Walking Tall

Chapter 842

When they heard this, they clapped again.

Qi Kunlun waited for the applause to last for about ten seconds, and then continued: "as much as one's ability is, so is one's responsibility.". I'm very glad that all of us have done our duty in the case of Shengshan. We haven't let a bad person go or let a good person be wronged. I'm glad to see that. "

"The society we live in is full of sunshine, but there are always places where the sunshine can't reach. If we eat public food and believe in the people, then we should take this responsibility and let the sun shine in those dark corners. "

"Man is not a God, the system is established by man, so there will be imperfections in any case. We can't be as omniscient as God, so we have to continue to work hard in the process of making mistakes, to improve ourselves, to improve the system, to make up for those we didn't do right. "

"I am very happy about the case of Shengshan this time, because when we fight against the black evil, we have shown a positive and enthusiastic attitude, which is responsible for the country and the people. Although I carry five stars on my shoulders and master the third army, I dare not forget that this is the trust given to me by all the Chinese people. To be honest, I am like a thorn in the back. "

Everyone nodded a little.

"I'm not afraid of making mistakes. I'm afraid of distorting my heart, forgetting my original intention, failing to live up to trust and expectations, and becoming a bureaucrat who only knows how to pursue power."

"Yes, how many people have entered this road with passion and ambition? But how many people are bewildered by those privileges and positions that make them feel superior? "

"I'm satisfied with everyone's efforts and performance this time, but I'm disappointed."

At this point, Duan Xun and ye Xuan's faces are both red. They are eager to find a seam to drill in.

Although they just said it plausibly, now, a five-star general standing on the stage to talk about it, let them feel guilty.

If Qi Kunlun is not as high as them, these words will have no effect, but he is the most popular Grand Marshal in China!

"I have five dragon stars on my shoulder, so when I talk here, you have to listen to me. When I talk about the pain, you have to feel guilty. But what if I was just an ordinary person? Is it just a flat headed people? Then, will you still put these words in your mind to think and consider? "

Some people all involuntarily lowered their heads, thought about it repeatedly in their hearts, and felt guilty.

Qi Kunlun said: "don't forget the original intention. It's nice to say, but it's hard to do in practice. My teacher told me one of the most important words is - keep thinking, there will be echoes. "

"Here, I would like to give you this sentence. I hope that in the days to come, we can always remember our original intention and what we are going to do in this way and in this system. "

"Don't lose yourself in the crossflow of material desires, don't forget your original mind when you are at the peak of power, and don't distort your soul when you are tempted by profit. I hope that everyone can be an upright person, and together with me, truly strive for the rise of our whole country, so that the people can live a more comfortable life. "

"I also hope that, many years later, when you have white temples and gray hair, you will be able to say what you are worthy of, what you are worthy of, and what you are able to teach future generations with your own personal experience when you are all living and working in peace."

Qi Kunlun's speech stopped. After a moment's afterthought, everyone immediately clapped.

People are not gods, but people will have greed. Qi Kunlun is very clear, so he doesn't ask everyone not to cross the Leichi. He just hopes that there will be more like-minded people who will work with him to improve the system and let the sun shine in more dark corners.

With a perfect system and more public supervision over power, it will naturally become more and more bright.

Qi Kunlun smiled and nodded, "at last, I repeat the old saying, thank you for your efforts and cooperation this time! I also hope that you can continue to shine and heat, so that the people of our country can have a better life. "

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