Walking Tall

Chapter 73

Qikunlun has already remembered Qiyun's words.

When Xu Jiaren joined forces to fight against Qi Hong, some rebelled, some persevered, some were cold and hard to see.

If it wasn't for the loyalty of several old people to Qi's family, Qi Yun and Luo Hongmei, as well as Qi Hua, would have been buried with Qi Hong.

Naturally, those who are loyal to the whole family have also been liquidated and retaliated by the Xu family. Today, they are not living well.

Qi Kunlun got the list from Qi Yun. These are the people who helped Qi family at the beginning.

"Dad, you can rest assured that you will repay your kindness. This is the principle of our family. I will not forget it." Qi Kunlun put the list away and said calmly, "tomorrow, I will go and have a look."

"No, you go today, now!" Qi Yun shook his head firmly and said.

Luo Hongmei frowned and said: "Lao Qi, the child just came back. I've been busy these days, and I'm very tired! It's no trouble to go tomorrow after a day off. "

Qi Yun didn't speak, just looked at Qi Kunlun seriously.

Qi Kunlun immediately smiled and said, "I'll go now!"

Qi Yun smiled, nodded, and said, "go ahead, have a face-to-face meeting first, and see how they are doing."

Qi Kunlun nodded and then went out. Seeing that the army breaking was ready to catch up with him, he ordered: "I'm afraid that the Xu family will do something crazy. If I'm not here, I'm not sure. You stay here, so that I have no worries. "

"Yes, no one can hurt Qi Shuai's family if I stay here!" Said the broken army solemnly.

Qi Kunlun thought for a moment and said, "well, you'd better let Ding Guo call Chen Jingmeng back. You accompany me to turn around, must also be very tired, let them come to change shifts with you

The breaking army nodded and said, "OK, I'll do it right away."

Chen Jingmeng and others still left a good impression on Qi Kunlun. Moreover, the safety of parents should not be overlooked. Although the soldiers under Baixuan's hands are good, in order to avoid such things as before, we should improve the insurance level by one level.

"I'll stop driving and take a good walk in Fengcheng." Instead of picking up the car key, Qi Kunlun chose to walk out.

"Later, Chen Jingmeng and other people came to change shifts with me, and I'll pick up Qi Shuai," said the army

Qi Kunlun gave a faint reply and then left slowly.

Luo Hongmei sighed and said, "so are you, old Qi. Kunlun has been very tired these two days. What's the matter with you letting him rest?"

"Old lady, I also want to! But you have to think about where we are now without those old brothers of hong'er? " Qi Yun sighed, "since Kunlun is our child, it should take such responsibility!"

Luo Hongmei didn't speak any more. She also knew that those who helped them are now very miserable by Xu's family. Now Qi Kunlun comes back to help them as soon as possible.

The army breaking listened and nodded slightly. It was the family's strict tutoring that cultivated Qi Shuai's fine character. His strength was the respect of one hand, and his moral character was the admiration of another.

At this moment, walking on the road and looking at the changing Fengcheng, Qi Kunlun has many feelings in his heart. He hasn't come back in ten years, and many buildings in his memory no longer exist.

Qi Kunlun walked to a small shop. The owner of the shop was Ge Muye, the finance minister of Qi Hong group.

Qi Kunlun took out a hundred yuan from his pocket and put it on the table. "Uncle Ge, bring me a pack of cigarettes," he said

"OK, what kind of cigarettes would you like?" Ge Muye is reading the newspaper with his head down. When he hears the sound, he immediately puts down the newspaper and opens the cigarette cabinet to take the cigarette.

"Take Tianhe, my brother's favorite." Qikunlun road.

Ge Muye's hand suddenly stopped, raised his head, looked at Qi Kunlun with a kind of shocked eyes, his dry lips trembled, and said: "Kunlun? Are you Kunlun? "

Qi Kunlun couldn't help smiling and sighing: "Uncle Ge, these years, let you suffer along! Kunlun is here to pay you "

" I don't know you, get out of here! " Ge Muye's face suddenly changed. He said angrily, "I'm not welcome to buy cigarettes with fake money."

Qi Kunlun shook his head with a wry smile and said, "Uncle Ge, you don't have to."

"Do I know you? Who are you? I'll call the police if I don't leave. I'll fool the old man with the fake money! I'm old, but I'm not old enough! " Ge Muye said angrily, "roll away."

Qi Kunlun opened his mouth and didn't know what to say.

"Old Ge, this month's peace money, it's time to pay!" At this time, there are several young people coming towards here, walking and talking loudly.

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