Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 138: Currency System [First Update, Please Customize]

"President, I have a question, I major in economics.

When one of them stood up and spoke, Yang Qi was immediately interested.

"Say it!"

After obtaining consent, the economist dared to speak.

"I don't think there is any problem in cooperating with the coalition government, but how do we cooperate? We sell the Rosa beast, and he gives us steel. How should the value be estimated?"

To put it bluntly, everyone present was lost in thought. Cooperating with the coalition government cannot rely solely on mutual exchange. Obviously, the coalition government now needs Yang Qi's Rosa beast more. There is a difference between the two Yes, steel Yang Qi can be obtained through mine veins, there is absolutely no need to cooperate with the coalition government [Song is purely for saving points

But the coalition government can only cooperate with Yang Qi, because Yang Qi has Rosa beasts here, if they don't cooperate with Yang Qi, the popular support they just formed may be gone.

"Do you have any better suggestions?" Yang Qi asked with a smile.

"Now that our productivity has increased and our commodities have increased, I think we are no longer suitable for using the point system, we should use the currency system

The economist said seriously, there are specialties in the art field, if you want to talk about economics, no one present may be able to compare with this economist, and now you can only listen to the opinions of economists.

Yang Qi nodded and asked him to continue talking.

"And it is impossible for us to use the currency system. We need the coalition government to use the currency system and use currency to trade with us just like us."

The economist said seriously, this is a question he had thought about a long time ago, and he originally wanted to repay Yang Qi alone, but now that he has this opportunity, he said it now.

"I think what he said is right, if Rosamon and the coalition government are exchanged for steel, it may be a loss for us.

"I support this proposal. There is no way to compare the value of Rosa beasts and steel, and the coalition government needs Rosa beasts more than we do now."

The members have spoken out their opinions, and on this matter, everyone maintains the same opinion.

Yang Qi nodded, thought for a while and said:

"The monetary system is fine, but do you think the commodities we produce in Hope City can support 3.5 billion people around the world?"

This is what Yang Qi is worried about. If they introduce a currency system, they will not know how much money the coalition government has in their hands. If the coalition government buys in large quantities, they will not be able to produce anything, so they will be very passive. .

In communicating with the coalition government for such a long time, Yang Qi has always been on the active side. If he becomes passive, he will follow the old hooligans of the coalition government. They may have lost more.

There was silence below. They didn't think about this question, and all their eyes were focused on the economist.

"Actually, we can use it on a small scale to allow the currency to circulate within the coalition government. They need to use currency when doing transactions with us. As for how they digest it internally, that has nothing to do with us."

Yang Qi smiled, this major is professional, and for economic problems, you still need to find someone who majors in economics. They didn't expect such a simple matter.

"Okay, just do as you said, and I will go and talk to the coalition government about it."

"Then let's talk about the value of these things now."

Yang Qi said with a smile, is this the only way to take initiative money when communicating with the coalition government?

If the coalition government agrees to this request, and you don't know how much it is when you are asked how much it is, isn't it just looking for something for yourself?

"The Rosa beast must not be cheap. This is what the coalition government needs most now."

"Iced oranges are not good either!"

Listening to the discussion below, Yang Qi felt a little dizzy, this is really a matter.

"You guys discuss here, tell Chen Qiuye about the results of the discussion, and then Chen Qiuye will come and report to me.

After Yang Qi finished speaking, he walked out of the office.

Although the sound from the meeting room is not very loud, you can feel the sound of flies and mosquitoes screaming in your ears. Yang Qi likes quiet and never likes places that are too annoying. Those members are regarded as flies and mosquitoes, just as an analogy.

"How do we calculate our currency or is it according to the sun era?"

"If that's the case, I feel that Luo Shaoshou will cost 20,000 yuan a head anyway."

"Twenty thousand, brother, the pigs in the Sun Age are almost worth twenty thousand. Isn't Rosa beast worth more than pigs?"

"..." This is the first time I remember getting money from the coalition government, and I feel a little excited, so I won't express my opinion.

Chen Qiuye smiled. What these people said made sense, which made it a little difficult for him to confirm. If he failed, he might screw up the matter.

"Can't you just be quiet? Let's talk about it. We are not experts in this field."

Chen Qiuye shouted, pointing at the economist.

The economist showed a smile on his face, and said lightly: "Actually, I haven't thought about this matter. I will think about this matter when I go back. I will definitely give you a satisfactory answer."

Economists didn't have this problem at all when they came here, but now it's really hard for him, they all understand the value of the Rosa beast.

In this era, it can be said to be a priceless treasure, but if you want to make a deal with the coalition government, you need to find a very reasonable price [so that the coalition government will be willing to take out the money.

"In that case, let's adjourn the meeting."

Chen Qiuye said with a smile, now this matter is not within the scope of Chen Qiuye's consideration, and Chen Qiuye is more at ease if it is left to a professional person.

Chen Qiuye agrees with what a person said just now. This is the first time they have made a deal with the coalition government. In the past, the coalition government controlled the currency. Now that the position is changed, I feel a little smug in my heart.

Yang Qi and the others occupy this absolute initiative now because of the existence of Ice Orange Fruit and Rosa Beast, both of which are needed by the current coalition government.

And steel is not that important to them.

And most importantly, if the currency is implemented by the coalition government, then they are equivalent to choking the throat of the coalition government. Whether the financial crisis breaks out is their final say. .

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