Wandering Earth New Era

Chapter 220: Before The Sentencing

When the HZZ planet started to rebel, things were not so simple to deal with.

No matter how many things can be said in the past, they must be fully done today in order to have a real future.

In essence, our hearts are full of desolation.

Those who have really gone through such a dangerous thing, the things deep in everyone's heart will be completely clear~.

Worldwide problems are showing more edges and corners at this moment.

Yang Qi said coldly: "I have thought about various things, but the essence has not changed at all. From the beginning to the present, we have already been domesticated by this world.

Standing on a real high point.

When looking at the world, we are full of anxiety and pain deep in our hearts.

Everything in the real world is something that makes people feel nostalgic and sad. So after walking on this road today, in fact, the helplessness deep in everyone's heart has also slightly increased at this moment.

The big boss said indifferently: "When I see through this world, I always feel that my heart is full of anxiety. Even after so many years, I haven't really picked up this matter completely.

Those historical things are now gradually becoming clear.

Anyone who looks at the problem from the perspective of this world, at this moment, is full of desolation and helpless illusions deep in his heart.

Even many things have gradually undergone new changes at this moment.

Yang Qi said with a cold face: "The battle has reached the level it is today, and we should understand the situation a little bit. From the beginning to today's level, each of us is full of anxiety and pain deep in our hearts."

Really went through the pain.

The uneasiness deep in everyone's hearts is constantly increasing, and things are also showing higher-level dangers during this period of time.

The big boss looked around coldly and said: "I have been observing this matter for a long time, but deep in my heart is full of desolation and helplessness. Only when I have really gone through this matter can I actually understand the development prospects of this matter."

The world is constantly changing.

But after really going through this incident, the sadness deep in everyone's heart is so obvious at this time.

Those tragic things in history, at this moment, the madness displayed is even more helpless.

Yang Qi sorted out his thoughts and said: "Actually, the reason why this matter has reached such an extent today. The most important reason is that we are all under tremendous pressure. That's why the current situation has happened, and it has caused this situation." feeling of grief.”

After really seeing the world.

Deep in their hearts, everyone was filled with uneasiness and pain, and they didn't even know how to deal with these things.

Those things above the historical dynasties are gradually getting out of the original trap now.

The big boss said indifferently: "You may never imagine that the world has reached the level it is today. In fact, we all need to pay a lot of hard work."

What awaits the people on Planet HZZ is an endless death sentence.

Regarding this matter, everyone is full of uneasiness and sadness deep in their hearts, and they don't even know what kind of road they have really walked on. They can only walk forward on this matter with difficulty.

Yang Qi looked around coldly and said: "I try my best to make myself understand the situation a little bit, but every time things get to this level, I always feel very uncomfortable and helpless.

problems that have arisen in history.

It seems so miserable now, and even makes everyone feel a huge crisis and cruelty.

The worldwide problem finally unfolded at this moment.

The big boss said coldly: "The essence of the fact that we are really involved in this world in this matter is that everyone is enduring great pressure. So after we have reached this level today, we should wake up a little bit and hold on to this matter." Come with the attitude you should have, this is the right way.”

The world is constantly becoming clearer.

Those things are constantly changing, but at this time, the essential things gradually have a clearer and colder understanding.

Yang Qi said with a smile: "I observed this matter, after experiencing so many complicated or dangerous things, we should have the same mind to deal with this cruel thing.

Only by going through the danger can we understand the origin of the matter.

Everyone is walking on such a road, and everyone has some indescribable sadness deep in their hearts.

The big boss sorted out his thoughts and said: "This matter is essentially the same everywhere. Since we have reached this critical moment, the next thing should be to clarify the basic situation."

Those cruel or murderous things.

Once again, it was staged in front of Yang Qi's eyes, the reality was cruel, and at this time, there was a crisis that no one could deal with.

Yang Qi said ferociously: "I observed this matter, and there is already a dangerous situation that is difficult to control. Now that the battle has reached the level it is today, the next thing should be easier."

Authenticity stuff, a little exposed here.

Everyone is doing the same thing, but there is a crisis and cruelty in their hearts that no one can really see.


The big boss nodded lightly and said: "In fact, I have already done all kinds of things and preparations, but the essential things have never been many mistakes.

Really went above the level of this world.

The dreams everyone carries are heavy, and they are even gradually driven forward by this kind of thing.

Deep in everyone's heart, there are all helpless or sad things.

Yang Qi said coldly: "Things have reached this level today, we should correct ourselves a little bit, and we must do the basic things well to solve this fundamental stuff and things."

The essence of any struggle is constantly being corrected.

The danger of authenticity always exists, and it is even constantly changing at any time. At this moment, things that show extreme danger will eventually usher in more helpless and sad things.

The essence of things is constantly impacting higher-level changes.

Walking on this road, we always feel a little sad and helpless in our hearts.

When things are done in the end, it gradually brings unspeakable pressure to people.

The big boss shook his head coldly: "I have observed this matter, and after reaching this level today, it has really caused huge trauma or dangerous things to my inner world. This is the most exciting thing. Chilling."

Things can't be dealt with, and it's even more uncomfortable.

In essence, the sore spots in everyone's inner world are exactly the same. .

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