Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 22: Formulate The Rules And Determine Yang Qi As The Core Of Leadership! [Second Update, Ask

"Don't worry about this, hurry up and find out if this thing can be planted outside. These things will all be yours in the future."

Liu Weihan glanced at Yang Qi excitedly, then turned and walked towards the room Yang Qi specially prepared for him.

The entire biosphere is busy in an orderly manner, everyone has their own work, and each performs their duties. Yang Qi can see in his eyes, and seeing these people, it won't take long to complete the task.

Everyone gathered in the lobby, without Yang Qi issuing tasks, everyone got on the bus and set off. Yang Qi also said at the beginning that this biosphere can accommodate 500 people, but now there are only more than 300 people. Of course they want more People live in it, and life outside is simply hell.

"Boss Yang, I actually have an opinion. I thought about it all night yesterday."

When the meeting was over, Chen Qiuye stood up and said loudly.

Yang Qi looked at Chen Qiuye curiously, waiting for Chen Qiuye's next sentence.

"We are almost saturated in terms of number of people. I feel that we should have our own system, and we must have a unified management, so as to facilitate the maintenance of order. I think order is more important than civilization."

Chen Qiuye said seriously, maybe this sentence might sound unrealistic to others, they are all grasshoppers on the same rope now, if this is the case, some people might not feel very comfortable.

Yang Qi didn't think so, what Chen Qiuye said was not unreasonable, five hundred people is not a small number for now, and Yang Qi can't guarantee that everyone they save is a kind-hearted person, maybe there are some people with evil intentions It's not a good thing to show up and incite casually.

For the current earthlings, Yang Qi doesn't have any great hopes for them, and he never believes in human nature. In Yang Qi's view, it is simply nonsense.

At this moment, Yang Wei stood up and said loudly: "Boss Yang, I think what Chen Qiuye said makes sense, unified management and unified planning."

Yang Qi looked at Chen Qiuye seriously, and asked lightly: "Do you have any good solution now?"

Chen Qiuye said excitedly: "I think we are all one big family now, but we still need to build our own armed forces and establish our own ruling regime."

After Chen Qiuye finished speaking, he looked at Yang Qi carefully, afraid that Yang Qi would be a little dissatisfied with his proposal, and when he saw that Yang Qi had no expression on his face, he continued to speak.

"Although we are only a biosphere now, we still have 500 people, so we have to treat it as a society. I think this biosphere is definitely not suitable for democracy, but democratic centralism should be used. That's all my opinion."

Chen Qiuye looked at Yang Qi seriously after finishing speaking.

Yang Qi showed a thoughtful expression on his face, and the people below began to discuss in a low voice, they are already very satisfied with their current life, are those who are contented always happy, as long as they can wake up every morning and eat sweet potato porridge, it’s not too much They had too many extravagant demands, and they didn't have much intention of resisting Chen Qiuye's proposal.

"Well~~~ What you said is not unreasonable, so let's do it like this from today, we will call it the Human Civilization Revival Association from now on, and I will be the chairman. I believe you have no opinions?"

Everyone agrees, the current life is given to them by Yang Qi, how could they disagree.

Seeing everyone's performance, Yang Qi was quite satisfied, and continued to say: "Since it is a revival meeting, then we must have our own selection criteria, as long as there is no righteous intention, we will not be allowed to enter here."

After an hour of discussion, Yang Qi finally laid out everything.

(1) Individual members are subject to the organization of the association, the minority is subject to the majority, lower-level organizations are subject to higher-level organizations, and all member organizations and all members are subject to the National Congress and the Central Committee of the association.

(2) The leading organs of the association at all levels, except for the representative organs they send and the member groups in non-association organizations, are all elected.

(3) The highest leading organ of the association is the National Congress of the Association and the Central Committee it produces. The local leadership organs of members at all levels are the local congresses of members at all levels and the committees they produce. Membership committees at all levels are responsible and report to the representative assembly at the same level.

(4) Members' higher-level organizations should always listen to the opinions of lower-level organizations and party members and masses, and solve their problems in a timely manner. Members' lower-level organizations should not only ask for instructions and report to higher-level organizations, but also independently and responsibly solve problems within their own responsibilities. The upper and lower organizations should exchange information, support each other and supervise each other. Organizations at all levels of members should have more understanding and participation in the affairs of the association.

(5) Member committees at all levels implement a system that combines collective leadership and individual division of labor. All major issues must be discussed and decided by the party committee collectively in accordance with the principles of collective leadership, democratic concentration, individual deliberation, and meeting decisions; committee members must earnestly perform their duties according to collective decisions and division of labor.

"I can think of so much now, do you have any better suggestions?" Yang Qi asked seriously, this is something from the previous life, and now Yang Qi has brought it over and used it in this place.

As soon as Yang Qi finished speaking, Yang Wei immediately took over and shouted loudly: "I support."

"I support it too."

"I support it too."


All support this question.

"Since there are no other problems, let's implement it from now on. I will be the president, and Chen Qiuye will be the vice president first."

Chen Qiuye looked at Yang Qi excitedly, he had accidentally reached the pinnacle of his life, even though he was the vice president, he had quite a lot of power.

Chen Qiuye is very satisfied to be the vice president. As for Yang Qi's position as president, Chen Qiuye has never thought about it. Now they are a small circle. Chen Qiuye doesn't want what happened before, everyone is intriguing , that would be really tiring, wouldn't it be better to cut to the chase like this.

Before he knew it, it was afternoon, and Yang Qi still felt like he hadn't done anything, the time passed really fast.

"The host completed the task: 386 people/500 people."

When the system's notification sound came, Yang Qi looked at the system's personal panel excitedly. He now has nearly 400 points, which proves that his biosphere has reached a saturation.

Yang Qi ran outside excitedly, only to see that Yang Wei and his people had already started watching at this place. Everyone's eyes were red, which proved that their hearts were not as peaceful as they appeared on the surface.

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