Wander! Blue Star People

Chapter 642 God of Earth

This peaceful time and space welcomed two main gods at the same moment.

A terrifying tsunami set off in the subspace.

Countless subspace entities were caught off guard and were wiped out in the terrifying tsunami, and even traces of their past existence were wiped away, including many race gods of the Eldar.

Many Eldar suddenly became atheists.

But the panic that broke out within the Eldar was insignificant to the entire time and space. The Eldar were just sacrifices to Slaanesh, and what appeared at this time were two genuine main gods.

One of them is the main god in charge of erosion and destruction. In terms of destructiveness, he is much more powerful than Khorne.

Khorne only kills living things, but the God of Corruption and Destruction not only kills living things, but also "kills" matter. He is the most murderous corner of the Chaos Octagram.

Human beings are indeed the most murderous of all races in the universe.

Although it seems to be trapped in a quagmire, often faced with disasters, and coveted by aliens and subspace entities, humans have actually destroyed the entire galaxy and established a super empire to rule the galaxy.

Even the Eldar and Necrons, in their heyday, did not hunt down aliens across the galaxy.

Not only do humans want to exterminate all alien races, but they will also destroy their culture and, if necessary, their planet. They don't know why they are so soft-hearted.

In addition to the God of Corrosion and Destruction, the other God of Order and Reason is even more important.

Where did this guy come from?

The whole universe is shrouded in fear and despair. Where can a kind and lawful Lord God appear?

At first, the three evil gods were a little unresponsive.

After the initial contact, they were convinced that Guilliman was an existence of the same nature as them.

The war between gods broke out directly in the past and future.

In every corner of the past and future, the three evil gods worked together to strangle the foundation of Guilliman's existence, annihilate the order and rationality of living things, and try their best to keep living things in a state of chaos and madness.

The blue sea of ​​gears surged, and the dazzling light gradually dimmed.

Facing the combined power of the three evil gods, Guilliman was defeated in one encounter, but he was with the Emperor.

The black sun is like a black hole in the subspace, destroying everything ruthlessly, only providing shelter for Guilliman so that he will not be suppressed and unable to move.

The Emperor is not here to fight this time.

The battle between the main gods is also very boring. It is just exhausting all possibilities in infinite time. The soldiers come to block the water and the earth covers them. No one can achieve complete victory.

Chen Fan felt two forces instilling his subspace essence.

The essence of Chen Fan's subspace is a vast sea of ​​consciousness. This sea of ​​consciousness has countless shapes at the same time, and these shapes are the overlapping of countless consciousnesses.

Under the indoctrination of the two main gods, the sea of ​​consciousness did not expand in area, but somehow, a connection with the "Warhammer 40K" universe was established between Chen Fan and the subspace.

Chen Fan clearly felt that he had been given something invisible and intangible.

authority! Chen Fan had a hint of enlightenment in his heart.

Although he didn't have any substantial evidence, he felt like a ball, and someone was pushing him towards the mountain. There was a groove at the top of the mountain, and when he was pushed in, it just stuck tightly.

Chen Fan's vision expanded infinitely, and his consciousness was dispersed to every corner of infinite time and space.

However, he was not like Guilliman who fell into confusion at this moment and followed his so-called instincts to act in infinite space and time.

He is like a bystander standing outside the screen, watching more and more scenes on the screen, but not being touched.

Just like him and the creatures on the earth, he is a bystander, observing the joys, sorrows and joys of the creatures on the earth without being affected by those emotions.

The coalition's guess was correct.

The consciousness of the earth will not be negatively affected by ascending to the throne of the Lord God.

Chen Fan felt this moment silently.

Because he was sober and calm enough, he discovered some special details, such as the fact that he was pushed to the "top of the mountain" and perfectly stuck into the pit on the top of the mountain. This process had faint traces of being designed.

Chen Fan discovered that what he had gained was not the ability to play with time at will in any universe, but the ability to play with time at will in the "Warhammer 40K" universe.

It seems to be an administrator privilege exclusive to the "Warhammer 40,000" universe.

what does that mean?

Chen Fan suddenly thought of the recently discovered universe of "The Wandering Earth 1". It is understandable that there are different parallel time and spaces in the same universe, but how did two different but identical universes come from?

It can't be a coincidence.

Chen Fan also thought of the recent disappearances. People have disappeared frequently in recent decades. In his perception, many whirlpools appeared in the infinite universe, and those whirlpools swallowed up many universes.

What kind of force is it that drives those vortexes that swallow up the universe?

Is this a natural phenomenon?

Regardless of whether it is a natural phenomenon or not, there must be some kind of laws outside the universe.

Where did those rules come from? There must be a reason.

Chen Fan fell into some kind of confusion.

In a flash of lightning, he suddenly thought of the "Ready Player One" universe, or to be precise, the "Oasis" game universe in "Ready Player One".

"Oasis" is its own universe.

There is also a "Ready Player One" universe outside the "Oasis" universe. Humans in "Ready Player One" can change things in the "Oasis" universe at will.

Changing the parameters of the "Oasis" game in the "Ready Player One" universe will cause changes within the "Oasis" universe, but the coalition government cannot find the reason for the changes within the "Oasis" universe.

The United Government has been connected to the Oasis universe for some time.

Whether inside or outside the "Oasis" universe, the coalition government firmly controls this universe, but its research has not become famous for a long time.

The entire project is at a standstill.

After returning this time, he may ask the coalition government to increase investment in this research project, which may be related to a new understanding of the universe.

After a while, Chen Fan recovered his wandering thoughts.

The tremors of authority gradually subsided.

Chen Fan felt like he was the stone ball that was pushed into the pit. He swayed in the pit for a while, and now the dust finally settled.

Tzeentch stopped laughing, Khorne roared in panic, Nurgle overturned his cauldron,

A new Lord God is born!

A blue planet appeared from the subspace, exuding an aura completely different from any god.

It has no fixed form. When any creature looks at this blue planet, they cannot see the planet itself, but can only see the things they want to see.

It floats peacefully near the Black Sun and the Sea of ​​Gears.

It was neither damaged by the black sun nor shaken by the sea of ​​gears.

God of the Earth, all-embracing.

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