Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 132 (Two chapters in one) Dad’s Mission

Tomoko keeps delivering bad news.

Many scientific research projects of the pioneer civilization have been on and off for a long time, such as the monsters that are currently the main weapons of the pioneer civilization.

In the past time, the monster project was suspended three times due to reasons such as too little output, too much consumption, and too low combat power. In the past few million years, some technological breakthroughs have been made before it was picked up again.

Viral weapons are the only scientific research project that the pioneer civilization has continued to advance in these hundreds of millions of years, and it has never been interrupted.

Because the pioneer civilization always regards virus weapons as one of its trump cards, it is always ready to use table-turning methods to forcefully end the war when encountering an invincible opponent to avoid getting burned.

Out of this consideration, pioneer civilizations spared no effort in virus research.

There is no need to say much about the virus itself.

The pioneer civilization itself does not know how many kinds of viruses it has. These viruses generally have the characteristics of rapid division, long incubation period, easy spread, and high morbidity rate. Once they spread, they will be devastating to any carbon-based civilization. blow.

But this is actually not unsolvable.

As long as high temperature conditions are created at the wormhole exit, all these terrible viruses can be killed.

The pioneer civilization can only rely on surprise to spread these viruses among its enemies, otherwise it will easily be destroyed by the enemy midway.

But they have a miraculous technology.

They discovered that viral weapons could be wrapped in the membrane tissue of wormhole organisms to help the virus spread.

After providing sufficient energy to the membrane tissue of the wormhole organism, the membrane tissue will enter a short-lived excited state. In this state, all substances in contact with the membrane will pass through the membrane without any impact on the interior of the membrane.

When an enemy discovers a virus weapon wrapped in a film, even if it immediately creates a high temperature of thousands of degrees, the virus weapon still has a "protection period" of up to ten seconds and can spread freely in any direction.

Sky, soil, water.

As long as a tiny bit of the virus escapes from the enemy's attack, it can use nearby nutrients to proliferate crazily in the next few hours, and then bring an unbearable epidemic blow to the enemy's civilization.

Because of the existence of this technology, many civilizations were caught off guard by pioneer civilizations. They may have had a small advantage, but after the virus spread, they would be in danger of extinction in an instant.

The news left the coalition government on pins and needles.

The membrane tissue crossing technology ensures that the virus weapons of the pioneer civilization can spread on the earth and will not be destroyed by them as soon as they arrive on the earth.

In other words, as long as the virus comes to the earth, it will definitely spread.

"The antimatter furnace can't burn their viruses!"

"They have 'physical immunity'!"

"How about blowing up the wormhole? Before they hatch the virus!"

"We at Dimension Technology are not yet able to crack this technology."

"What do the three-body scientists say?"

"There is no such wormhole in our world that can help organisms move faster than light. We have no involvement in this aspect at all."

"It's better to blow up the wormhole quickly."


Scientists from the coalition government agree that the best way now is to blow up the wormhole.

This is foolproof.

As long as the wormhole is gone, the pioneer civilization cannot send viruses to the earth, and they will be safe.

But the idea was quickly rejected.

"There is no point in blowing up wormholes. If we blow up one wormhole, the pioneer civilization can open another wormhole, and it is not certain where the next wormhole will be opened!"

"We must guard this wormhole to fight against their virus weapons, and then learn from our experience."

"Everyone understands the truth, but what should we do?"

The scientists looked at each other.

The pioneer civilization has incredible membrane tissue crossing technology, which can make viral weapons enter a state of physical immunity, but they cannot break this immune state.

In this case, they can only allow the virus to spread.

They have no countermeasures.

"By the way, can gravity work?"

"No, gravity will pass through the wormhole membrane."

The wormhole film wrapping the virus weapon forms a micro wormhole outside the virus weapon. The virus weapon is in this micro wormhole, but it is not "in" this micro wormhole.

After gravity contacts the wormhole membrane, it will reach the other side of the wormhole membrane instead of entering the inside of the wormhole membrane.

Gravity didn't work either, and a faint sense of frustration enveloped the conference room.

After discussing for a long time, the scientists discovered that there was only one good news at this time, that is, the battlefield was not in the coalition government's homeland, and even if the virus weapon could not be contained, it would not have any impact on their earth.

But is this truly good news?

"So we're going to lose?"

Kraven frowned.

He listened here for a long time, hearing the collective silence of the scientists and not hearing a single reliable idea.

Time is limited.

The coalition government needs scientists to come up with a feasible plan immediately, otherwise there will be no time to arrange even if they finally come up with a solution.

Hao Xiaoxi pursed her lips.

She thought to herself that the number she got not long ago was 209001. Logically speaking, the disaster should not happen until 2090. How come a super disaster that could destroy the earth in "Pacific Rim" came not long after?

The numbers are inaccurate?

Or is it that as long as the disaster does not happen on their earth, it is not a disaster?

“What does Earth Consciousness say?”

Miebach asked.

Manpower is exhausted, and now it seems we can only see if the consciousness of the planet can do anything about it.

If even the consciousness of the planet cannot do anything about it,

Then there is really nothing we can do.

The coalition government can only abandon the "Pacific Rim" Earth and protect itself wisely, but the "Pacific Rim" Earth should not have such an ending.

It was their participation that caused the pioneer civilization to pay more attention to the earth, start this war, and attract terrible virus weapons.

It would still be too unethical to walk away now, no matter how forced it was.

