Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 140: Life In The Age Of The Sun [Third Update, Please Customize]

This is the only way to do it now, so Chen Qiuye hurried down to make arrangements.

After Jarvis' inspection, the banknote printing factory can still be used, which makes Chen Qiuye very happy, as long as it can be used.

At the beginning, it is best not to print too many of these things. If too much is printed, it may cause an economic crisis, which is not what they want to see.

A total of two billion is not a small amount. It is enough for Hope City, and there is even a lot left.

The pattern on the currency has also been changed, the word "hope" is placed in the middle, and the banknote printing factory has been protected by Chen Qiuye's people. From now on, it is impossible for others to enter and leave the banknote printing factory except Chen Qiuye - up.

Yang Qi, who was sitting in the office, also released the news.

"From now on, City of Hope will start to use currency. Points can be exchanged for currency. It will be implemented in large quantities tomorrow, and all banks can handle it."

"From now on, City of Hope will start to use currency. Points can be exchanged for currency. It will be implemented in large quantities tomorrow, and all banks can handle it."

"One more thing, from now on, Hope City will no longer provide food for free, you need to buy it with money!"

Yang Qi's voice resounded in every corner of Hope City, making sure everyone could hear it.

As for the bank, Yang Qi has already controlled all the banks in his own hands. After living for such a long time in the previous life, everyone knows that [banks are the most profitable.

Of course Yang Qi would not let this violence go.

As for real estate, it is a piece of cake compared with banks.

All the residents of Hope City were a little surprised. They were used to the use of points now, but they were still not used to it being exchanged for currency.

"I don't know what the exchange rate between points and currency is!"

"It should be about the same. I don't think it's too high. It's about the same as the sun era."

"What do you say we use money for?"

All the residents were discussing in low voices, but it was destined that nothing could be discussed.

On the second day, all the residents waited at the gate of the bank early, and a total of two billion coins were sent to various banks.

Since these residents live in scattered places, they can only send money there. Another point is that the bank is such a big place that it can't put so many people there.

"Currency exchange, one point can be exchanged for ten yuan!"

These words are pasted big on the door of the bank, and it can be seen that the exchange rate is still acceptable.

In fact, Yang Qi was also thinking about them. When they used their points, they could eat for free at that time. They would spend about the same amount of points every day, so the accumulated amount must not be much.

Yang Qi adjusted the exchange rate a little higher, just to get them all exchanged for similar money.

As for the prices of those things, Yang Qi is going to follow the prices in his previous life, so there won't be any economic crisis, and he doesn't need to carry too much money.

It can be seen that the effect is not bad, and everyone who leaves the bank has a smile on their face.

Yang Qi may have overestimated their spending power. Every injured person came out with 100,000 to 200,000 yuan, which made them very excited.

One or two hundred thousand, according to Hope City's price, can buy a car.

Two billion is not enough at all, and it will be used up in a short time. Chen Qiuye hurriedly asked Jarvis to print some more, so they can't even have money for exchange.

The entire day was spent dealing with this matter, and it was not until ten o'clock in the evening that everything was settled.

The currency is not bad. When they saw the word hope on the currency, they were very excited. Now it is hope, and each of them is hope.

Now the Rosa beast is still controlled by Yang Qi. As for the wages of these people, Jarvis will pay them.

Sitting in the office, looking through the live screen of Jarvis Chuan, Yang Qi is quite satisfied. The point system now has a lot of money in their hands. They don't need to spend this money now, and they can't even find a place to spend it .

All the shopping malls are also officially opened, and someone uses the money in their hands to buy another facade, so they become the boss.

Some people choose to work part-time. For them, part-time work is much easier than work, at least there are not so many things to worry about every day.

There are not many people who have such thoughts. All the factories in Zhejiang Province have started to work, clothing factories, food and cakes.

……… Ask for flowers…

For a moment, the entire City of Hope seemed to wind up like clockwork, and the speed of development was quite rapid.

Some people have even contracted out factories and become big bosses.

One of them works in a farm that raises Rosa animals. They raise Rosa animals during the day and rest on weekends. This kind of life is very nourishing.

I have a wife, a child, and I am pregnant with another one this year.

In response to Yang Qi's easy to find, more children and less tree planting, everyone is working hard, trying to get out of the singles, and then make some contributions to Hope City.

The two of them go to work every day, he breeds Rosa beasts, and the children go to school, while his wife is a teacher. The two of them have a total salary of 4,000 yuan a month, and they live a very comfortable life


They can also go to the mall to buy clothes on weekends, which is a life they never thought of.

For them, the current life seems to be back to the Sun Age, even much better than the Sun Age.

There is no shortage of money! I have a house and a car, and I don't need them to spend any more money. I don't feel any pressure on my body.

I can still go shopping every day, weekends and weekends, and there are children, and there is a child who is about to be born in the stomach.

There were smiles on the faces of the two of them. It had been a long time, and they never thought that they would still be like this now.

It was as if the Shache era had never been experienced.

Now everyone in Hope City has hundreds of thousands of deposits in their hands.

Some people choose to work, some choose to do business, and Yang Qi agrees to all of them. Now that the currency system has come out, how to make money is their business, and it has nothing to do with Yang Qi.

With a population of several hundred people, all the factories were robbed within a short time. This also made Yang Qi and Chen Qiuye feel a lot more relaxed. At least some of them are now motivated.

He wants to make more money.

With this idea, he will work hard, and the result of his hard work is to let Chen Qiuye relax.

When there was no currency system before, Chen Qiuye would be very busy every day, but now that the currency system came out, Chen Qiuye didn't even know what to do.

It seems that there are no extravagant demands on the current life. .

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