Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 169: Children's Jianghu Rules

City of Hope and Dungeon World.

The existence of these two worlds once gave people a very strong shock. It can even create great deterrence and deterrence every time.

Precisely such a relationship.

The relationship between the two becomes more complicated and difficult to understand, and dangerous things continue to appear.

The hostile relationship has been fully established from the initial temptation to the final. In such a matter, everyone is full of helplessness deep in their hearts.

Resources are scarce things.

Looking at the current problems from the perspective of resources, everyone is very disturbed.

From such a small integration of resources, there are countless things to break away from.

Yang Qi pointed to the distance and said: "Perhaps, we only need to sort things out a little bit. Then the rest will be simple. No one can say anything about the future."

The emergence of resources.

For the nearly depleted earth, encountering something new is enough to excite everyone.

In the past moments, the whole world was so clear.

The earth that is now dried up has entered the biggest season of depletion after experiencing a lot of catastrophe.

When the entire earth is completely destroyed.

Those who walk on the road, after experiencing long and dangerous things, are completely suppressed by the whole world313.

Wang Xiaoer stretched out his hand, took Yang Qi's big hand and said: "We already have a formal curriculum and plan, and when we have classes in the future, more teachers will come to us to take classes."

Happy time at school.

In the end, children will grow up to be qualified educators.

Children's growth on campus is always the fastest, and every time things go a little bit wrong.

Teachers on campus can also help children get out of the shadows.

"Wang Xiaoer, you took your teacher to copy our small group two days ago, are you still pleading guilty at this time?"

A few little fellows surrounded Wang Xiaoer and Yang Qi arrogantly.

The grievances of children.

A few angry little guys, their faces were full of anger at this time. Surrounding Wang Xiaoer, the faces were full of anger.

The little guys in the group were full of anger towards Wang Xiaoer.

Wang Xiaoer pursed his lips and said: "The teacher said, that's where the energy wall is weakest, it's too dangerous for us to be there, you don't listen to the teacher, so be careful.

The "little traitors" of the leading party are full of superiority.

Because Yang Qi was by his side, this guy was surprisingly courageous.

Yang Qi looked at the little guys with a smile and said: "You little things, cheer me up a little bit. When the teacher comes later, be careful of your buttocks.

Small group infighting.

After the campus bullying incident, Yang Qi did not want to deal with it.

There is no need to stop the dirty relationship between the little things, it is the age with the most curiosity.

"Wang Xiaoer, you traitorous dog, the senior who led the way is different, you don't deserve to be called that name."

Familiar with history books, how many things are clear.

When everyone did this, they were naturally fully prepared, and everyone was filled with a sense of sadness deep in their hearts.

Even after experiencing countless pains.

Deep down in everyone's heart, there is great pressure.

Wang Xiaoer said with a cold face: "I just listened to what the teacher said, if you want to do it, you can try it.

The little thing's face is full of excitement.

The things on campus are probably the purest things, that's why there are so many weird things that people can't see.

"You betrayed us. According to our Jianghu rules, you should be pushed out and beaten."

Menacing few little things.

At this moment, Yang Qi and Wang Kai were simply ignored, and they were about to hit them directly.

Children's rivers and lakes stories.

At this time, this kind of Jianghu story seemed so pale, and the things between each other became more and more clear at this time.

Wang Xiaoer said excitedly: "Touch me, I'll speak ill of you (ciag) to the people in the teaching office."

Dead pigs are not afraid of boiling water.

The Xiao Er in history was a hero, but now the clever ghost is a leader.

Yang Qi looked at the helpless little things around him, and immediately clapped his hands happily: "All the children present, please clarify the situation for me. When we all do this, we must understand the situation."

things on the spot.

The children's on-site fights have a somewhat innocent and cute look.

At this time, Wang Xiaoer's rogue methods are becoming more and more interesting. At least, according to Yang Qi.

Smart children are mostly good at doing things.

Judging from the current situation, the group of people who were fighting were really tough guys.

Wang Xiaoer smiled and said: "Everyone, calm down a little bit, we haven't done anything bad for so many years. Now, it shouldn't be like this.

Get to the root of things.

The little guy can also do things in the rivers and lakes.

The little guys on this campus also have a bit of quack spirit when they do things.

No matter how well this basic thing and thing is done, it is very difficult for them.

This group of little things has always been extreme in doing things.

After experiencing some things just now, I have already reached the limit of certain things.

Today's things are even more repetitive.

Yang Qi looked at the children who were talking and said, "Your Jianghu rules need to be corrected a little bit. From now on, it's all about classmates. Why do you have to do such tit-for-tat things?"

Things are not easy to handle.

What comes next may be even more difficult.

When everyone faces this kind of thing, they can't really get rid of the basic things.

Even if you do your best to do things.

Now everyone is still full of all kinds of helpless and helpless little thoughts, and they are a little bit painful and uneasy when they speak.

Wang Xiaoer took Yang Qi's hand arrogantly: "We are all good boys, if you dare to do anything to me, I will tell the teacher directly.

The arrogance of a brat.

After figuring out the rules and other things, there are naturally countless things mixed in it.

So now, things are becoming more and more clear.

When everyone is doing these things, naturally they will use up more and more mental energy to deal with them.

Yang Qi stretched out his hand and pinched Wang Xiaoer's nose: "Everything you can think of is what is left after other people think about it. So put your mind right [if you dare to do something bad. Be careful when the time comes] I hand you over to the teacher."

Little things, there are many problems with him.

No matter what kind of thing it is, it must be resolved after all.

Besides, in the current situation, everyone must do their best to do these things well. .

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