Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 0014 Good Memories Of The Sun Era! [Second Update, Asking For Flowers, Asking For Evaluation


Yang Qi nodded slightly at Xia Weilan, and Xia Weilan immediately served Liu Weihan a bowl of sweet potato porridge, with a faint fragrance, Liu Weihan bowed his head and took a sip of the porridge.

In an instant, Liu Weihan couldn't help but shed tears from the corners of his eyes.

A taste full of memories.

Is this sweet potato porridge?

The food was just imported, and a sweet and sweet feeling immediately stimulated Liu Weihan's taste buds. This taste is really nostalgic. It has been eighteen years, and I haven't tasted this sweet potato porridge for eighteen years.

Liu Weihan thought he had forgotten the taste of sweetness, but at this moment, Liu Weihan really understood that sweetness is the taste.

In this world, earthworms are made into countless strange flavors.

In addition to earthworms and cockroaches.

Earthworms of various flavors, cockroaches of various flavors, but until this moment, Liu Weihan didn't know what real sweetness is, and it was a memory that had been dusty for nearly twenty years.

Before that, sweet potato porridge was the least valuable thing.

Fang Qingwei couldn't help crying too. She closed her eyes and let her tears mix with the sweet potato porridge and drink it all.

Surprisingly delicious with a hint of sweetness.

"Dad, what is this? It's so delicious. If I can eat this thing every day in the future, then I'll be really satisfied!" Liu Ke made a childish voice, but there was a strong sense of food in this voice. satisfaction.

"Well, don't worry, I dare not say anything else, from now on, you can drink sweet potato porridge every day!" Yang Qi smiled and patted Liu Ke's head.

Liu Weihan's mind moved slightly. He can drink sweet potato porridge every day. This means that Yang Qi's biosphere is at least self-sufficient in terms of food. Then, Yang Qi said, it can support 500 people to survive. This problem should not be big.

Taking another sip of porridge, with the warm porridge water in his stomach, Liu Weihan felt that his whole body was much warmer, and the porridge water was also sweet, even drinking only porridge water seemed to be a great enjoyment .

"Come on, try this!"

Yang Qi peeled a roasted sweet potato with a smile and brought it up: "This is a roasted sweet potato. It tastes better if you eat it alone."

"Really?" Liu Ke glanced at it, swallowed his saliva, and glanced at his parents again. In the end, he still couldn't resist the temptation of the delicious food, so he took it very politely.

Before he ate it, the faint fragrance had already drawn out the glutton in Liu Ke's stomach.

When Yang Qi peeled the skin, he deliberately left a little bit of the bottom unpeeled, in order to facilitate Liu Ke's grasping. In anticipation, I took a light bite of the roasted sweet potato.

The aroma is more intense, the meat is soft and fragrant! sweet!

"It's delicious, it's really delicious!" Liu Ke became excited, and brought the roasted sweet potatoes to Fang Qingwei, and said eagerly, "Mom, eat, mom!"


Unable to hold back her daughter, Fang Qingwei took a light bite, but felt her nose sore.

This taste is really nostalgic.

"Father, you eat too, Dad, you eat too!" Fang Qingwei brought the sweet potato to Liu Weihan again, and Liu Weihan took a bite too.

It was hot, but Liu Weihan still swallowed it like a wolf.

"It's delicious, it's really delicious. I haven't eaten it for a long time!" Liu Weihan resisted the urge to grab the roasted sweet potatoes from his daughter, but his eyes fell on Yang Qi, and he said curiously: "Yang Qi , your biosphere can accommodate five hundred people, is this true?"

"It's true!" Yang Qi nodded: "My intelligent program Jarvis has conducted a precise analysis, five hundred people, there is no problem!"

"Sir, hello, I'm artificial intelligence, Jarvis, you can consult me ​​if you have any questions!" Jarvis's voice echoed throughout the truck in a timely manner.

"Can you briefly introduce this biosphere?" Liu Weihan couldn't help asking curiously.

"Our biosphere covers an area of ​​500 acres and is located in Jinhua City, Zhejiang... At present, our biosphere has a total of 5 wild biomes: tropical rainforest, savannah, ocean, swamp, desert and two artificial biomes Intensive agricultural areas and residential areas. They are modeled on the ecosystems between the Tropic of Cancer and the Tropic of Capricornus on the earth..."

Jarvis introduced it patiently, but Liu Weihan was a little shocked.

Both the Earth faction and the spaceship faction have actually considered building a biosphere, but there is no doubt that this is a very difficult thing. First of all, the construction of the biosphere itself is extremely difficult.

A slight error in the data will lead to the collapse of the biosphere itself.

More than ten years ago, Liu Weihan participated in an experiment on the biosphere. The final result was that Liu Weihan only lived in this biosphere for three months. After three months, the system of the biosphere collapsed completely. The composition of the atmosphere cannot be balanced by itself; most animals and plants cannot grow or reproduce normally, and their extinction rate is faster than expected!

It was also after this experiment that the Earth Faction completely gained the upper hand, and humans started the Wandering Earth Project.

"It can accommodate five hundred people. When I participated in the plan, I could only accommodate fifty people. I didn't expect..." Liu Weihan's eyes fell on Yang Qi, and then he said: "Your father, really An amazing biologist, if possible, I really want to meet your father!"

"Unfortunately, my father has passed away!" Yang Qi shook his head slightly, and then said lightly: "He only left such a biosphere at present, I only hope that in the future, I can inherit my father's behest and continue to expand Go down, and then, save mankind, let us return to the beautiful sun era in the past!"

"In the past, the beautiful sun era!" Liu Weihan muttered to himself, but his eyes couldn't help getting wet: "Yes, in the past, the beautiful sun era. In the past, we didn't think the sun was so precious. Now, we Only then did I truly realize how difficult it is for us humans to survive in this universe!"

Yang Qi smiled, he understands Liu Weihan's mentality very well, he has also experienced eighteen years in this world, he has experienced cruelty, so he naturally understands it.

How precious the sun is to them.

In the past, it was worthless, but now, it is much more precious than any luxury.

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