Walking Tall

Chapter 676

Qi Kunlun and Ying Tianli went directly into the office, while Chen Jingmeng stayed outside, sat down in the chair and took a quiet rest.

When he came to the office, Ying Tianli first went to his desk and rummaged through the boxes. After a while, he began to laugh and said, "I finally found it!"

With a black box in his hand, he came to Qi Kunlun, put the box down, and said, "I know that Qi Shuai is good at this. Fortunately, there is some stock in the office for guests."

Qi Kunlun immediately opened the box, his eyes brightened, picked up one and put it down his nose, sniffed it, smiled and said, "big bad other fxxk, BBF, I didn't expect that there are such good goods here as Ying commander."

Ying Tianli smiled and said, "the cigar scissors are missing. Qi Shuai will make do with it."

"I have it here." Qi Kunlun took out his cigar scissors, cut off his cigar cap and put it into his mouth to light it.

Ying Tianli also picked up a cigar and cut it. After cutting a cigar, he lit it and sat down directly opposite to qikunlun.

After lighting the cigar, the two did not worry about talking and tasted in silence.

I think it's almost over. Qi Kunlun put down his cigar slowly, shook his ashes, and let out a mouthful of rich smoke. He said lightly, "commander Ying knows why I came here."

Ying Tianli didn't mean to go around with Qi Kunlun either. He smiled and said, "yes, please have tea."

Qi Kunlun narrowed his eyes, and then said, "it's not very kind of commander to push out the little general who practices Taiji."

"Marshal Qi joked. After all, Ying was also the commander in chief of the South China fleet. The pattern was not so small. That kid is the apprentice of the old principal Yang. After entering the Qianlong army, he has a smooth sailing and has no equal in the big competition. So he inevitably has a higher vision and feels that the world's experts are inferior. Qi Shuai gave him a lesson. It's just right to let the young people know what frustration is Ying Tianli said, and put it all on the line.

In response to the authority of Tianli, if he insists on not letting Feng Feipeng stand out, then Feng Feipeng will never be in the front.

Perhaps Feng Feipeng took the initiative to undertake this matter, so Liu Zongyun, a scholar of natural science, played a hand in pushing the boat along the river and directly acquiesced in this matter.

For Ying Tianli's words, Qi Kunlun can only see through them. After all, it's not because Ying Tianli made Feng Feipeng stand out.

Ying Tianli belongs to the "neutral group". He is neither radical nor stubborn. He has his own views and working style, and can basically be impartial.

This is also a reason why Qi Kunlun is willing to give him face. If he is a kind of old die hards, Qi Kunlun will not give him a chance to sit down and talk.

"Oh!" Qi Kunlun nodded.

"Is this a good cigar?" Asked by heaven.

"Mellow, rare good goods." Qi Kunlun praised that he was fond of cigars and didn't know when he fell in love with them.

Ying Tianli said with a smile: "Qi Shuai likes it, so take the rest away. I eat cigars, which are equivalent to chewing peony. There is no big difference between a dozen cigars and hundreds of cigars

"But not respectfully." Qi Kunlun said lightly, but he was not polite to Ying Tianli. If the other side wanted to send it, he would take it.

He's not afraid of sugar coated shells or anything.

Qi Kunlun took another puff of smoke, and then smiled: "commander, it's windy and snowy, but it's not as warm as South China port. My uncles are waiting for me to go back to sacrifice my brother. The old man's health is not good. It's not a good thing to be cold and frozen! "

Ying Tianli said: "ha ha, Qi Shuai, Xu jingkuan saved my son's life by chance. I'm always here. This child is very precious to me! His kindness to me is not small. "

When Qi Kunlun heard this, his eyes flashed cold, and he said with a smile, "but he and I have a lot of feuds!"

Ying Tianli shook his head and said, "I'm handsome. I always do things in a proper and impartial way. So, please don't make me too embarrassed! A few days ago, general Zheng Wuyang just came here to inspect my work. "

Qi Kunlun can know his meaning from Ying Tianli's words. It's very simple, that is, he is now a neutral party. Qi Kunlun should not force him to join the other party.

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