Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 0012 You Choose Animal Nature, But I Choose Human Nature! [Fourth Update, Asking For Flowers


The icy cold wind made the burly man shiver all over, his eyes fell on Yang Qi's body all of a sudden, he saw the thick winter clothes on Yang Qi's body, but he couldn't help showing a smile on his face. He sneered ferociously.

"Here comes another murderer!"

Yang Qi's eyes swept lightly over the male master and his wife and daughter, but there was a bit of murderous intent in the depths of his eyes.

He has read countless doomsday novels and countless doomsday movies.

He is very clear that in this era of doomsday, the ugliness of human nature will be clearly seen.

However, in this world of wandering earth, Yang Qi has not encountered this kind of situation so far, maybe it will appear in the dungeons, but in the surface world, in this nightmarish world, the bad guys, I'm afraid There is no chance of doing evil.

Now, I still see it.

This burly man is obviously such a guy. In this era of doomsday, his animal nature hidden in his body is completely released.

Such a guy is not worthy of being called a human, but a beast.


The burly man suddenly punched the glass cover on Yang Qi's head, the power of this punch was fast and ruthless, almost reaching Yang Qi in an instant.


Yang Qi suddenly stretched out five fingers, directly blocking the burly man's fist.


There was an incredible expression on the face of the burly man, he was still very confident in his own strength, but Yang Qi took his punch with ease?


Yang Qi's five fingers suddenly exerted force, and in an instant, the burly man felt a pain as if his wrist was broken. On the spot, the man couldn't help but screamed in pain.

"Stop, stop, stop!"

There was a painful scream from the big man's mouth, but Yang Qi didn't intend to stop at all, his palm continued to explode with strength, and then the big man knelt down on the ground in pain.

"Stop, I told you to stop, did you hear that?"

The big man's left hand suddenly touched his waist, but he grabbed a sharp dagger and stabbed directly at Yang Qi's lower abdomen.


Yang Qi's reaction speed was faster, just when the big man's attack was about to fall on him, the two fingers of his left hand pinched the sharp dagger.

"What?" The big man's pupils suddenly contracted violently, but there was a strong sense of disbelief in the depths of his pupils.

But Yang Qi still had a calm smile on his face.

The fingers suddenly exerted force.

In an instant, the dagger was broken, and then, Yang Qi kicked the big man's face heavily. With a bang, the big man was kicked hard and fell to the ground.

There is no way to fight back.

The male host reluctantly raised his head, but couldn't help taking a deep breath, his anti-theft door was reinforced, the door was completely sealed just now, but now, he was directly kicked by Yang Qi opened.

How strong is this guy?

The male host couldn't help swallowing his saliva, but he looked at Yang Qi with a bit of fear, but, no matter what, this man who just came out was the one who saved himself and his family.

"Let me go!" The burly man stared at Yang Qi, but his voice weakened: "We join forces, this guy, this guy, he can grow plants and fruits, we occupy their home, his Wife, his daughter, we can all have it, no, no, I don't want it, I don't want it, it's all for you, you, please, let me live, please, let me live, I, I want to survive!"

Yang Qi just looked at this burly man coldly. Not long ago, how he beat the male master and how he said he wanted to bully his wife and daughter, Yang Qi heard all the conversations between them, and he couldn't see it no sympathy.


With a strong palm, a scream came out of the burly man's mouth, and his arm was broken on the spot. Then, Yang Qi picked up the burly man, and then pushed his body directly towards the gate step by step. go.

"You, what are you going to do?"

As soon as he saw Yang Qi pushing himself towards the gate, the burly man's eyes suddenly showed a strong panic, and he said loudly: "Don't, don't, let me go, let me go!"

Once he left the little sun in the center, the ice and snow outside was enough to kill him in an instant.

It's getting closer and closer to the gate.

And the piercing cold was getting closer and closer, and the burly man made a pleading voice: "Please, please forgive me, please forgive me!"

The cold air criss-crossed the big man's body like knives, causing pain like Ling Chi.

Without the slightest hesitation, Yang Qi just looked at the burly man coldly. Then, he suddenly raised his foot and kicked the big man's ass heavily.


This kick was a full three to five meters away, and the icy cold air instantly made the big man bounce, and he struggled to rush into the warm room.


Yang Qi flicked his fingers, and the half of the dagger in his hand shot out instantly.


A miserable sound erupted from the big man's mouth, and he fell to the ground with a plop. His right foot was completely pierced, and blood began to spurt out instantly.

If it was before the era of brakes, this injury would not be considered a problem, but this era is the end of the era of brakes and the beginning of the era of escape.

Cold enough to kill a person.

His blood was frozen almost in an instant, and then, the cold gradually invaded his body, and then began to seep into his bones little by little.

A little bit, a little bit.

"Don't, don't, let me, let me survive!"

There was a pleading voice from the big man's mouth: "I don't want to die, I still want to live, I want to live..."

His voice became weaker and weaker. In the end, he could barely raise one hand, but his body was completely frozen. He could only barely maintain the crawling movement, but he no longer had the ability to move any more. .

Gradually, he turned into an ice sculpture.

Yang Qi silently watched the struggling figure of this big man.

This was his first time killing people, but Yang Qi found that he didn't feel uncomfortable, or, for this era, human life is the least valuable thing.

Or, the behavior of this big man has inspired Yang Qi's murderous intention deep in his heart.

But in his heart he said to himself: "You chose animal nature, but I chose human nature!"

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