Hao Xiaoxi shook his head: "Still asking, wait."

"There's news."

Her eyes lit up.

Vladimir studied Hao Xiaoxi's expression, and he speculated: "Is it good news?"

Hao Xiaoxi nodded slightly.

Liu Peiqiang's voice came from her earphones: "Director Hao, the consciousness of the earth said that it can ask for help from Ava. Ava has a thorough research on biology and may have a solution."

Is there anything Ava can do?

Everything. It's all part of the plan.

MOSS knew early on that the pioneer civilization had powerful virus weapons and also knew about the membrane tissue traversal technology of the pioneer civilization, but it deliberately concealed this part of the information and did not let Sophon pass it on to the coalition government.

The reason for doing this is to complete the task assigned to it by Chen Fan - to promote cooperation between the coalition government and Ava.

Humans are a very exclusive race.

Even the consciousness of the earth, they do not have 100% trust from the whole family.

In fact, after the Trisolarans entered the coalition government and took on the important role of experimental materials in the laboratory, the coalition government's research on brain wave communication technology advanced by leaps and bounds.

Brainwave interactive devices can now be mass-produced, allowing ordinary people to communicate with Chen Fan in a simple way using the devices.

Although he cannot talk word for word, he has basically reached the level of communication between the Na'vi and Ava. He can convey emotions and allow Chen Fan to give some simple enlightenments to humans.

But the coalition government has been slow to do so.

There is great internal resistance.

Many representatives used the reasons of "high equipment cost", "rapid technology iteration" and "not yet passed safety inspection" to hinder the mass production of brain wave interactive equipment and prevent ordinary people from accessing the consciousness of the earth.

Behind these representatives is a considerable amount of public opinion.

Many human beings do not consider themselves to be part of the earth's consciousness, and have created many conspiracy theories, believing that the earth's consciousness wants to enslave mankind and turn mankind into its own free protection umbrella and labor force.

If the consciousness of the earth truly cares for humans, why did it not help humans during the previous natural and man-made disasters?

Pompeii volcano, Wenchuan earthquake, Peruvian avalanche

So many disasters happened in the past,

The consciousness of the earth never appears to protect mankind.

Appeared now?

People tend to have random thoughts when they are full, so these conspiracy theories have a large audience.

They refuse to communicate with the Earth consciousness.

They believe that once they communicate with the earth's consciousness, they will be brainwashed and become slaves of the earth's consciousness, just like Liu Peiqiang.

They secretly called Liu Peiqiang a traitor.

Not only do they not want to communicate with the consciousness of the earth, they also prevent others from communicating with the consciousness of the earth, and hinder the coalition government from mass-producing and promoting brainwave interactive devices, and they are very effective.

The coalition government has been discussing this matter for half a month. There has been a small quarrel for three days and a big quarrel for five days, but there has been no conclusion.

Of course, as time goes by, brain wave interactive devices will eventually be produced.

There is no doubt about it.

However, human beings are so repulsive and distrustful of their own planetary consciousness. It is simply a fantasy for humans to accept the planetary consciousness of other planets, or even help them build a powerful flesh-and-blood planet.

MOSS believes that only by creating a disaster can humans and Ava unite, and eliminating the threat of viral weapons that humans cannot eliminate is a good start.

Ava started preparing for this early in the morning.

In fact, it is very simple to eliminate the threat of virus weapons, as long as the virus weapons are not allowed to spread.

The coalition government thinks so too,

It's just that they have no way to prevent the spread of virus weapons.

But Ava has a solution.

Ava can create spores that are similar in size to viruses, move with the wormhole membrane, and swarm up when the wormhole membrane is broken, and start a war with the viruses inside the wormhole membrane.

These spores are specially made for viruses, and each one has eight nanoscale spikes that can penetrate the genetic material of the virus.

The most important thing is - do it in large quantities!

Ava did nothing during this period, she just stayed in Antarctica to create spores, and decomposed all the monsters that had been created. The decomposed organic matter was also used to create spores.

These spores have similar characteristics to viruses. They can also spread in the air, soil, and water sources, and they can also divide at a high speed.

As long as these spores are dropped near the Mariana Trench, they will proliferate crazily, start an unprecedented battle with the virus in the microscopic world, and become an ironclad wall to prevent the spread of the virus!

"Dear Pandora's Planetary Consciousness, our Planetary Consciousness says you can help us."

Soon, the coalition government got in touch with Ava.

They had always known that Ava was in Antarctica and had provided some help to Ava, but Chen Fan had been the middleman. This was their first actual contact.


After a short exchange, the commissioners of the coalition government found that Ava was a planet-conscious person who communicated well and was very enthusiastic about helping them solve their problems without even mentioning any conditions!

This has greatly won the goodwill of the coalition government.

"Hurry up!"

"Put these spores into missiles!"

"Only fifteen minutes!"

The spores are gathered into flakes, giving them a green luster and looking very pleasant. They are transported to the "Pacific Rim" Earth in tons and tons, and are sown near the Mariana Trench.

The division of spores is simple.

One becomes two,

Two becomes four,

Four becomes eight.

In the blink of an eye, the seawater and air near the Mariana Trench were filled with such spores, and even the seafloor was partially transported by deep-sea probes.

A great war is about to take place in the microscopic realm.

At the same time, spores are also transported to hospitals across the country to be used to develop vaccines against the virus.

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