Walking Tall

Chapter 96

The communication and cooperation between the two hospitals are promoted by the leaders. If he messes up, it's strange that he can have good fruits.

Mayo did not break his promise. He arranged the most advanced special care room for Lu Changtian. Even the nurses were little sisters with blonde hair and blue eyes.

"Let's do another check first. After the check, we can talk slowly." Qi Kunlun said.

Lu Changtian nodded, agreed to come down, and then the doctor took him to do the examination.

Qikunlun let Mayo go, and Mayo knew that he had made a successful appearance this time, so he could leave first, and then he had a chance.

"I see that almost all the shops in the city have picked the safe brand. Kunlun, is that your credit?" Ge Muye suddenly asked with a smile.

"It's not credit, it's just killing people." Calm way of qikunlun.

Which of the clothes he wears, the subsidies and wages he has, is not from the people's taxes? As a soldier, he naturally wants to protect the people of the country. Otherwise, what's the difference between wearing this uniform and wearing a piece of animal skin?

Ge Muye sighed and said, "in fact, the safety sign has been hung for several years. However, the people behind the brand are quite fierce, and we dare not take the money. "

Qi Kunlun nodded slightly. A chief police officer and Tiedao will cooperate to collect the money of Ping'an brand. No one has the courage to resist.

In a word, this money should not be collected, so it is not allowed in qikunlun.

Lu Changtian is sent back after the inspection. Qi Kunlun asks him to remember to call his family and tell them that they have transferred to another hospital.

"My son has been out all day and has to come to take care of me when he's late. I think he's so tired. It's a bit hard to bear it." Lu Changtian sighed.

He is an old man, so his son is about the age of Qi Kunlun. You know, he is a generation of Qi Yun.

Qikunlun said: "it doesn't matter. If you have anything, just go to the special guard. Mayo has arranged this place. Don't worry about spending money. Mayo has already said that he will provide everything for free. "

"Kunlun, what are you doing now? When I came back this time, I actually met with Xu Jiaren in advance? " Lu Changtian said positively, "today's Xu family, however, can't get rid of it. It's not easy to clean up."

Qi Kunlun smiled faintly, didn't say his real identity, and didn't explain anything.

Ge Muye and Lu Changtian both think that the Xu family is not the same as it used to be. It's too powerful in Fengcheng. It's almost impossible to defeat it if you want to crush it. You can only Xu xutu.

In fact, they didn't know that if Qi Kunlun wanted to, they could turn Xu's family into ashes overnight.

However, it's too cheap for Xu family to do this. After all, Qi Hong died miserably at the beginning.

He wants the Xu family to realize the despair Qi Hong faced in those days, and to make those who killed Qi Hong feel fear!

Ge Muye smiled at Qi Kunlun and said, "it seems that you can't drink today."

"When Uncle Lu leaves the hospital, let's have a good drink." Qi Kunlun said with a smile, "Uncle Lu is out of the hospital, and my parents are almost healthy. Then we will drink together!"

Lu Changtian said with a smile, "OK! That's the deal! "

"Let me go to Qiwei real estate first." Qi Kunlun stood up and said lightly.

Lu Changtian stopped him with a wave of his hand and said, "forget it, they didn't take the ground from me anyway. What's more, we've just met. Let's talk more together. "

Qi Kunlun said calmly, "new hatred and old hatred must be calculated together. Uncle GE's sinews are broken by Zeng Qiwei."

Ge Muye was quite calm when he talked about it in qikunlun. He said: "it's almost three years since he was here, and he's not in a hurry. Kunlun, revenge is not important. What we want to see most is that you can be safe and your family is safe and sound "

" since I am back, no one in our family will be hurt again. Since you are the benefactor of our family, I will avenge your kindness! " Qi Kunlun said solemnly, "this is our family motto. I dare not forget it at any time."

Therefore, both of them could not help thinking of the eight words Qi Hong often said.

Chen Jingmeng hurriedly came over at this time, holding his mobile phone in his hand, came to Qi Kunlun's side and whispered, "look at Qi Shuai!"

Qi Kunlun looked down, and his face suddenly became slightly gloomy.

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