knife alliance, it is basically impossible for Luo Ding to behead the two leaders.

The generals of the "young and strong faction" also woke up slowly, and looked at the secret chamber with more reverence. No wonder, before Qi Shuai, he would ask Pei Fenghuang to say hello to them and let them not act rashly.

"Marshal Qi really turns his hands to clouds and covers them to rain! He is invincible, not just on the battlefield. " One general could not help but live in his heart and exclaimed.

"Cover the sky with one hand, and turn the table." Another general also sighed repeatedly. This kind of means is amazing.

Moreover, what's more, none of the two forces dare to take the offensive launched to avenge the leader! This is also from the layout of qikunlun. No one can understand his layout on the border. Anyone other than him who took over in the past can only transfer troops and reinforcements from everywhere. However, in this way, the two major forces will be given ample time to fight the border to rot!

Once China's border is eroded, the surrounding powers will not let go of this good opportunity to fuel the fire. Dongdao, Koguryo and even the snow country, which is now suffering from internal and external troubles, will do so!

"Dear leader, just received the North Island military information, it is suspected that small forces of snow country are gradually moving towards the border of the two countries and approaching the North Island!"

A piece of news thundered in the middle of Congress.

Snow country, that is a huge thing, is the absolute military power! Today, although the oligarchs are trapped in domestic and foreign affairs, if they are really bent on promoting a war, they still have that ability! Snow country's public opinion has long been boiling because of the North Island war, and it is uncertain that they will unite to fight such a war with the country together.

However, no one dares to stand up and say that they will be able to reverse the decline!

Including, Liu Zongyun also dare not take such a burden

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