Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 188: The World Of The Voyage Is Changing

I used to work hard and keep moving forward.

Everyone felt helpless and sad deep in their hearts, and they didn't even know why they did these things.

Really walked through the rhythm point of this world.

The rest is how to choose self-protection. The style and state shown in this world are actually very bad.

After going through countless things.

Everyone is full of uneasiness and pain deep in their hearts, so the super coping ability displayed at this time. At this time, it seems a little bit wrong.

Everything in the real world will eventually change.

Everyone who really does something is full of uneasiness and painful feelings deep in his heart. So when doing this, it will inevitably be a little painful and I don’t know what to do

Yang Qi said indifferently: "The world I want is the world I can achieve."

anything really.

Before unraveling or really doing it well, Yin's heart is full of embarrassing and unwilling things.

Exactly this is the case.

At the root of what everyone does, there is pain deep in everyone's heart that cannot be corrected, which is constantly being released or pushed forward.

The big boss looked at the situation indifferently and said: "I have thought about all kinds of things, but there are very few things I can really do well.

The environment in which the whole world is located is really difficult to see clearly.

It is inevitable that everyone will be a little rushed when doing this, and they don't even know how to do these things well.

The big boss said coldly: "The world you see is actually far more complicated than you imagined. If you really do things accurately, you need to pay a huge price."

Every time things are deep.

What everyone can do to hide behind things is to constantly correct their own things.

It is precisely this kind of stuff that brings people great impact every time.

Yang Qi said indifferently: "Don't do those useless things, we have really paid a huge price for this from the beginning to today, maybe we really have to pay a huge price for this thing.... "

dangers of the world.

When the complexity reaches a certain level, what everyone can do is to constantly correct everything about themselves.

The big boss pointed to the front and said: "You look at this because of love, the reason why it has become what it is today. In the most profound way, what everyone can do is to constantly change themselves.

Just in time for a real good time.

The things that this world brings to people have also changed into infinite colors, so the things that are finally ushered in, and the things that are displayed at this moment, are gradually forming the gap and painful feeling of TV University.

Yang Qi shook his head coldly and said: "I have observed the root of the whole matter, how we can do this well, we really need to pay a huge price for it."

Diversity of the world.

Vibrant colors are more radiant at any time.

When we walk in this matter, we try our best to do things well every time. But in the end, it was pushed into a more painful stage.

The big boss looked at the things in front of him lightly and said: "I have thought about various methods and things, but there has never been one that can really make me happy.

Diversity of the world.

After really experiencing pain and suffering, what everyone feels is constantly becoming more and more complicated.

Something that really went out of the world.

The way everyone looks at things is also constantly experiencing more and more complex things, so there are so many things.

Yang Qi said indifferently: "I observe that the reason why this matter is like this. What really brings us is not complicated. You have to figure out the situation a little bit. In terms of this matter, I will be the real controller.

The world is constantly moving.

We are full of unwillingness and pain deep in our hearts.

So the whole world finally changed its color and appearance, and we can only deal with this matter more clearly.

The big boss lamented: "I've thought about it, and if we want to do this well, the most basic thing is that we must correct our own things, so as to completely walk out of our own path.

Everything in danger and frustration.

Everyone is at this stage, and can only continue to go to a more advanced place.

Yang Qi said with a cold face: "I have been observing this world for a long time, and every time I feel very uncomfortable in my heart, I don't even know what stage I can achieve in the future. This is the scariest place, so, be careful Be careful."

The twists and turns of the world always bring people endless pain and sadness.

Deep in everyone's heart, they are full of uneasiness and discomfort, which is why everything is happening today.

Walking on a dangerous path.

Everyone is full of vigilance deep in their hearts, and they don't even know what to do about it.

The big boss shook his head indifferently: ""] I feel that the reason why this world is like this is dangerous. The weirdest thing about it is that all we can do is constantly correct things about ourselves. "

Dangerous and brutal.

Every time something is done well, everyone's heart becomes insidious.

Yang Qi pointed to the sky in front of him and said: "You may not even know that the most important reason why this world looks like us is that the environment we all live in is relatively complicated.

Things are a little dangerous, and everyone feels uncomfortable.

After experiencing countless things, everyone's heart is full of uneasiness and pain.

It is precisely this kind of thing that makes everyone feel angry deep in their hearts.

The big boss sorted out his thoughts and said: "I have thought of many ways, but there is no one that can really (does it) make me a little bit happier."

Things are embarrassing, because the family feels uncomfortable.

Everyone who walks on this road is full of feelings of unwillingness and helplessness deep in their hearts.

Yang Qi said coldly: "The world I'm talking about is far more thorough and clear than this one. So at this moment, I always feel very uneasy and uncomfortable."

Every time the world goes wrong.

At this time, everyone became more uncomfortable and uneasy, and could only continue to move forward with more things.

The big boss looked around coldly and said: "I have been observing for a long time, and I always feel that my heart is not very good."

The world is constantly becoming clearer.

What everyone can do becomes more clear, and everyone is constantly moving forward around this matter.

The whole world is constantly collapsing.

Those who walk on it are full of uneasy pain and uncomfortable feelings deep in their hearts. .

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