Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 159: New Contract [Second Update, Please Customize]

Dungeons scattered around the world.

There are thousands of connections between the city-states, and everything under the old system still exists.

The cooperative relationship of the underground city federal government is naturally the strongest cooperative relationship. The appearance of City of Hope caused unprecedented panic in the federal government.

Chief No. 1 killed Ah San's representative, clutching his chest with a painful expression: "I use my personality to guarantee that this kind of accident will never happen again."

Stealing chickens is not enough to lose rice.

The people of Hope City have already turned against Yingtian, and they continue to condemn the thieves.

The current City of Hope has an absolute advantage.

In terms of property and technology, it completely surpassed the federal government by a large margin. And the person who created this miracle is Yang Qi.

"We can't let these thieves go."

"We were once abandoned!"

"Kill all invaders!"


The roar soared into the sky, and the huge sound penetrated the world.

I hope that there will be roars in the city, and the previous wound will be torn open again. The rule at the moment of exile is destined to be the oppression of power, so as to ensure the stability of the basic system.

Chief No. 1 said painfully: "You see, once this kind of emotion spreads. We are born from the same root, but we have to fight each other. Why bother?"

This theft originated from the Federation.

So in the end tit for tat.

Everyone who is dealing with things has some pain and uneasiness in their hearts.

Yang Qi turned his head and said: "183 The new strategy I formulated is to deal with the federal government. Most of the people in Hope City used to be victims. Now, when we are enjoying our achievements, please learn the most basic exchange."

After thinking twice, he still gave up embezzling the Federation.

The population of the underground city is as high as several billion people. This is not a simple oil bottle, but a monster that can swallow any civilization.

The loose organization of the federal government, while squeezing, also played a ruling role.

Chief No. 1 tried to straighten up: "I really hope that you can consider distributing some supplies first."

Earth in exile.

An icy temperature enveloped the planet.

All of them are walking in the dark, avoiding harm. The people of City of Hope, who were once abandoned, now have their identities changed.

Before Yang Qi could open his mouth, the residents of City of Hope were already in an uproar.

Yang Qi pointed to the big screen behind him and said, "Listen! Look! Do you think, is this possible?"

The system is a vampire, and he doesn't even have the heart of the Virgin Mary.

Every time construction or high-tech appears, it means that the system is constantly encroaching on those points.

Chief No. 1 gritted his teeth unwillingly: "You know, things can't be wiped out, otherwise how can you gain a foothold?"

The attitude of the Dungeon Alliance on Earth and the federal government has already undergone tremendous changes.

Emerge from Hope City.

The attitude of the entire federal government is constantly undergoing subtle changes.

The joy at first, the anxiety now.

Yang Qi, the maker of the treaty, has become a thorn in the side of the federal government. This defeat made the federal government very helpless, and could only admit defeat.

Yang Qi stretched out his finger and said, "You have no right to bargain, we are just trading with each other."

He understands the emotions of the people in Hope City best.

When the earth began to go into exile, many people were abandoned, and most of the dead people could not find their bones.

Those who can survive, in addition to their own excellent quality, are more of a fluke.

City of Hope, full of resentment, has always held resistance to the federal government, and now it is even more collective hatred.

Chief No. 1 cried bitterly to all the people in City of Hope: "You are all from the same ancestor, and what we are facing is common destruction. I hope that everyone can ..

Same root, same species, same family.

This slogan played a huge role in the original time. But today, it is difficult to generate appeal.

The people of Hope City were hurt too deeply.

Yang Qi pondered for a moment: "We have given you what you want. But you haven't cherished [it's no one's fault.

Things are complicated.

The gap between the aborigines and City of Hope is no longer a matter of a day or two.

Chief No. 1 raised his head and said, "Could it be that you really don't hesitate to turn against so many of us?"

Dungeon Alliance, on behalf of (ciai) represents the federation.

The moment the earth began to flee [these people pulled all the resources.

Yang Qi broke the deadlock by this accident.

However, this also brought enormous pressure to the Dungeon Alliance, and everyone felt a great sense of crisis.

Yang Qi sneered: "Back then, we were outcasts. At that time, you didn't think about us either.

The once world suddenly collapsed.

Now that the rules have been re-established, everyone knows that this matter is not easy to solve. Therefore, it will inevitably be more painful.

Chief No. 1 sighed and said: "Then follow the new regulations. The Dungeon Alliance also has countless technologies and predecessors. I hope that one day, you can carry forward the achievements of these people."

Advance with retreat.

Using Rou as a spear, attack Yang Qi's defense.

The style of the No. 1 chief is considered to be the strongest style, so it is inevitable that there will be some weird feelings in his heart.

Yang Qi pondered for a while and said: "First decide on the order, from now on the ecological park will only give opportunities to those who abide by the rules.

derived from the system.

It will eventually appear in a more powerful way and explode in everyone's eyes, thus attracting greater opportunities.

Chief No. 1 nodded, and then Xu led the people to evacuate.

All that is needed under the new contract is Hope City's complete victory.

I hope that everyone in the city will rejoice.

Everyone is naturally full of joy in their hearts about these things.

Yang Qi pointed to the former dungeon and said: "What I want to tell you is that from now on, you don't need to feel scared. Here, I am your biggest backing. When friends come, they have wine, and when wolves come, they have swords and guns." .”

Thousands of steel mechs.

Aimed at the sky in a short time.

Bursts of roar echoed in the sky, and everyone in the Dungeon Alliance curled up.

Under the energy wall, in the city of hope.

The rejoicing people began to continuously cheer Yang Qi's name.

Those who were once in distress have finally been liberated today, and there have been countless things. Today, it has completely become a thing of the past.

Those painful experiences will eventually disappear.

Xia Weilan hugged Yang Qi's arm proudly, and whispered, "You're so handsome, I don't have to be afraid of these people anymore."

The former dungeon federations were arrogant oppressors.

Today's dungeon alliance has become synonymous with tragedy.

In stark contrast, City of Hope is full of vitality.

Pointing to the distance, Yang Qi said: "We are still far away from real safety. Before that, I want to protect the civilization I want."

The old order of the dungeon is full of decadent tyranny.

The cruelty of those people has already become something in the public consensus. .

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