Walking Tall

Chapter 899

After listening to Qi Kunlun and Luo Dingguo talking about these things, he felt his head was big. He shook his head and sighed helplessly.

Qi Kunlun has a look at the army breaking, but also has no choice but to smile. The man who broke the army is a pure and pure soldier. He is not suitable for any struggle. The battlefield is the most suitable place for him.

"It seems that an invisible force has taken root in the lifeblood of this country." Luo Dingguo said in a deep voice.

After the incident in songyungang, there was Tian Yongshu's story, which made him feel a little creepy.

Qi Kunlun patted his clothes gently and said, "first, you should get angry with Chen headquarters and let him talk to speaker Chen Sen. Then, get in touch with the big guys in Congress. "

"I see!" Luo Dingguo nodded solemnly, "I will handle affairs carefully and strive to let our people enter the secret service bureau to form a situation of checks and balances."

Qikunlun said thoughtfully: "Pangbo should have nothing to do with this. He was promoted by the supreme leader. Don't involve him."

Luo Dingguo said, "none of the three giants will take part in such a thing. Speaking of it, it is also like the emperors in feudal times, who are in high positions, who reconcile the situation and check and balance the officials."

Breaking army deep voice way: "this guy, just also mentioned big brother Qihong! I don't know. What's the connection between elder brother Qihong and these guys? "

"My eldest brother is afraid that he is involved in some terrible events, so he will be forced to commit suicide. Miss Xu, it's just a cover thrown out by those guys. Although our family's industry is huge, if Xu Jiaren and my eldest brother fix it together, the benefits won't be less than that of directly seizing and plundering these industries. " Qi Kunlun said lightly.

"There are days in the dark. My eldest brother entrusted me with that dream. It's not an accident or any feudal superstition."

Qi Kunlun sighed a long time, and then said, "set up a country to contact my think tank and ask them to do something. I want to keep Qingwan by my side for three days. I will talk about it in three days! "

"I'm afraid the pressure is not small!" Luo Dingguo's face is full of bitterness, "after all, Lin Baichuan is the one killed by Miss Qingwan."

Breaking army can't help but be angry and say: "Cai Qingwan this woman can harm a person!"

Qi Kunlun looked at the army and said nothing. He walked forward and waved to them not to follow.

"Don't talk about it, silly!" Luo Dingguo could not help murmuring.

"Am I wrong? Before that, the women United Liu Zongyun to break through Marshal Qi's sincere way, and then hurt his niece, and even made Yin Yi fall into a coma, which made Marshal Qi stiff and embarrassed in the diplomatic relations with the Empire. Now, I kill Lin Baichuan. It's nothing to do. "The army broke up and said angrily," if it wasn't for Qi Shuai's protection, I really want to screw her head off! "

Luo Dingguo took a swipe at the corner of his mouth and scolded: "so commander Qi said that you bastard can only be a general in charge, but not a marshal in charge of the third army. I think it's too much for you to be a general, and you'll be the leader of a special team! "

"I'd like to be a team leader too. It's good to carry out the task. There are so many bad things!" The broken army sneered.

"Cai Qingwan's business is very complicated. She killed Lin Baichuan for the sake of Qi Shuai. Lin Baichuan killed his niece. What do you think Qi Shuai would do if he met him? " "You are a pig brain!" said Luo Dingguo

"That Qi Shuai must have killed Lin Baichuan," said the breaking army. In the middle of the battle, he suddenly stopped, embarrassed.

Luo Dingguo snorted coldly and said: "Cai Qingwan has changed. It's not what you know. All she has done before is just to confuse Liu Zongyun's bastard. In the future, don't say anything to Qi Shuai in front of her, otherwise you will make Qi Shuai embarrassed. "

The army broke into a bitter smile, then scratched his back brain and said, "you don't remind me earlier!"

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