Walking Tall

Chapter 773

"President Lou, people have come, but there is something wrong." the secretary came into the office and whispered to Lou Shouyi.

Lou Shouyi squints his eyes and asks, "what's the problem?"

The Secretary said in a low voice, "the old three didn't come. They didn't know each other. They called to see you. That woman, he also brought it."

Lou Shouyi laughs and says, "well, that's mostly about business. I'll go out and meet him! "

"Chen Shao is smoking a cigar here. Wait a moment. I'll be right here." Lou Shouyi said.

Qi Kunlun and ye qingluan are waiting in the reception hall at this time, surrounded by several thugs.

Ye qingluan sat on the chair with his legs crossed, holding a butterfly knife in his hand and trimming his nails slowly.

Qi Kunlun stood hand in hand, looking at the calligraphy and painting hanging on the reception hall - it's not surprising that some friends came from afar.

Before Lou Shouyi arrived, the hearty laughter had already been introduced into the reception hall. As soon as he came in, he saw ye qingluan, and his eyes immediately brightened. He had a quick glance at the bar before. Now he saw it more truly, and then he thought the woman was more amazing!

"I heard that this gentleman wants to see me?" Lou Shouyi said with a laugh.

Qi Kunlun turned around and looked at Lou Shouyi. He said lightly, "Lou Zong?"

Lou Shouyi, with a faint smile on his face, said, "I don't want to ask Luo Laosan where those rubbish have gone. This gentleman brings people with him. I'm afraid he wants to meet Ke Shao through my channel."

Qi Kunlun has no objection.

Lou Shouyi glanced at ye qingluan and said with a smile, "man, I'll take it first. Leave a contact information for you, and I'll introduce you to Ke Shao tomorrow."

Qi Kunlun raised his eyebrows slightly in surprise.

Lou Shouyi saw the surprise on his face, and then he said with a smile, "do you want money? I'm not vague. This top-notch product, one million at a time! "

After Qi Kunlun listened, he couldn't help laughing.

There was a faint look of disdain in the conservative eyes of the dstestile building. I felt that the man in front of me was so stupid that I gave up the chance to make friends with koji for a million! However, he is even more eager to, money and goods, is the simplest and most convenient way of trading.

"Am I worth a million?" Ye Qing asked, without looking up, that she had nails neat, and she didn't love to grow nails, nor love any nail polish with decorative colors. Each finger looked slender and white.

Qi Kunlun said lightly, "let your Ke come out and talk to me."

Lou Shouyi says, "well, you can't do without rules! You ask for the money, and the goods are paid. "

Qi Kunlun smiled and said softly, "I'm not using her to exchange meeting with your Ke Shao."

Lou Shouyi said, "Oh? Do you have such a good product? "

"I'm using your life." Qi Kunlun had his hands on his back and a warm smile on his face.

Lou Shouyi was stunned for a while, then he burst out laughing, shook his head, and said, "I see, you are not here to send people, but to seek my revenge?"

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