Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 223 Bleeding for God

When the confinement left Quintessa's ship, he felt like he was in a dream, in which he met his creator and received an invincible body and an invincible army.

But when he looked back, he realized it wasn't a dream.

The flames of the propeller stretched into a silver-white river, and hundreds of pairs of familiar and unfamiliar eyes looked at him feverishly. He felt a throbbing from his soul.

This throbbing was mixed with many emotions such as disbelief, excitement, fear, etc., but in the end these emotions were all mixed into one - excitement.

Confinement is so exciting.

Quintessa's power amazed him. She summoned many famous interstellar mercenaries, and then instilled in these interstellar mercenaries the idea of ​​obeying his orders.

Many of these interstellar mercenaries are his "old friends", and they have caused him a lot of hardships in past interactions.

But now, these interstellar mercenaries all obey his orders.

Even if he orders these interstellar mercenaries to commit suicide on the spot, these interstellar mercenaries will obey his orders without hesitation.

Quintessa will not punish him, as long as he can bring the scepter back.

If he didn't bring it back, no matter how he tried to please Quintessa, he would not end well.

Thinking of this, I felt a chill.

He once again turned his attention to the interstellar mercenaries in front of him. He looked at these fanatical brainwashed people as if he saw himself in the future.

"God! I will definitely complete the mission!" The confinement made a gnashing sound using the more masculine voice machine that Quintasha replaced for him. "I will definitely bring the scepter back to you!"

The words "confinement" were spoken not only to Quintessa but also to himself.

He must bring the scepter back no matter what, because the consequences of failure in the mission are unbearable for him.

He doesn't want to become someone else's puppet.

He thought to himself that fortunately I was a Transformer. If I were of any other race, I would be the one being brainwashed into cannon fodder at this moment.

Lockdown is grateful for his status as a Transformer.

"Get aboard!" he roared, "and shed the last drop of blood for our god!"

"Set off!"

The confinement has completely forgotten about the "fat sheep". Now he just wants to complete Quintessa's mission quickly and then get rid of this terrible creator.

"The natural enemy, the matter has come to this, do you still want to fight stubbornly?" The interrogator of the coalition government sat in front of the long table. He faced the natural enemy without any obstruction, as if he wanted to use his sincerity to influence the sincerity.

The state of the natural enemy at this time is very poor.

Although he was not physically abused during this period, the coalition government approved MOSS to use the enemy as material to try to break through the firewall of the enemy and rewrite the will of the enemy.

He couldn't stand being disturbed by natural enemies, and he already had some mental problems.

If the natural enemy is a human being, he must be haggard now, with dark circles under his eyes bigger than his fists, looking depressed and likely to commit suicide at any time.

Yu Tiandi remained silent. The interrogators did not put further pressure on Yu Tiandi, but looked at him with a smile.

They remained in a stalemate for two minutes.

Until the natural enemy finally confirmed that there was no invisible glass wall or flying nanowires sharper than a knife between him and the interrogators, he stood up brazenly and said with a ferocious face: "Stupid human being, didn't anyone tell you, don't follow An angry Transformer that close?"

The interrogator tilted his head slightly, with a look of confusion on his face.

"Go to hell!" He took a step forward with lightning speed, and then clenched his right hand into a fist and smashed it towards the interrogator.

This is a fist made of steel. Once smashed, the interrogator will definitely turn into a ball of flesh.

As for what will happen next?

The natural enemy doesn't care, he just wants to vent the anger in his heart immediately and let humans feel his anger!

Humans need his wisdom and knowledge, and even if they are angry, they dare not do anything to him. No matter how noisy he is these days, humans have never been rough with him, and it must be the same this time!

Who makes mankind seek from him?

In the optical sensor of the natural enemy, his fist was approaching the interrogator's head inch by inch, but the interrogator still maintained the original posture and demeanor, seemingly not reacting at all.

The natural enemy showed a happy smile.


Huge force poured out, shaking the heavy solid wood table several centimeters off the ground.

The natural enemy raised his eyebrows, and the pleasure on his face turned into surprise, because the pressure sensor on his hand did not feedback the touch of crushing flesh, but instead sent back the touch of hitting a hard object.

The punch hurt his hand.

How is this going?

Could it be that the human body was weaker than he thought? He smashed the human body to pieces without even feeling it, and then smashed it onto the hard floor?

"Natural Enemy, you don't seem to understand the situation yet."

A calm voice came from beneath the fist.

In an instant, the expression of Yu Tian En Enemy changed drastically.

how come.

The huge fist moved inch by inch, but instead of the natural enemy retracting the fist, a seemingly slender palm wrapped in silver-gray metal held it up.


The natural enemy was unwilling to exert downward force, and the engines all over his body roared. The huge sound echoed in the interrogation room, like a huge tsunami.

But no matter what, he couldn't move his fist even one centimeter downward.

Not only that, his fist was still raised evenly at the same speed, which meant that even if he put in all his strength, the interrogator still had considerable power left.

"Why do you think there is no dividing glass between us?"

The interrogator stood up gracefully.

The silver-gray metal quickly spread from his wrist downwards, completely wrapping his body in just a second or two, forming an extremely oppressive humanoid mecha.

The natural enemy was so angry that he was shaking all over.

No wonder there is no partition glass, it turns out to be because this human has a nano-armor!

Yu Tian En has seen nano armor, but it is different from what he remembered. This interrogator is equipped with the latest version of nano armor.

This set of nano battle armor is currently a unique product.

Not only is it gorgeous in shape, it also has a strong mechanical quality. You can see many dazzling mechanical structures from the outside.

If it appeared at a comic convention, it would definitely make countless nerds and otakus unable to move, but if it appeared in the interrogation room, it means someone is going to be unlucky.


Yu Tian En didn't see clearly what happened. He only felt a huge force spread along his arms and up his body, and then he fell to the ground.

"Defend Natural Enemy, your value is declining rapidly."

The interrogators stepped on Yu Tiandi's waist, which made it impossible for Yu Tiandi to turn over no matter how hard he struggled.

"We got the message."

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